Proceedings of MICoMS 2017: Volume 1 Open Access.

Table of contents

(96 chapters)

Purpose – The purpose of this research is discuss and analyze job satisfaction, work motivation and organizational commitment toward organizational citizenship behavior in BNI in the working area of Bank Indonesia Lhokseumawe. The performance of BNI is closely related to the performance of BNI employees. BNI employee performance is the result achieved in a given period based on monitoring in BNI Lhokseumawe.

Design/Methodology/Approach – the method of data analysis with measurement model analysis and structure model analysis are for analysis and quantitative descriptive explanatory survey study was to analyze the influence job satisfaction and work motivation on organization Commitment and work motivation and the organization’s commitment on organization citizenship behavior of an employee on PT. Bank BNI the Regional Bank Indonesia Lhokseumawe.

Finding – this research utilizes analysis was SEM (Structural equation modeling) using Amos, the method of data analysis with measurement model analysis and structure model analysis. The test results showed that simultaneous that the job satisfaction effect on the work motivation and then job satisfaction effect on the organizational commitment and work motivation has not effect on organization commitment and then work motivation and the organization commitment.

Research limitations/Implication – effect on organizational citizenship behavior on Bank BNI the Regional Bank Indonesia Lhokseumawe.


Purpose – The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of motivation and organization citizenship behavior on performance of employees at PT. Bank Aceh Syariah Lhokseumawe. The research was conducted at Bank Aceh Syariah located at Lhokseumawe. The population in this research were all members of the employees at Bank Aceh Syariah Lhokseumawe (146 employees), the samplesof this research were 74 employees at Bank Aceh Syariah Lhokseumawe.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The tool of analysis was path analysis using SPSS, while the method of data analysis was path analysis.

Finding – The results of this study indicate that the work motivation had positive and significant impact on organization citizenship behavior and performance of employees on PT. Bank Aceh Syariah Lhokseumawe. Otherwise organization citizenship behavior had positive and significant effect on employees performance at PT. Bank Aceh Syariah Lhokseumawe. From this research, the effect motivation of this research can be applied and that organization citizenship behavior had partial mediation to influence work motivation on employees performance at PT. Bank Aceh Syariah.

Research Limitations/Implication – The quality and good performance of human resources owned by Bank Aceh in terms of experience, knowledge, and skills that they can compete with other commercial bank employees, especially in Aceh province.


Purpose – The purpose of this study is to develop a numerical framework to predict the time-dependent probability of failure of a bridge subjected to multiple vehicle impacts. Specially, this study focuses on investigating the inter-relationship between changes in life-cycle parameters (e.g., damage size caused by vehicle impact, loss of initial structural capacity, and threshold intervention) and bridges probability of failure.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The numerical procedure using MATLAB program is developed to compute the probability failure of a bridge. First, the importance and characteristics of life-cycle analysis is described. Then, model for damage accumulation and life cycle as a result of heavy vehicle impacts is discussed. Finally, the probability of failure of a bridge subjected to vehicle impacts as a result of change in life-cycle parameters is presented.

Findings – The results of study show that damage size caused by both vehicle impacts and loss of initial structural capacity have a great impact on the long-term safety of bridges. In addition, the probability of failure of a bridge under different threshold limits indicates that the structural intervention (e.g., repair or maintenance) should be undertaken to extend the service life of a bridge.

Research Limitations/Implications – The damage sizes caused by heavy vehicle impacts are based on simple assumptions. It is suggested that there would be a further study to estimate the magnitude of bridge damage as a result of vehicle impact using the full-scale impact test or computational simulation.

Practical Implications – This will allow much better predictions for residual life of bridges which could potentially be used to support decisions on health and maintenance of bridges.

Originality/Value – The life-cycle performance for assessing the time-dependent probability of failure of bridges subjected to multiple vehicle impact has not been fully discussed so far.


Purpose – The aim is to discuss the curriculum of KKNI, it’s said to be still repressive for some educational stakeholders. It is not new about curriculum changes that are often shown to be a troublesome and complicated teaching system, especially for teachers who lack training in curriculum and inadequate facilitation.

Design/Methodology/Approach – Research data case study is argumentative research. The elaboration of the case is evidenced by literature review and related articles.

Findings – The research results show that research limitations/implications, however, doesnot accessed as a big problem because it only needs an effective approach for teachers (lecturers) who have not fully utilized the method of KKNI. In this paper, the author discusses the positive impact of KKNI on lecturers’ performance aimed at generating Magnum Opus for universities of Aceh region. The level of influence is very high for the next 5 (five) years in the world of college. A variety of effects, among others; the steady standard of operational learning, improving the quality of education oriented to the publication of scientific journals and in the accumulated in prestigious academic journals and improve the quality of research.

Originality/Value – The associated with the presence of the new curriculum at universities, especially universities in Aceh is very significant


Purpose – This study aims to determine the roles of technology trough digital democracy in younger generation’s political education.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The language is analyzed using the theory of generative morphology which is developed by Morris Hale, Aronoff, Scalise, and Dardjowidjojo. The basic theory is the word formation through affixation process.

Findings – It is found that Devayan belongs to agglitunative-type language. Therefore, this language forms its words using prefixes, infixes, and suffixes by managing the process of morphemes compounding in order to get actual and potential words. Potential word formation is classified as language units that do not exist in reality.

Research Limitations/Implications – This research limits the scope of attention only on the morphological process.

Originality/Value – The findings can be used as references for those concerns in the revitalization of this minority language in the effort of composing a dictionary of Devayan.


