Morphological Process of Devayan: An Analysis of Morphological Tipology

Ratri Candrasari

Proceedings of MICoMS 2017

eISBN: 978-1-78756-793-1

ISSN: 2516-2853

Open Access. Publication date: 4 May 2018


Purpose – This study aims to determine the roles of technology trough digital democracy in younger generation’s political education.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The language is analyzed using the theory of generative morphology which is developed by Morris Hale, Aronoff, Scalise, and Dardjowidjojo. The basic theory is the word formation through affixation process.

Findings – It is found that Devayan belongs to agglitunative-type language. Therefore, this language forms its words using prefixes, infixes, and suffixes by managing the process of morphemes compounding in order to get actual and potential words. Potential word formation is classified as language units that do not exist in reality.

Research Limitations/Implications – This research limits the scope of attention only on the morphological process.

Originality/Value – The findings can be used as references for those concerns in the revitalization of this minority language in the effort of composing a dictionary of Devayan.



Candrasari, R. (2018), "Morphological Process of Devayan: An Analysis of Morphological Tipology", Proceedings of MICoMS 2017 (Emerald Reach Proceedings Series, Vol. 1), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 27-33.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2018, Emerald Publishing Limited


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1. Introduction

Devayan is a language spoken by tribes inhabiting particular parts of Simelue Island, an island in the Indian ocean spread along the western part of Aceh Province, Indonesia. In the Island, there are three mother languages, namely Devayan, Sigulai, and Leukon language. Devayan language is spoken in seven districts, namely Simelue Cut, Simelue Timur, Simelue Tengah, Teupah Barat, Teupah Tengah, Teupah Selatan, and Teluk Dalam. There is a serious concern that the language of Devayan tends to be unpopular especially among younger generations in the community.

We intend to investigate the morphological tipology of Devayan with focusing on the process of affixation. Word formation is a very interesting morphological phenomenon to be analyzed. It has been done on some local languages in Indonesia but so far its discussion has very limited and they were mostly described in traditional descriptive. Therefore, it needs a more sophisticated theoretical model, such as the theory of generative morphology developed by , , , and in the approach to the study of word formation resulting in order to conclude more comprehensive description.

Based on the analysis, the affixation process in Devayan language is in accordance with the rule of word formation that regulates agglutination among morphems to form the actual and potential words. Potential word formation is classified as lingual unit that does not exist due to meet the requirements. Word formation rule that meets all requirements but not existed in the language have not been output from the filter as words written in the dictionary.

2. Morphological process

This part deals with some theoretical study on some theories and previous related researches concerning digital democracy, political education, and political participation. This paper limits the discussions on young generation’s political activities.

In this level, morphology is the study of a word structure. With the development of structural and generative linguistics, the separation of the linguistic level is fading and further developing toward the relationship doctrine toward a focusing on one level of linguistic analysis (). Therefore, morphological analysis related to other levels such as phonology, syntax, and semantic allows for more comprehensive morphologic process.

Katamba (1993) states that the morphology is the study of the structure of a word, while regarded morphology as the study of morphemes and their distribution in a word formation. In International Encyclopedia of Linguistics (2003) mentioned that the range of traditional Morphology includes (1) inflectional morphology that studies how words vary in expressing grammatical differences in a sentence and (2) derivational morphology that studies the principles that govern the formation of words without referring to a particular grammatical role in a sentence. In the model of Bauer (1983), morphology includes inflection and word formation, which in turn it can be divided into (a) the derivation and (b) composition (compounding).

The formation of causative verbs in English, for example, is a pretty interesting morphological phenomenon to be studied. So far the discussion about causative verbs and/or the process of word formation is merely limited to traditional descriptive; therefore, we need a more sophisticated theoretical model (such as Generative Morphology) to the study of causative verbs in a more comprehensive analysis.

