Correlation of Lead and Zinc Contents in Sediments And Faunus Ater Against Faunus Ater Density in Reuleung River, Leupung, Aceh Besar

Rahmi Agustina, M. Ali S, Ferdinan Yulianda, Suhendrayatna

Proceedings of MICoMS 2017

eISBN: 978-1-78756-793-1

ISSN: 2516-2853

Open Access. Publication date: 4 May 2018


Purpose – The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship of lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) contents in sediment of Faunus ater (F. ater) population density and to analyze the relationship between Pb and Zn accumulation in F. ater with F. ater density in Reuleng River, Leupung, Aceh Besar.

Design/Methodology/Approach – Sampling was conducted in November 2016 until January 2017. Density of F. ater was analyzed by density formula while its relationship to Pb and Zn in sediments and F. ater was conducted by correlation analysis method.

Findings – The results showed that correlation between Pb and Zn in sediments and in F. ater varies at each locations on every month of sampling. Pb and Zn content in sediments found a fluctuating relationship in each month of sampling with density of F. ater. Correlation of Pb content in sediments with F. ater density showed a medium correlation in January 2017 with r-value = 0.665. Zn in sediment has a very strong correlation to F. ater density in November 2016 with r-value = 0.891. Pb in F. ater has a medium correlation to F. ater density in January 2017 with r-value = 0.436. Furthermore, accumulation of Zn in F. ater to its density does show some apparent correlation in each month of sampling.

Research Limitation/Implications – This research gives information about the relationship of Pb and Zn contents in sediment to density of F. ater and to analyze correlation of Pb and Zn in F. ater to density of F. ater in Reuleng River, Leupung, Aceh Besar district.

Originality/Value – This is the first time research is conducted about on the correlation between lead and zinc to obtain the density of F. ater.



Agustina, R., Ali S, M., Yulianda, F. and Suhendrayatna, (2018), "Correlation of Lead and Zinc Contents in Sediments And Faunus Ater Against Faunus Ater Density in Reuleung River, Leupung, Aceh Besar", Proceedings of MICoMS 2017 (Emerald Reach Proceedings Series, Vol. 1), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 487-496.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2018, Rahmi Agustina, M. Ali S, Ferdinan Yulianda, Suhendrayatna.


Published in the Emerald Reach Proceedings Series. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at The full terms of this licence may be seen at

1. Introduction

The Reuleung river lies in Leupung, Aceh Besar that crossed several villages in the area of Leupung. Land use around this river are for agriculture and human settlements, while the water is utilized for irrigation, fishery, and car washing. The Reuleng river is very meaningful to the people along watershed area; they are very much dependent on this river to meet their daily needs for water supply and agricultural irrigation. The Reuleung river is also rich with many biota, such as freshwater fish, shellfish, snails, and a number of other macrozobentos.

Faunus ater is a black snail found in this river (). People use these snails as an additional food and sources of their income, sold in many traditional market because it can be consumed and contains high level of protein. F. ater is a mollusc of antrophoda phylum. They play significant roles in the public and veterinary health and thus need to be scientifically explored more extensively (Supian and Ikhwanuddin, 2002; ).

Heavy metals in certain concentrations will become dangerous pollutants when entering the water (). Heavy metals even affect the function of enzymes and fertility of aquatic species, such as organotin compounds. Pb will affect aquatic biota even at low concentrations (). Heavy metals will settle into sediment, so that the heavy metal content in sediment is greater than in water.

Figure 1. Faunus ater

Figure 1.

Faunus ater

Figure 2. Location of Research

Figure 2.

Location of Research

2. Materials and Methods

Sample of sediment and F. ater were taken from the Reuleung river. Samples were taken from November 2016 to January 2017. The sampling sites were divided into three stations: Station 1 at the upper river; Station 2 at the watershed; and Station 3 at the mouth of the river (). Each station was divided into three plots of sampling measuring 1 m2 each. Sample of sediment and F. ater were taken directly from the bottom of river, then placed into a sample bottle that has been labeled according to the station of observation, and transported to laboratory for analysis.

Pb and Zn in F. ater and sediments were examined using atomic absorption spectrophotometer, Shimadzu AA 630 () after constructed with toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (). The measurement data from each station were collected in the form of tables and graphs, and discussed descriptively. Hypotheses were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) program. Individual density level was analyzed using the following formula ():


where D is the number of individuals per unit area (individual/m2), Ni the number of individuals in quadratic transect, and A the area of square transect (m2). Correlations of Pb and Zn in F. ater and sediment to F. ater density were analyzed by using correlation analysis (Steel, 1989), while its data processing was supported by SPSS 14.0 program. The correlation coefficient was calculated by using the following formula:


where r is the average coefficient of correlation, ∑xy the distribution of observed values x and y, and ∑x2 the diversity of values.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Pb and Zn Contents in the reuleung river

During three months of observation, Pb and Zn in the sediments were found to be 0–60.732 mg-Pb/kg and 53.61–205.3 mg-Zn/kg respectively (). Pb and Zn in F. ater were found to be 0–9.651 mg-Pb/kg and 16.428–147.90 mg-Zn/kg respectively. Pb in the sediments and F. ater in November and December sampling indicates that the metal content of both the sediments and the F. ater was too small. Analysis in January showed a very significant increase, wherein Pb in sediment was found to be 60.732 mg-Pb/kg (Station 1), 51.096 mg-Pb/kg (Station 2), and 60.097 mg-Pb/kg (Station 3) ().

Table 1.