Purpose – This study aims to analyze and assess the relation of freight transportation for regional development in the north zone of Aceh. The impact of freight transportation to accelerate the delivery of goods as observed through several indicators including regulation, retribution, freight entrepreneur, trucker, size of truck bin, punctuality, loading and unloading systems on regional planning supporting has been focus of this study.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The freight transportation in north zone of Aceh, covering Lhokseumawe, Aceh Utara, Bireuen, BenerMeriah and Aceh Tengah regencies will be examined. In several indicators including regulation, retribution, freight entrepreneur, trucker, size of truck bin, punctuality, loading and unloading systems the freight transportation will be surveyed for the analysis. The factors which contribute in the development of the area through freight transportation are the economic growth, human resources improvement, management of land use and environmental harmonization. This regional development approach aims to determine a connection between the two variables.

Findings – The results of the study show that variables of freight transportation in several indicators including regulation, retribution, freight entrepreneur, trucker, size of truck bin, punctuality, loading and unloading systems have a significant impact on regional development. It is indicated by the value of 0.214 in the regression weight result.

Research Limitations/Implications – This research has implications on the relation of freight transportation with regard to several indicators including regulation, retribution, freight entrepreneur, trucker, size of truck bin, punctuality, loading and unloading systems on the regional development based on the aspect of economic growth, human resources improvement, management of land use and environmental harmonization.

Practical Implications – The result of this study will be an important input to the Aceh government, county and city governments in the north zone in Aceh to encourage the establishment of a road network to accelerate freight transportation in that region for the development of new economic zones.

Originality/Value – This study suggests that freight transportation has the strongest links to significantly influence the activities of regional development, so it can be recommended for the Aceh government, county and city governments in the north zone of Aceh to orient road network policy towards the development of the new economic area and support the implementation of the special economic zones of Arun, Lhokseumawe.


Purpose – This study aims to determine the roles of technology through digital democracy in younger generation’s political education.

Design/Methodology/Approach – Research data were obtained through observation, interviews on students in Universitas Malikussaleh, and also retrieved from some literature studies that are relevant to the above research problems. Data are then analyzed by using qualitative descriptive analysis technique.

Findings – The research results show that the role of political activity using digital channels as a form of political participation gives positive impacts to the political participation of young generation.

Research Limitations/Implications – This research limits the scope of attention only on young generation’s participation in political activities.

Practical Implications – The necessity of the younger generation is to be given wider opportunities and responsibilities in the public sphere as well as involving as a member of a political party, or other social and political organization.

Originality/Value – Therefore, in order to push towards political democratization, political education agents must be able to utilize social networking media on the internet to convey ideas, actions, and other political activities for the development of political education.


Background – Disorders of sex development (DSDs) also known as “intersex” are congenital conditions in which chromosomal, gonadal, and anatomical development mismatch. One in 4,500 infants is born with abnormalities of external genitalia, which are mostly unexplained in molecular terms. Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is a common cause of DSDs.

Objective – One of the three broad subdivided phenotypes of AIS are partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (PAIS). Feminization (i.e., undermasculinization) of the exterior genitalia at birth, secondary abnormal secondary sexual development at puberty, and infertility in individuals with 46, XY karyotype are the proof. In males, PAIS is common to observe a micropenis, hypospadias, and cryptorchidism. Women who have clitoromegaly and fused labia during puberty are characterized as individuals with PAIS.

Case – We reported a 13-year-old child with the chief complaint of primer amenorrhea. The patient was a girl but not yet got her menstruation. Patient was referred by a Endocrinology Fertility and Reproductive Consultant of OBGYN who had done chromosomal and hormonal analysis. We performed a laparoscopic explorative study where we did not find uterus, fallopian tubal, and ovaries. But, we found testis in the inguinal canal.

Conclusion – Decisions regarding gender assignment are still confronted between patient’s family and medical staff. The ambiguity of genital, physical, and psychosocial adjustment for sex assignment can determine the prognosis.


Purpose – This research study aims to answer the question of how good is the development of the extended regency, and which shows better autonomy of development—before or after expanding. The implications of this study is to answer whether expanding a regent is truly needed to improve the economic development and welfare of the remote regions and their people. This study analyzes the autonomous state of three regencies, North Aceh, Bireuen and Lhokseumawe districts, which have expanded. The analysis takes into consideration the difference in the proportion of their regional revenues, budgeting perfomance, and economic growth as indicators of regional autonomy.

Design/Method/Approach – The data used in this research are secondary data sourced from the budget realization report and the accountability report of North Aceh, Bireuen, and Lhokseumawe districts from 2006 to 2013. The data analysis methods used in this study are the analysis of financial ratios and the comparative mean of one way anova.

Finding – The results showed a significant value or a probability value more than 0.05. Thus, the hypothesis (H1) is rejected, and therefore the hypothesis (H0) is received.

Research Impication – The implication is that there is no difference in the average of regional autonomy of North Aceh Regency, Bireuen, and Lhokseumawe districts as seen from the proportion of local revenue, budgeting perfomance, and regional growth. It means that with regard to financial performance there is no difference in the level of independence in autonomy among the three regions. The proportion of local revenue, financial permormance area, and the development of North Aceh, Bireuen, and Lhokseumawe districts demonstrate no influence on the level of independence in autonomy.


Purpose – The purpose of this study is to find out the attributes that belong to the Kano category, which should be applied in the service quality of Baitul Mal Kota Lhokseumawe. In its service Baitul Mal must be prosecuted to prioritize satisfaction of mustahiq, so that the progress will be in the quality of service and able to improve the mustahiq economy and also give a positive impact on the survival of Baitul Mal.

Design/Methodology/Approach – This method is used in order to know the attributes that should be upgraded in accordance with the wishes of mustahiq. Finding the result shows that these methods allow us to know the priority attributes that must be improved its performance by the Baitul Mal. It is the Amil of Baitul Mal Kota Lhokseumawe act based on Islamic morality. Amil Baitul Mal Kota Lhokseumawe solve the mustahiq problem related to Zakat program on time. Baitul Mal Kota Lhokseumawe always serve mustahiq effectively. Amil Baitul Mal Kota Lhokseumawe has knowledge about Zakat and the Zakat given by Baitul Mal can improve the prosperity of mustahiq, and Amil Baitul Mal Kota Lhokseumawe does not distinguish between mustahiq one and others.