Attention of linguists to the theory of generative morphology began when they responded to an invitation from through his writings, entitled “Remarks on Nominalization.” In his article, he describes how important the field of morphology, especially, the word formation process in terms of the theory of transformation. notes that the person who first put a serious interest towards generative morphology is Morris Halle in his paper entitled “Morphology in a Generative Grammar” presented at the Congress of Linguists, in Bologna in 1972. The next year the work was published under the title of “Prolegomena to a Theory of Word Formation”. Halle posted very strong impact and was followed by other experts in the form of articles and by and in a book form. In general, it can be identified that among the group of people who pursue the field of generative morphology, there are two views. The first group spearheaded by Halle rests on the assumption that the basis of all derivation is morphemes (morpheme-based approach) and the second group spearheaded by Aronoff use word as a base (word-based approach) not based on morphems.

We can understand the universality of a language, but a language is also arbitrary and to some extent every language has its own uniqueness that is not shared by other languages. On the basis of this, the typical pattern of word formation linguists morphological typology distinguishes five languages namely: (1) analytic languages (also called isolating), (2) agglutinating languages (also called agglutinative), (3) inflecting languages (also called synthetic or fissional), (4) incorporating languages (also called polysynthetic), and (5) infixing languages (). However, both theoretical models are adequate to explain the phenomenon of the formation of English words, a number of components of the concept proposed in this model (especially DM and KPK) still invite discussion or question and still leaves the cases that could not be explained and require fusion and adjustment of the model to be applied on a case study or a certain data corpus.

3. Morphological process of devayan

One characteristic of agglutination language is that there are more word formations through affixation process. Affixes can be attached to the initial shape of the base (prefix), in the basic form (infix), at the end of the basic form (suffix), or prefixes and suffixes attached together on the basic form (confix). Word formations through affixation process are also included in the Devayan to form new words in addition to reduplication and compounding processes. Devayan affixation phenomena can be seen in the following examples:

Lafene mangawancak nai.

His wife PREF-cook rice. (ma-awancak)

“His wife cooks rice.”

Anakne tumataeng

alek deo.

His son INF-sit with me. (taeng –um–)

“His son sits.”

Anakne tumataeng alek deo.

His son-SUFF INF-sit with me. (anak-ne)

Anaknya duduk bersama saya.”

Dise manumbekan yalur o.

He PRE-sink-SUFF my boat (ma-tumbek-an)

“Dia menenggelamkan perahu saya.”

Mantiok niradak mayal.

A cat PASS. catch a rat.

“A cat caught a rat ” (ni-radak)

Affixation reflected in the above examples shows different phenomena as follows:

  • (1)

    form mangawancak ‘to cook’ occurs through affixation process of –ma to the basis of awancak

  • (2)

    forms tumataeng ‘sit’ occurs through a process of infix – um- to taeng

  • (3)

    the form of anakne ‘his son’ going through the process of suffex – ne to anak

  • (4)

    form manumbekan ‘sink’ going through the process confix me-and –an forms to umbek

  • (5)

    form niradak ‘catch’ going through the process of affixation ni- to radak.

Based on the example sentences above, the Devayan language also undergoes affixation. Word formation rules set a blend between morphemes to form words both actual and potential. In this case, it is obvious that the native of Devayan language has linguistic intuition in the formation of words semantically whether it is acceptable or not.

The basic assumption of is that normally the speakers of certain language besides having knowledge of words, they also understand about the composition and structure of those words. In other words, native speakers of a language have the ability to recognize words in their language; how it is formed and simultaneously be able to distinguish that a word does not exist in the language.

Word Formation Rules determines how the forms that exist in the word formation set. In this regard, the task of word formation is to form words from morphemes derived from List of Morphemes. Commission together with the DM determines the correct word Bena-potential in the form of words or language which lingual unit that does not exist in reality but may be there due to meet the requirements. In other words, the Word Formation Rules could produce any forms of real words and other forms that actually meet all the requirements to be words but it is not included in the language.

