Personal Branding Tri Rismaharini the Provision in Media
eISBN: 978-1-78756-793-1
ISSN: 2516-2853
Open Access. Publication date: 4 May 2018
Purpose – The purpose of this research was to describe the personal branding Tri Rismaharini.
Design/Methodology/Approach – This study uses a qualitative method. The data were obtained based on observations and interviews with the people involved in the personal Branding Tri Rismaharini.
Findings – Tri Rismaharini (Mayor of Surabaya) branding herself as the first female leader who can compete with the mayor in other cities in Indonesia. Not only that, Tri Rismaharini also received the title of World No. 3 Best Walikota in 2014, with various efforts made to create, build, organize, and lead the city of Surabaya to be more advanced than in previous years. Risma’s feminine and emotional nature is evident from news about her concern for her citizens and her tendency to use her heart while working. The nature of domestic Risma seen from the news about its performance in maintaining and maintaining cleanliness and parks in Surabaya.
Originality/Value – Nowdays, the world of politics and government not only belongs to men, but also women. Many women venture into politics, become politicians, or even government leaders. However, stereotypes referring to public doubt still exist. Women are considered not suitable to be a government leader because they are considered not able and feminine. Mass media also plays a role in the confirmation of the assumption.
Dida, S., Setianti, Y. and Fatihah, G. (2018), "Personal Branding Tri Rismaharini the Provision in Media", Proceedings of MICoMS 2017 (Emerald Reach Proceedings Series, Vol. 1), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 303-307.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2018, Susanne Dida, Yanti Setianti, Gadys Fatihah.
Published in the Emerald Reach Proceedings Series. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at The full terms of this licence may be seen at
1. Introduction
Women and politics are two things that are still debated, especially in developing countries. With the development of the modern era an individual is free to move and be an ever-changing individual. Modernity changes the way people think about the role of a woman. Today the role of women is not limited domestic areas such as taking care of the household and always being at home, taking care of the children, while male memebers are outside the home, and such a culture is called patriarchal culture. There are already many women leaders who lead the region and have made a significant influence and contribution to the progress of the region. In the Surabaya mayoral election in 2010, a female candidate contested as the mayor of Surabaya. Ir. Tri Rismaharini, MT was elected as the Mayor of Surabaya and has served since 8 June 2010. She is the first female mayor and alumnus of ITS Architecture. She replaced BambangDwi Hartono who later served as her deputy. She was crowned as the third best mayor with the World Mayor Prize (WMP) 2014. Not only is she the best mayor, she has made considerable achievements for the city of Surabaya. In addition, Risma is also one of the first female mayors in Surabaya. Under her leadership, Surabaya succeeded in winning four trophies on adipura (cleanliness and environmental management) in 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014. Risma’s lunge into leadership led to good results. The success of her hard work led to the closure of Dolly localization, which is the largest localization of Southeast Asia. In addition to Dolly, the localization in Surabaya is completely closed. Risma also tried to pay attention to victims of domestic violence and trafficking children. Not just pay attention, Risma is never absent to come to the perpetrators. Efforts made by Risma is a feature of women’s political culture that is the result of socialization between leaders and their communities. The participation of women in government shows to the public that the role of women is not less important to men in building the welfare of the community.
When I am elected, I have to prosper society especially education. For the cost of education in Surabaya from elementary to high school, I give free. The elementary and junior high schools are already able to fund School Operational Assistance (BOS), but for Surabaya I fulfill up to high school level, also through the Regional Education Operational Support program (Bopda), both for private and public schools. Source: Risma Mayor Bermental Baja BerhatiMulia (Semesta, 2014, p. 30)
Various awards from home and abroad has been achieved. This is evidence that his achievements are recognized nationally and internationally. Even the page that once crowned Jokowi as World Best Mayor number 3, crowned Tri Rismaharini as the best Mayor of February 2014 and later crowned him as the 3rd Best Mayor of the World for 2014 (Ardison, 2015). The theory used in this research is to use transformational leadership theory. Transformational leadership is the last warm approach discussed over the past two decades. According to Luthan and Robbins (in Setiawan and Muhith, 2013) say that transformational leadership belongs to the theory of modern leadership whose idea was originally developed by James McGroger Burns, which explicitly raises a theory that transformational leadership is a process whereby the leadership and his subordinates seek Achieve higher levels of morality and motivation. Transformational leaders must be able to define, communicate and articulate the vision of the organization, and subordinates must accept and acknowledge their leader.