Research Limitations/Implication – Baitul Mal is a social institution, which is engaged in the charity of Zakat fund raising for the sake of socially patterned and sustainable economy.


Purpose – The purpose of this research was to get the initial information about the phenotype diversity of avocado plants and as an information source of Acehnese avocado germplasm.

Methodology – This research was conducted at Bebesen sub-district Aceh Tengah District, from March to October 2017. Exploration was conducted using the descriptive method with purposive sampling. Plants observed in accordance with predetermined criteria namely plants that have been several times fruitful and preferred by consumers.

Originality – The research shown that the avocado plants in the Bebesen sub-district have a high degree of diversity. The diversity can be seen from canopy width, stem circumference, plant height, stem surface, tree shape, number of branches, branch shape, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, and leaf shape. The number of superior avocado plants that were sampled was 15 accessions. The similarity level of superior avocado accession in the Bebesen sub-district ranged from 0.34 to 1.00.


Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide historical and current records about the state of Uqubat Hudud and/or Ta’zir against any person who performs gambling deeds that are in fact perceived to be ineffective in its implementation in Langsa City, as it still has not caused the maximum deterrent effect for the community in Kota Langsa. So there are always new actors to maisir action. Therefore, this research is to know the effectiveness of punishment for gamblers in Langsa City and to know the obstacle to punishment for gamblers in Langsa City.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The type of research used in this study is empirical research.

Findings – The findings of law enforcement research have not been effective in enforcing law enforcement against gambling. At the level of investigation and investigation conducted by the police is often that the case of gambling is not disclosed or unchecked and no further handling efforts were undertaken in order to enforce the law. While WH, which is a special sharia police handling cases of jinayat law violations in Aceh, also do not have or qualify as PPNS. Similarly, the case of gambling always continues to exist in the midst of society and does not cause deterrent effect for people in Langsa City Aceh Province, Indonesia. Obstacles in punishment for gamblers in Langsa City consists of two factors namely law enforcement factors and community factors.

Limitations of Research/Implications – This study highlights the problem of the effectiveness of the implementation of Qanun Jinayat in the punishment of gamblers in Aceh, especially Langsa City. Then the legal awareness of the community in Langsa City of Aceh Province is also seen.

Practical Implications – The solution offered enhances the professionalism of police investigators’ performance in Langsa City, provides human resources/Police Wilayatul Hisbah in Langsa City of Aceh Province as civil servant investigator, provides socialization of law on Qanun Jinayat to the people in Langsa City.

Originality/Value – Gambling case always continues to exist in the middle of society and does not cause a deterrent effect for people in Langsa City of Aceh Province Indonesia.


Purpose – This study aims to determine the results of productivity index, profitability and improvement of company prices and to understand the relationship between partial input factors and productivity, profitability, and price fixing.

Design/Methodology/Approach – In this work, the productivity at the palm oil factory PT Sayaukath Sejahtera was measured and evaluated by using The American Productivity Center (APC) model approach.

Findings/Results – The results showed that each index that has been analyzed has a 5.143% decrease in the productivity index per year with a profitability equal to 0.286% per year and an increase in the price improvement index of 5.143% per year. Thus, it is concluded that from each index that has been analyzed, there is a decrease in the productivity index and profitability per year and there is an annual increase in the price improvement index.

Research Limitations/Implications (if applicable)

Practical Implications (if applicable)



Purpose – This research will design an independent entrepreneurship model through creative economic activities for women. The specific objective to be achieved through this research is to identify the entrepreneurship model for women through creative economy empowerment.

Design/Methodology/Approach – This research was conducted in Lhokseumawe city, with the objects of the research being housewives in Lhokseumawe city. The research method used is as follows: mapping the potential of women’s economic field, identifying creativity activities that can be developed, and determining the selected economic activity.

Findings – The results show that based on the profile of women not working, it is known that they have low educational access and limited income; overall women who are creative economy actors have a high potential in running creative economy.

Research Limitations/Implications – In the creative economy, Triple Helix system became an umbrella that connects the scholars (intellectuals), business, and government within the framework of building a creative economy.

Originality/Value – Empowering women to improve the creative economy by using the Triple Helix model is considered effective because it is like a building that will strengthen the city economy with the foundation, pillars, and roof as the building elements.


Purpose – As one of the development of modern architecture that has a great attention on the characteristics of regionalism, especially grow in developing countries. The Characteristics of regionalism is closely related to local culture, climate and technology in time Suha, Ozka(1985).This regionalism approach only takes and identifies patterns of architectural concepts relevant to the climate, local materials and geographical factors of the many layers of architectural history that clash together and coincide.

Design/Methodology/Approach – According to , the method of possible architectural features of regionalism can be seen in several trends, which he calls the unity of the past architecture and the present architecture. Unity in question is unity in architectural composition. The method of analysis is using descriptive qualitative based on primary data by observation and secondary data from the literature study.

Findings – The technique of the main characteristic of regionalism is the unification of traditional architecture with modern architecture. Specific regionalism, as one of the developments of modern architecture that has attention to the characteristics of regionalism, that is related to local culture, climate and Technology,its definition of explicit or implicit results between society and architectural statement, then between the initial conditions of regional expression not only local prosperity but also a strong sense of local identity Regionalism is thought to have developed around 1960 (). One of the developments of modern architecture that has a great attention on the characteristics of regionalism especially grows in developing countries. The characteristics of regionalism are closely related to local culture, climate, and technology in time ().

Research Limitations/Implications – The Regionalism Architecture can be seen in Mosque Bujang Salim Krueng Geukuh Aceh.