Dictionary stores all for pass words which have passed through the filter while those which are not accepted will retain in the filter. Halle does not regard a dictionary as a component of morphology, but from his description it is obvious that a dictionary is as important as the other three components. , p. 36) presented a model of Halle as shown in and .

Figure 1. Halle Model of Word Formation

Figure 1.

Halle Model of Word Formation

Figure 2. Modification of Halle Model

Figure 2.

Modification of Halle Model

Based on word formation elements in the example, sentence above can be formulated in of language formation.

Table 1.

Word Formation of Devayan

Free Morphem Bound Morphem Word Formation Filter Potential Words Dictionary
awancak Ma-mangawancak Prefix + + +
Tataeng -um-tumataeng Infix + + +
Anak -neAnakne Suffix + + +
tumbek Ma- and −an mmanumbekan Confix + + +
radak Ni-Niradak Suffix + + +

shows that the formation of words in the Devayan language undergoes morphological processes through affixation, prefiksasi, and infiksas; furthermore, when we observe more detail, we can conclude that the form of words that meet the requirements of the word formation rules will pass phonological ideosincretic before entering the dictionary, for example, the formation process of the word mangawancak which is formed from awancak plus prefix ma-. Phonologically bound morpheme ma- can only be combined with a free morpheme beginning with a consonant. Meanwhile, ng can only be combined with a free morpheme beginning with a vowel.

Table 2.

Variety of Word Formation of Devayan

Free Morphem Bound Morphem Word Formation Filter Potential Words Dictionary
“to plant”
Suffix + + +
“to call”
“the call”
Suffix + + +
“to work”
Suffix +
“to see”
Suffix +
“to climb”
Ma-; -i
“to climb something”
Confix + + +
“to plant”
Ma-; -i
“to plant on something”
Confix + + +
“to throw”
Ma-; -i
“throw on something”
Confix + _
“to pour”
Ma-; -an
“to pour something”
Confix + + +
“to call”
Ma-; -an
“to call someone”
Confix +
“to climb)
Prefix + + +
(to row)
Prefix + + +
“to make something higher”
Prefix + + +
“to make something lower”
Prefix + + +
Ma-/ -an
Confix +
Confix +

shows the presence of some Devayan word formation in more varied compared with the formation of words contained in . Morphologically and phonologically, those words are actually included in the words of potential list but semantically they cannot pass the filtration process, so automatically the words are not included in the Devayan dictionary.

4. Conclusion

Based on the simple discussion above, it can be concluded that Devayan language also undergoes morphological processes like other languages through affixation process using prefixation, suffixation, and infixation.

Some words formed morphologically can be potential in nature but not always semantically accepted for not commonly used in the speech by native speakers so that the language does not qualify idiosyncrasy (filter) into Devayan language dictionary.


Aronoff, M. (1976). Word Formation in Generative Grammar. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, The MIT Press, Cambridge.

Bauer, L. (1988). Introducing Linguistic Morphology. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.

Chomsky, N. (1970). “Remarks on Nominalization”. In Chomsky, Studies on Semantics in Generative Grammar. The Haque, Mouton.

Dardjowidjojo, S. (1988). “Morfologi Generatif: Teori dan Permasalahannya”. In Peliba I, Soejono (Editor). pp. 32. Lembaga Bahasa Atma Jaya, Jakarta.

Halle, M. (1973). Prolegomena to a Theory of Word Formation. Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 316.

Katamba, F. (1993). Morphology. Macmillan Press LTD, London.

Nida, E.A. (1946). Morphology, the Descriptive Analysis of Words. University of Michigan Press, Michigan.

Scalise, S. (1984). Generative Morphology. Foris Publication, Dordrecht, Holland, Cinnaminson, USA.

All papers within this proceedings volume have been peer reviewed by the scientific committee of the Malikussaleh International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies (MICoMS 2017).

Corresponding author

Ratri Candrasari can be contacted at
Acknowledgement I
Acknowledgement II
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