2. Research methods
This research uses descriptive research. Descriptive research method is one of the research methods that are widely used in research that aims to explain an event ( Table 1). “Descriptive research is a study that aims to provide or describe a state or phenomenon that 1occurs today by using scientific procedures to answer the problem in actual” (Sugiyono, 2011). Descriptive research method is a method that tries to describe, interpret something, such as existing condition or relationship, opinion developing, ongoing process, effect or effect happened or about current tendency (Sukmadinata, 2006).The two meanings, it can be said that descriptive research method is a method used to describe, interpret something phenomenon, such as existing conditions or relationships, opinions developed, using scientific procedures to answer the problem in actual. Thus, the authors assume that the descriptive research method in accordance with research conducted by the author. Because in this study, the author tries to describe a problem or phenomenon that occurred in Surabaya nowdays.
Sources of Interview Data
Stasiun Televisi | Program | Pewawancara | Tanggal Publikasi |
Net | Satu Indonesia | Marissa Anita | 21 April 2014 |
Metro TV | Mata Najwa | Najwa Shihab | 15 Oktober 2014 |
TV One | Satu Jam Lebih Dekat | Indy Rahmawati | 18 Oktober 2014 |
3. Results and discussion
Tri Rismaharini was born in Kediri, November 20, 1961. He is a graduate of the Ten November Institute of Technology architecture and a Master’s degree in Urban Development Management on the same campus. Before becoming a mayor, Mrs. Risma has worked in government by occupying various positions. In early 1997 to 2000 he has served as head of the Spatial and Spatial Planning section of Bappeko Surabaya. In 2001 he changed his position as head of the data collection and extension section of the Surabaya City Building Department, besides he also served as Head of Building Development in 2002 until finally he decided to become a mayor. Concrete proof of his leadership is the layout of Surabaya becomes more beautiful and also cool.
As the mayor of Surabaya has a lot of achievements achieved by Risma’s and recognized the world, including in 2012 Surabaya was awarded Citynet’s best city of Asia Pacific in 2012, ASEAN Sustainable city awards, Environmentally Award 2012, he also included in the nomination of 10 women The most inspiring 2013, Forbes Magazine version of 2012, won 2 categories of Asia Pacific awards in FutureGov Award 2013. In 2013 also Bungkul Park awarded in 2013 The Asian Townscape Award from the UN, Risma’s also received the award of Major of the Month as the best mayor in February 2014 and he was awarded Socrates Award Future City category from European Business Assembly (EBA) in April 2014 and of course there are many more awards achieved by Risma’s.
Risma explained in the development process of Surabaya City to a more fair city by applying e-Governement in controlling city life. Not to be left to promote local innovation and the community he calls Toward a More Equitable City.
“We set up the budget and the management of financial control, all using electronic systems, because it can save the budget up to hundreds of billions,” said Risma, familiar name Tri Rismaharini in his presentation. (, accessed on 15 May 2017)
Risma also not only want to just organize the city (city design), but also want to get into the insulation set “city” – in a broader sense that is; (Urban design), and even more so, this Architecture Scholar has passed through the physical spaces, and stepped on to organize the city that became the basis of civilization, as expressed by the famous sociologist Louis Wirth in his book “The City as a Symbol of Civilization”. That is what his idol, Umar Ibn Al Khattab, continues the tradition of build up city (madina) which became civilization (tamaddun).
I have given the best for the people of Surabaya. Everything I have I have given. I’ve got nothing else, everything I’ve given, my science, my mind, even my child sometimes I do not care. But, I believe, if I take care of Surabaya residents, my son diurusiTuham. I have given everything, so I apologize. (Mata Najwa, February 2014, accessed via Youtube on 16 May 2017)
Mrs. Risma’s efforts in establishing, leading and managing the city of Surabaya have been appreciated by the people of Surabaya. Not only with the leadership style of populist and make up what it is, Mrs. Risma is also very close to the people of Surabaya. Often Mrs. Risma participates in handling problems in Surabaya. Just as the queue of making e-ID cards is very complicated, visiting school students who skip school, to the greatest achievement one of them also closed the dolly localization area. Besides the awards and achievements obtained by Risma, there are several discourses that speak about the performance of Risma is considered less. As published by Koran tempo where mentions that the performance of Risma is still lacking in some areas namely the field of health, education, labor and other fields. In the field of public health consider that the performance of Risma is less because the distribution of social security cards are still many technical obstacles. The education sector, the public encountered many illegal school fees, increasingly expensive school fees and the absence of standard school fees. While the field of community labor is less satisfied because most of the workers disurabaya comes from out of town (Tempo, 2 March 2014). GariYulk (in Wirawan, 2003, p. 17) defines widespread leadership that leadership is a leader’s process of influencing followers to interpret the organization’s circumstances or environment, selection of organizational goals, organizing work and motivating followers, maintaining cooperation and teamwork, organizing support and co-operation From outside the organization. From some of these definitions of leadership is a process to influence others (subordinates) to achieve organizational goals to be achieved. In-depth interview transcripts indicate that the resource person’s statements are consistent in two different interview sessions. “For what if then my interests then should be superior to the interests of the people,” revealed in in-depth interview on NET. Subsequently in an in-depth interview session at TVOne, the motivational statement for not seeking personal interest was repeated. First he puts it:
“I’m a mayor, too, I’m not getting rich, is not I?” She went on to say, “My oath is not to be of any personal or group interest.” Third, he asserts that, “No name can be searched, Not riya, Not for, what’s the name. For the sake of interest, for the sake of showing off, not!”