Practical Implications – The unity is not only visual but also can be in abstract quality, which can be judged from the human response to the building of how the human react either directly or indirectly to the object of the building. To get unity in architectural composition, there are three main requirements that are dominance, repetition, and composition. One of the implementations of Regionalism of Architecture can be seen in BujangSalim Mosque of North Aceh.

Originality/Value – This is the first research that identifies Regionalism of Architecture at Mosque Bujang Salim as a traditional of Aceh Architecture technique in North Aceh.


Purpose – The purpose of the research aims to observe the high growth of corn crops with a different cropping pattern.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The research is conducted based on field experiments with Group Randomized Design (hereafter RAK shortened from Cluster Random Design). The treatment of cropping pattern I is that corn crops are planted in one row with the size of plot 9 m × 4 m, and the distance planting of the crops is 70 cm × 40 cm. Cropping pattern II is that corn crops are planted in two rows with the size of plot 9 m × 4 m, and the distance planting is 70 cm × 40 cm. Cropping pattern III is that corn crops are planted in three rows with the size of plot 9 m × 4 m, and the distance among the crops is 70 cm × 40 cm.

Findings – The result of research shows that the highest corn crops are from cropping pattern II.3 at age 15 and 30 after planting time (called HariSetelahTanam or HST). The increase of cropping rows from one row to two rows indicates that intra-specific competition are more dominant. The growth of crops is faster because they need full sunlight at vegetative and generative stages. The need of full sunlight at the growing stage causes the increasing of stem height of crops to enable the crops to receive the sunlight optimally due to the continuity of photosynthesis process. The increasing growth of stem diameter is in accordance with the growth speed of height plant at the same age.

Research Limitations/Implications – This research intends to find out the best growing process of the plant. Further research is needed to study the outcome of final product of the plant.

Practical Implications – This is to see the utilization of the best cropping pattern and optimal land utilization.

Originality/Value – High growth of corn crops and stem diameter (Zea may, S) with a different cropping pattern has not yet been published.


Purpose – The purpose of this research is to know the influence of manufacture of textiles, clothing, and leather and manufacture of paper, printing, and publishing on economic growth.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The method of research used was a causal research design in North Sumatera Province. The data used are secondary data sourced from Statistics Agency of North Sumatera Province. The method of analysis used in this research is SEM method using software Smart PLS.

Findings – The results show that manufacture of textiles, clothing, and leather and manufacture of paper, printing, and publishing influence to the economic growth.

Research Limitations/Implications – Limitations of the study included not analyzing by data pooling, and samples were restricted only to North Sumatra Province. The implication of this research is that the variables of manufacture of textiles, clothing, and leather give a significant contribution to the economic growth of North Sumatra. To this end, that need to be made some policies shoul be implemented to facilitate manufacture of textiles, clothing, and leather others invest in the district and city in North Sumatra.

Originality/Value – The originality of this study attempts to examine export indicators in certain segments where other studies do not examine them.


Purpose – The purpose of this research is to to determine the value of land erodibility in Krueng Seulimum watershed.

Design/Methodology/Approach – This research apply survey method and field measurement that begins with making land unit map.

Findings – The results showed that Krueng Seulimum watershed consisted of 22 units of land (LU). The value of land erodibility in secondary forest land use is low, i.e., 0.13–0.19 (LU 13 and 22), the value of land erodibility in grazing lands land use is medium, i.e., 0.31–0.32 (LU 9 and 11 ), the value of land erodibility in scrub lands land use is rather high, i.e., 0.33–0.35 (LU 2, 6, 12, 15, and 19) and the value of land erodibility in dry land agriculture land use is medium – rather high, i.e., 0.28–0.35 (LU 3, 7, 10, and 16).

Research Limitations/Implications – The land use directions for scrub lands is for cocoa-based mixed crops, such as cocoa monoculture, cocoa + areca nut, and cocoa +banana.

Practical Implications – The use of dry land agriculture is maintained for land use coupled with agrotechnology action that is guludan terrace plus mulsa application.

Originality/Value – Most of the soil in the Krueng Seulimum watershed has very low soil fertility level that affects nutrient availability plant. These characteristics should be considered in the direction of land use in the Krueng Seulimum watershed.


Purpose – This study was conducted to determine the effect of peel of Arabica coffee (PAC) with Win Prob Probiotic on crude fiber content and fiber fraction (neutral detergent fiber, NDF; acid detergent fiber, ADF; cellulose; hemicelluloses; and lignin). The hypothesis of this study is that PAC fermentation using Probiotic Win Prob can decrease the content of crude fiber and fiber fraction.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The research design applied was a factorial completely randomized design with three treatments and three replications. Factor A (probiotic dose) consisted of three doses: 2.5%, 5%, and 7%, in addition, there are three fermentation durations considered as factor B, which are 20, 30, and 40 days.

Findings – The result of this study indicates that the content of crude fiber and fiber fractions can decrease each amount of the variable of this study. The best treatment was obtained in A3B3 with 7% probiotic with 30 days of fermentation. Rough fiber PAC decreased up to 27.66% and NDF content decreased by 3.6%. Moreover, ADF content decreased up to 4.10%. The last lignin decreased by 18.75%.

Research Limitations/Implications – Only a small portion of coarse fiber and fiber fractions in PAC is fermented with Win Prob probiotics. So we can try other ways to reduce the coarse fiber and PAC fiber fractions such as the combination of ammonium and fermentation (amofer).

Originality/Value – The PAC has a high content of crude fiber and fiber fractions (NDF, ADF, cellulose, hemisellulose, and lignin), and so it is recommended as ruminants for feed ingredients.