Pb and Zn in sediment and F. ater at the Reuleng River

Observation Station Sample Pb and Zn (mg/kg)
November December January
Pb Zn Pb Zn Pb Zn
Station 1 Sediment nt 53.61 nt 205.30 60.732 169.082
F. ater nt 147.90 nt 111.71 6.049 28.169
Station 2 Sediment nt 71.90 nt 103.60 51.096 89.184
F. ater nt 82.71 nt 28.59 8.926 36.074
Station 3 Sediment nt 103.75 nt 137.14 60.097 90.741
F. ater nt 66.81 nt 52.82 9.651 16.429

Note: nt, not detected.

This difference happened in the research areas because of the ecological conditions in November and December marked by occurrence of several extreme storms resulting in unstable water currents. This condition affects the accumulation of Pb and Zn in sediments and F. ater, in contrast to Zn, which is found both in sediments and F. ater at each observation station. In the first sampling on November and the second on December 2016, Pb content was found to be very low. This condition can occur due to weather and conditions of the river such as velocity of water currents and strong winds. The observation result at the time of sampling hold (in November and December) reported that weather condition was in extreme status.

3.2. Density level of F. ater

F. ater density in the Reuleng river varies in each station. shows that the density level at each station fluctuates every month. The highest density of F. ater was found at Station 3 and the lowest was in Station 2. This is because Station 3 is a rocky area which a favorite habitat. This snail attached to the rocks because of many bentos on it, which is one of the food sources. So the density of F. ater in Station 3 was higher than in Stations 1 and 2.

Figure 3. Density of F. ater

Figure 3.

Density of F. ater

3.3. Correlation between Pb and Zn in sediments with F. ater density

shows Pb in sediments in January 2017. Based on statistical test results, the correlation of Pb accumulated in F. ater with F. ater density in January was r = 0.665. This value indicates a strong correlation between Pb content in sediment with F. ater density (criteria 0.60–0.799 has a strong correlation). The correlation of Zn accumulated in F. ater with F. ater density in November was r = 0.891. This means that Zn in sediment greatly affects F. ater density (). The correlation of Zn content in sediments with F. ater density on December was r = −0.838. This number indicates a negative correlation, the correlation was very weak, meaning that Zn in the sediment does not affect the F. ater density (). The correlation of Zn in F. ater with the density of F. ater in January was r = −0.240. this value also indicates a very weak correlation ().

Figure 4. Correlation Pb in Sediment with Density of F. ater on January 2017

Figure 4.

Correlation Pb in Sediment with Density of F. ater on January 2017

Figure 5. Correlation Zn in Sediment with F. ater Density on November 2016

Figure 5.

Correlation Zn in Sediment with F. ater Density on November 2016

Figure 6. Correlation Zn in Sediment with Density of F. ater on December 2016

Figure 6.

Correlation Zn in Sediment with Density of F. ater on December 2016

Figure 7. Correlation Zn in Sediment with F. ater Density on January 2017

Figure 7.

Correlation Zn in Sediment with F. ater Density on January 2017

The correlation test between Pb and Zn in sediment with F. ater density showed significant relationship in January (for Pb) and November (for Zn), while for December and January only Zn affected the F. ater density. Figs. 4 and 5 showed that Pb and Zn in sediment does not cause a population decline of F. ater, while Figs. 6 and 7 showed that Zn content affects the F. ater population. This situation is caused by the habitat and conditions of the river at the time of sampling. F. ater if located in a favorable habitat, a muddy area, then the number of snails will be abundant because of abundant food (Niem et al., 1998). The condition of the stream also affects the amount of Pb and Zn in sediment and F. ater. Differences in type, age, and physiology of F. ater, also play a role in the physical and chemical properties.

3.4. Correlation of Pb and Zn in F. ater with density of F. ater

Correlation of Pb in F. ater with density of F. ater on January was r = 0.436. This value indicates a positive correlation (criteria 0.40–0.599: middle correlation) which mean that Pb in F. ater affected the F. ater density (). Correlation of Zn in F. ater with density of F. ater in November was r = −0.999. This value indicates that Zn in F. ater does not affect its density (). Correlation of Zn in F. ater with its density in December was r = −0.860, which means that, Zn concentration in F. ater does not affect the density level (). Correlation of Zn in F. ater with its density in January was r = −0.989. This value indicates a very weak correlation ().

Figure 8. Correlation Pb in F. ater with F. ater Density on January 2017

Figure 8.

Correlation Pb in F. ater with F. ater Density on January 2017

Figure 9. Correlation Zn in F. ater with F. ater Density on November 2016

Figure 9.

Correlation Zn in F. ater with F. ater Density on November 2016

Figure 10. Correlation Zn in F. ater with F. ater Density on December 2016

Figure 10.

Correlation Zn in F. ater with F. ater Density on December 2016

Figure 11. Correlation Zn in F. ater with F. ater Density on January 2017

Figure 11.

Correlation Zn in F. ater with F. ater Density on January 2017

4. Conclusions

  • (1)

    Pb and Zn in sediment showed a fluctuating relationship in each month of sampling with density of F. ater.

  • (2)

    The correlation of Pb in sediment with F. ater density showed a medium correlation in January 2017 with r-value = 0.665.

  • (3)

    The relationship of Zn in sediment in November 2016 greatly affects F. ater density with r-value = 0.891.

  • (4)

    The relationship of Pb accumulation in F. ater with F. ater density indicated a medium correlation in January 2017 with r-value = 0.436.


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All papers within this proceedings volume have been peer reviewed by the scientific committee of the Malikussaleh International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies (MICoMS 2017).

Corresponding author

Rahmi Agustina can be contacted at
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Influence of Manufacture of Textiles, Clothing, and Leather and Manufacture of Paper, Printing, and Publishing on Economic Growth
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