Conceptually, transformational leadership is defined (Bass, 1985, p. 140), as the ability of leaders to change the work environment, work motivation, work patterns, and work values perceived subordinates so that they are better able to optimize performance to achieve organizational goals. In line with what transformational leadership says is the leader’s ability to change, and replace the old culture, with a new culture. Not only in the public service sector alone, in other sectors Risma also showed its football in conducting transformative leadership style from the economic sector, currently Surabaya as the second largest city in Indonesia has become the city that has the highest economic growth of the national average that is 7.6 percent, in addition also has an improvement in the quality of human life. Various awards and achievements made by Risma, including into the dimensions of transformational leadership, primarily Individualized Consideration. Tri Rismaharini also uses the Individual Influence leadership dimension model, through model rules for followers in which followers identify and want to do beyond the model. Leaders demonstrate high standards of moral and ethical behavior, and use the ability to move individuals and groups toward the accomplishment of their mission and not for personal value. Based on that understanding in line with what Risma did, when he implements some special rules for bureaucrats in Surabaya about the service that must be done to the community, rewards and punishment given. The triumph of Tri Rismaharini has also proved that he has the ideal qualities and characteristics as an effective leader; Such as integrity, ethics, clear vision and mission, courage to make an action or decision, dare to take risks, rewards and punishment, bring and make changes, fulfill expected targets, and be responsible for their decisions. Efforts to make the Surabaya city government a government free from corrupt, collusion and nepotism (KKN) practices are not limited to giving direction or appeal. Another thing done by Surabaya City Government is implementing electronic based system (e-government) and entrepreneur meeting forum conducted in big forum and many participants. Implementation of e-government is one manifestation of the implementation of accountable and transparent government in the area of Surabaya City Government. Implementation of e-budgeting and e-procurement system is also utilized Surabaya City Government to manage local finance as a form of transparency (Budiraharso, 2014, p. 70). Innovative character in Tri Rismaharini very decisive style of leadership of Mrs. Risma. Tri Rismaharini’s leadership character demonstrates a transformational leadership style, in which innovative characters encourage Tri Rismaharini to make many transformations to the government bureaucracy in the Surabaya City Government. This happens because the process of innovation itself is also often associated with the existence of something new or make changes, including leadership style changes. Another character related to Tri Rismaharini’s courage in taking risks, is the character of integrity. Tri Rismaharini is consistent to take even the most risky actions, according to the promise he made to the welfare of the people of Surabaya. This study shows that integrity is the most important character in a leader. Tri Rismaharini’s courage to take a very high risk is a reflection of his high integrity attitudes. Limitations that exist in this research is related to data usage. The data used in this study are entirely derived from secondary data. The nature of this data leads to more qualitative insight.
4. Conclusion
Based on the above discussion, it can be concluded that from the description of the Tri Rismaharini’s leadership model in making changes to the city of Surabaya she has the six qualities that must be possessed by a leader according to Pat Williams. The greatest quality she has is the courage to always be assertive. Any changes made by Tri Rismaharini are strategic because the changes include transformation and changes in vision, mission, work system, and recruitment. While Tri Rismaharini’s transformational leadership style brings out her charismatic behavior, her involvement in the immediate space to monitor the problems that occur created the desired change.
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All papers within this proceedings volume have been peer reviewed by the scientific committee of the Malikussaleh International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies (MICoMS 2017).
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- Prelims
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