Purpose – The purpose of this study is to find out the perspectives of students and English teachers on English Lingua Franca (ELF) at a tertiary level in one of the public universities in Lhokseumawe Municipality in Aceh and to find out the possibility of adopting the concept of teaching English as ELF to raise the students’ awareness of their identity as part of the ASEAN Economic community and as a means of communication among the Community.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The research employs basic interpretive study by delivering questionnaires to 40 students from different disciplines and conducting interview to 6 English teachers from targeted research university in Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia.

Findings – The study addresses that the majority of the students are aware that English is no longer possessed by an inner circle of English users and realize the use of English as means of communication in globally context. However, the students do not understand the English as ILF. Besides, they do not enable to envisage themselves as part of the global community of English users as their identity. The research also indicates that majority the interviewed English teachers do not realize the concept of teaching ELF in the university.

Research Limitations/Implications – The findings of this research may shed light for other English teachers in Aceh to improve their teaching method in order to improve students’ speaking skill and their awareness of their identity as a part of global imagined community of English users within the ASEAN Community Economic context.

Practical Implications – The solutions offered in the paper could improve the teaching method of English teachers particularly in Aceh, Indonesia.

Originality/Value – The research of students’ and teachers’ perspective of ELF in Lhokseumawe, Aceh, has not yet been published.


Purpose – This paper aims to study the development of animated films in the last decade, which has made Indonesia a target market for products from creative industries abroad. These creative products consist of comics, animated films, and games. Several animated films abroad have been successful and favored by Indonesian children.

Design/Methodology/Approach – This paper is the result of a literature study and using SWOT analysis method.

Findings – This animation study will be able to open opportunities for creative industry growth if it can build the creativity of young people, especially in the field of animation. Considering that the competition of livelihoods in the economic sphere is increasingly tight and the manufacturing industry sector can no longer be relied upon, building creative human resources is one of the solutions of the economic crash of society.

Research limitation/Implication – There are five opportunities to build a creative economy in Indonesia that is demographic of youth potentially become a creative class, digital lifestyle development, increasing middle class, increasing demand of creative population, and potency of natural wealth and culture of Indonesia; hence this research need to be done. This study aims to formulate strategies to build creativity and independence of youth, especially in Padang West Sumatra.

Originality/Value – Building youth creativity can be done by providing free training, motivating youth by providing incentives for success in animation products; motivating to participate in race events, workshops, and seminars; and cooperating with private or government agencies. It will encourage independence and creativity to produce movies, commercials, and games.


Purpose – The purpose of this research is to study the process conditions that give best yield and expected compositions of liquid smoke products that result during the pyrolisis process relying on predetermined variables.

Design/Methodology/Approach – Pyrolisis process running times are varied, that is, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, and 6 hourly. Condensing temperature maintained remained 25–30 °C. Products identification was applied by using gas chromotography mass spectroscopy.

Findings – Based on the research output, it was concluded that process conditions which give maximum yield were achieved when using double unit condenser (DUC) and time optional four hours, and it provides maximum volume liquid smoke product, and compositions of pyrolisis products. The process also created seven components, namely nepthalene, propanoic acid, 3,7 nanodiena, 2 metilguaiakol, 2-metoksi 4-methyl phenol, 4 ethyl-2 metoksil phenol, oxybanzene. Applying DUC during condensation phase may increase condensing force thereafter obtaining resulted products between 200% and 300% rather than using single unit condenser (SUC).

Research Limitations/Implications – This research was conducted on a fixed batch reactor made of a metal plate with a thickness of 3.0 mm. It carries 200 kg in capacity. In this phase, the moisture of candlenut shells might be kept in 10–12.5% wt. Process temperature applied ranged within 350–500 °C.

Originality/Value – In addition the study increased the theorical of understanding about pyrolisis process and Improving the production of liquid smoke from candlenut shell by pyrolisis process using the method of vapor condensation (Double unit condensor).


Purpose – The purpose of this study is to get information on how the communication process transaction of commercial sex workers with customer occurs in province that practices Syariah law system.

Design/Methodology/Approach – A qualitative design using phenomenological approach with purposive sampling technique was utilized to obtain data. Subjects were female commercial sex workers with age around 16–45 years. The subjects were from district Banda Sakti and Muara Dua Lhokseumawe.

Findings – The result of study showed that subjects used interpersonal communication of self-disclosure through social media communication which was supported by verbal and non-verbal communication that gives an equal reaction. The type of communication used by commercial sex workers during the process of transactions were through face to face and media communication. However, it was found some barriers that interfere while doing interpersonal communication during the transaction, such as adjustment problem of subject, an error communication, and misperception between the subject and the customer that used their services.

Research Limitations/Implications – The study only focuses on how communication process of transaction occurs; therefore, it is important to do further research that focuses on how the Syariah law system impacts psychological attitudes toward commercial sex workers and how it will reduce the activity of commercial sex workers in Aceh, as well as how the communication occurs between parent and child that contribute them to become a commercial sex worker.

Practical Implications – Government should prevent commercial sex workers increase in Aceh as well as parents should more aware about their children’s activities outside home and be more communicative with their children.

Originality/Value – This paper gives information to the Aceh government to make further decision making and implement Syariah law system consistently and with commitment.


Purpose – The purpose of this research is to examine the diversity of macrozoobenthos as well as its relationship with water quality and substrate in the pond culture area.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The method of sampling area is on five observation stations by purposive sampling. The research was done indirectly (ex situ) for macrozoobenthic identification at the Ecology Laboratory, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

Findings – The fairness/uniformity index obtained from the five research stations ranging from 0.483 to 0.923 indicates a high degree of uniformity. This indicates that the macrozoobenthos biological index at the study site can be used as an indicator that water quality is in good condition and has the potential to be developed into an aquaculture area as well as supporting the success of the shrimp farming as one of the sub-systems of the shrimp agribusiness.

Research Limitations/Implications – This research can be a source of information for the management and utilization of environment in the research area, so that shrimp harvest can be optimized in the pond farming area.

Originality/Value – This research has found that macrozoobenthos included 61 species.


Purpose – This paper is intended to test for the model of commodities export performance (EP) in Aceh Province, Indonesia.

Design/Methodology/Approach – This research will focus on approach model of firms competency variable, customer relation, foreign environmental factor, and moderating variable of export competitive strategy which aims to improve firm performance in the export context.

Findings – The research framework models will give a new perspective to export activities conducted by exporting commodities in an emergent nation such as Indonesia and more specifically in Aceh.

Originality/Value – The improvement of EP.


Purpose – The purpose of this research is to identify Tuah Teng fishing techniques in food security to facing ASEAN economic community (AEC) and to give description about Tuah Teng fishing techniques and its relationship with food security of coastal society in face of AEC era.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The method of sampling is by snowball technique, because every generation of fisherman community has used this since a long time ago. The method of analysis is done by descriptive qualitative based on primary data by observation and secondary data from the literature study.

Findings – The technique of fishing Tuah Teng is done by attracting the fish relying on simple equipment consisting of stereofoam, plastic cans, vats with cement and rubber wheel, and fish bait from dried coconut leaves tied to the rope. Availability of fish can support the food security. During season, the prices of fish can be very cheap or even just distributed free to the community.

Research Limitations/Implications – Food security in the era of ASEAN economic community encourages food self-sufficiency and ultimately realizes food sovereignty. The community no longer imports the fish, even they can export because the needs of fish in domestic has been fulfilled.

Practical Implications – The Office of Marine and Fisheries (DKP) has provided assistance in the form of radar and a more modern computer to be able to detect the fish. But fishermen still survive with this traditional method.

Originality/Value – This research identifies Tuah Teng as a traditional of fishing technique in Aceh Utara.


Purpose – The purpose of this study focuses on the reconstruction of Aceh culture as a learning discourse of Acehnese language towards elementary school students. The author also wants to see more closely the process of learning the language of Aceh in elementary school as a part of the reconstruction of local culture of Aceh.

Design/Methodology – This research is a qualitative research by using critical discourse analysis. The data source of this research is the textbook of Aceh language class 2 of elementary school. Data collection was done using documentation techniques and validity analysis the opinion of Ibn Hamad (2012), namely holistic, historical situatedness, and theory was referred.

Findings – The results show that Aceh’s cultural identity depicted in textbooks includes both religious and social-humanist identities.

Originality/Value – This study is the first in terms of reviewing and analyzing a text in an textbook in elementary.


Purpose – The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of monosodium glutamate (MSG) administration to pyramidal cells necrosis on the cerebral cortex of Wistar male rats (Rattus norvegicus).

Design/Methodology/Approach – This research was a laboratory quasi-experiment study with post-test control group design on 24 male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) aged 8-10 weeks, weighted 200 ± 10 gr, divided into 4 groups (GI or control group, GII treated with MSG dose 6 mg/grbb/day, GIII 12 mg/grbb/day, and GIV 24 mg/grbb/day) for 21 days consecutively. Pyramidal cells observed in 10 field of view. The Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann Whitney tests were used to analyze the data.

Findings – There were significant differences between pyramidal cells necrosis numbers between control and the treatment groups. MSG doses 6, 12, and 24 mg/grbb/day developed the pyramidal cells necrosis in the cerebral cortex (p < 0,005).


PurposeThis paper presents a research personal construct experience of the Tionghoa community, shaping the social reality of Aceh enactment. The case of the Tionghoa community in Banda Aceh and Lhokseumawe city, Aceh Province, Indonesia, is studied to evaluate their ability to construct their experience and socialize them.

Design/Methodology/ApproachThis research is designed using a phenomenological approach which is oriented to cross-cultural studies.

FindingsThe personal construct experience of Tionghoa community includes attitudes, assumptions, self-concept, and interpretation of Aceh reality. Through the construction of their experience, Tionghoa community is able individuals who have a number of unique desires and identities, and also as a social person who is ready to blend in Aceh.

Research Limitations/ImplicationsThis reality is practiced by almost all Tionghoa in Aceh so that the social behavior that appears on the surface tends to make them stable, calm, courageous, and worry-free of Aceh people.

Originality/ValueThis personal construct experience of Tionghoa community will have policy making both in Aceh in particular and in Indonesia, as multi-ethnic, religions, languages, and cultural consistency.


Purpose – The research was carried out in order to study the composition of minerals, content of total-K, total-Ca, total-Mg, and exchangeable of K, Ca, Mg in volcanish ash from Sinabung volcano eruption.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The volcanic ash material in amount of 5 kg was collected from the depth of 0–20 cm and 21–41 cm. Mineral composition was determined by using line counting method; total contents of K, Ca, and Mg were measured by HCl 1N extraction, and exchangeable of K, Ca, and Mg was measured by NH4OAc 1N pH 7.0 extraction.

Purpose – The results depicted in volcanic ash layer at the depth of 0–20 cm found some minerals such as plagioclase (34%), hypersthene (9%), augite (3%), hornblende/amphibole (5%), and volcanic glass (1%). These minerals were also found in different amounts at a depth of 21–41 cm. Hypersthene and amphibole were higher and augite was lower at a depth of 0–20 cm than 21–41 cm. The total content of K, Ca, and Mg was found to be 2.27%, 8.12%, and 2.28%, respectively, at a depth of 0–20 cm. The exchangeable of K, Ca, and Mg was found in an amount of 1.89 me/100 g, 20.71 me/100 g, and 1.62 me/100 g, respectively. The total content of K, Ca, and Mg was not available to plants but could potentially be as a source of plant nutrient after weathering while exchangeable form can be uptaken by plant directly.

Research Limitations/Implications – Based on the composition of the minerals, total, and exchangeable of K, Ca, and Mg that the material of volcanic ash, it could potentially be used as source of fertilizers.

Originality/Value – The composition of primary minerals contained in volcanic ash and to know the amount of elements K, Ca, and Mg-associated minerals either in total or exchange.


PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to provide legal certainty in developing a special economic zone (SEZ) in order to build the national and regional economy. Besides that, an other purpose is to push the Central Government, the Provincial Government, the Regional Goverment, and the Management Institution to complete the infrastucture and also harmonize the policies and regulations regarding the SEZ in Indonesia, especially in Sei Mangkei.

Design/Methodology/ApproachThe research method that authors used is the sociological legal research and the normative legal research which approach the economic development in social economic zone in Sei Mangkei, the issues that happened in reality, and they analyze the related regulation in SEZ.

FindingsThe result thus obtained shows that legal certainty has not been realized completely which caused undevelopment of SEZ in Sei Mangkei. Besides the legal certainty factor, the unfinished infrastructure also caused the undevelopment, even though according to Act number 39 of 2009 regarding SEZ, an operated SEZ has fulfilled the needs and appropriateness of the infrastructure. In reality, Sei Mangkei SEZ, which has been operational, is not supported by the appropriateness of the infrastructure such as the port, train rail, hazardous waste material management facility, final disposal vessel, and also the issue of electricity and gas.

Practical ImplicationsThis result can help Central Government or Provincial Government in establishing the regulations that can provide the legal certainty in developing the SEZ in Sei Mangkei.

Originality/ValueIn addition to increasing the role of law in economic development understanding, this paper can be of legal and economic relevance.

Purpose – The research aims to investigate the realization, the governmental role, and the existence of current corporate social responsibility (CSR) model that has been operated in West Aceh District.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The data were collected through two ways: document studies (library research) on legal provisions governing CSR and through field research (field studies) conducted by interviewing persons in West Aceh District.

Findings – The implementation of CSR is based on the Regulations Number 40 year 2007, the Regulations Number 47 year 2012, which specifically are implemented based on Qanun (another term of regulation of Acehnese Government) of Aceh West Government Number 10 year 2015. The CSR program is conducted based on local wisdom of community of West Aceh.

Research Limitations/Implication – CSR is the obligation of corporate however the realization and the governmental role sometimes are unconformity, therefore the alternative model of CSR is needed to be formed particularly for corporates which are located in Aceh West District.

Orignality/Value – In addition to increasing the theoretical understanding of CSR, this paper can be of relevance to corporate liability and community rights.


Purpose – Intravenous leiomyomatosis (IVL) is a very rare subtype of leiomyoma, involving the right obstruction of the heart, and is an unusual cause of outflow tract obstruction. The IVL grows from the vessel’s smooth muscle, protruding into the vessel’s lumen, and can expand to the right atrium and even beyond causing death due to blood flow obstruction into the right atrium and even to pulmonary artery.

Design/Methodology/Approach – We present a 33-year-old Indonesian woman with cardiopulmonary symptoms predominantly, and marked by an intravascular leiomyoma extending from inferior vena cava (IVC) to right chamber atrium, with the chief complaint being easily fatigued since seven months.

Findings – Echocardiography observations found a mass in the right atrium and the IVC that caused dynamics obstructed in tricuspid valve, right atrium and ventricle were dilated, no left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy, normal LV and right ventricular (RV) functions, and no valve abnormality except the tricuspid valve gradient being 21 mmHg with mild regurgitation. Venography resulted in a mobile tumor mass in IVC mouth which partially flew into the right atrium, and partially blocked the IVC mouth. Tumor size was 6.4 cm × 4.8 cm. Abdominal multislice computed tomography resulted in a residual soft tissue mass (leiomyoma) along the IVC extended to the right atrium. The tumor mass size in the IVC and the right atrium was bigger compared to tumor mass on July 2008. The correct diagnosis was established during surgery; therefore a two-stage resection was done.

Originality/Value – Surgical resection is the best treatment for intracardiac extension of intravenous leiomyoma. To remove the ilio-caval portion, iliac venotomy was recommended for the tumor in both stages of the surgeries.


Purpose – The study is aimed to identify the openness, empathy, supportiveness, positiveness, and equality between mother and child as the key factors for successful children. If the parents are not able to give attention and love to their children, it will form feelings of insecurity and hatred towards themselves and to their surroundings. Similarly, if the parents are not able to create discipline in education, the probability of unclear future for their child will increase. A single mother has to endure a lot of problems and face the biggest challenge in their life; to be a single parent who must be able to hold multiple roles, that is as a father who works for a family living and as a mother who nurtures and educate her children. As a mother, she is required to be able to manage everything by herself; some of them include financial management, jobs, and nurture time for her children.

Methodology – employed in this study was in-depth interview to observe inhibiting factors that experienced by single parents in parenting pattern that they apply in nurturing their children.

Finding – Result showed that frequency and intensity play important role in creating openness, empathy, supportive attitude, positive attitude, and equality as well as automatically able to form inclusion, control, and affection between mother and children. The expected final result is the discovery of an ideal way of single parent role for their children.

Implications – the research results showed that frequent communication behavior and sufficient intensity are used to give children more confident in their activities at home or school environment and by which, the children will be able to reach success in their life.

Value originality – the research is the existence of communication pattern formed by single mother family and her children.


Purpose – The purpose of this study is to explore the concept of the economic lot sizing and the time cycle period of reordering. The stochastic demand is quite common in the real environment of a cement retailer. The study compares three methods to obtain the optimal solution of a lot-sizing ordering from the real case of the previous study where the dataset is collected from the area of some retailers at Banda Aceh Province of Indonesia.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The problem model appears when the retailer with shortage has to fulfill the lot size in the optimal condition to the stochastic demand while at the same time has the backlog condition. Moreover, when the backorder needs the time horizon for replenishment where this condition influences the holding cost at the store, many retailers try to solve this problem to minimize the holding cost, but on the other side, it should fulfill the customer demand. Three methods are explored to identify that condition: a Wagner–Whitin algorithm, the Silver–Meal heuristic, and the holding and ordering costs. The three methods are applied to the lot sizing when there is a backlog.

Findings – The results of this study show that the Wagner–Whitin algorithm outperforms the other two methods. It shows that the performance increases around 27% when compared to the two other methods in this study.

Research Limitations/Implications – All models are almost approximate and useful to determine the cycle period on stochastic demand.

Practical Implications – The calculation of the dataset with the three methods would give the simple example to the retailer when he faces the uncertainty demand models. The prediction of the calculation is done accurately than the constant calculation, which is more economic.

Social Implications – The calculation will contribute to much better predictions in many cases of uncertainty.

Originality/Value – This is a initial comparative model among other methods to achieve the optimal stock and order for a retailer


Purpose – To predict the existence of the aquifer, search the location, position, thickness, deep and dissemination of subsurface aquifer and predict the environmental condition by conducting the groundwater/aquifer condition.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The way to know the state of groundwater aquifers, one of which is the Geo-electric Method by using the Resistivity Schlumberger Method.

Findings – Pouple activities are not many effects to the groundwater but more time depend on the development, it can many influences to environmental conditions.

Research Limitations/Implications – The analysis is conducted to every point but on this research, it is on mentioned and taken from one sample only, it is HPR.

Practical Implications – In anticipation the effect of the development of the region in general, it is necessary to be able businesses for raw water, irrigation and Industry of the groundwater can be as well as how to control over the distribution and causes of infiltration into the soil.

Originality/Value – That is by measuring the resistivity and mapping dealer spread a layer of groundwater (aquifers) that an overview of the groundwater can be known.


Purpose – The purpose of this research is to know the public discovery of the concept of time value of money with economic value of time.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The method of research involved a causal research design in North Sumatera Province, Indonesia. The data used are primary data sourced from questionnaires distributed to 112 random respondents. Data were analyzed using the SEM method with Smart PLS software.

Findings – The results show that the public do not know exactly the application and the concept of “time value of money” and the economic value of time.

Research Limitations/Implications – The limitation of this study is that it was conducted on heterogeneous Medan city samples and did not extend to other cities in North Sumatra with large samples. The study has implications on the socialization of the community’s understanding of the concept of time value of money with the economic value of time.

Originality/Value – This study has value in that it compares the understanding of the society over the concept model of time value of money and the economic value of time.


Results – From a hardening test, we then tested with an impact tester charpy Treviolo H060. The results showed that the impact strength is escalated up to 29.09% post-hardening circle, which was observed using electrical microscope. The value of steel strength increased 2.12 J/mm2 compared with earlier hardening process, which is, 1.57 J/mm2. The results showed that the fracture in the welding process without the hardening process is a brittle fracture that is shown by the flat crystal structure; on the other hand, the hardening process before welding shows a form of coarse-looking structure indicating that the specimen has an impact towards which the toughness is higher.

Research Limitations/Implications – The effect influence of the hardening process to the impact strength of welded joints before and after the hardening process SMAW AISI 1050 steel hardening process. The mechanical properties test is done with the equipment impact charpy.

Practical Implications – The field we often encounter is erosion or wear out occurring in the construction, for example, many equipments such as agricultural equipment, bridges, ship construction, motor shaft, machining such as hand tools, small rings, and agricultural tools.

Originality/Value – This is the first reported research on impact strength using the hardening test.


Purpose – The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of macro- and micro-economic variables on the ratio of troubled financing (Non-Performing Financing, NPF).

Design/Methodology/Approach – The method used in this research is the data panel fixed effect with 13 banks and 4 periods of data report (semi-annual report 2014–2015).

Findings – The regression result achieved that variable inflation significantly influences the ratio of NPF. Variable Gross Domestic Product and assets total significantly influence the ratio of NPF too. While the SBI sharia’s variable and Financing to Deposit Ratio did not significantly affect NPF in Syariah’s Unit of Aceh Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD) in Indonesia.

Research Limitations/Implications – This study uses panel data which are a combination of time series data and cross-section.

Practical Implications – The policymakers can design a macro-policy carefully and better fiscal policies.

Originality/Value – This research was conducted on the Syariah’s Unit of BPD in Indonesia during the period 2014–2015 and it has not been done before.


Purpose – The purpose of this study is to explore the concept of spatial modeling in adolescent and under-five children’s nutritional status.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The indicator used to identify spatial autocorrelation is the Local Indicator of Spatial Association (LISA). LISA is a method of exploratory analysis of spatial data capable of detecting spatial relationships at the local level and its effects globally. Aplication of stochastic modeling in spatial nutrition identification mapping can be categorized into two cases based on spatial autocorrelation and non-spatial autocorrelation.

Findings – This results of this study indicate that there is no spatial autocorrelation in the adolescent nutritional dataset. The thematic map for anemia showed that that the highest number of anemia in adolescents was in KutaAlam sub-districts (48 people). Sub-districts that were second most common were Meuraxa, Jaya Baru, and Baiturrahman sub-districts. The fewest cases were found in Lueng Bata sub-district (12 people). There were no sub-districts affected by neighboring areas, in the case of adolescents’ anemia in Banda Aceh. For the under-five nutritional data set, it shows that there are four factors that significantly affect spatial influence, which are malnutrition, chronic energy deficiency, woman of child-bearing age, proportion of family planning, percentage of households with PHBS and coverage of access to clean water.

Research Limitations/Implications – Anemia data were obtained with a school-based survey. Household survey would be better to implement in spatial analysis.

Practical Implications – The comparison of the dataset with the two methods provides a simple example to implement special autocorrelation in practice.

Social Implications – The results contribute to a much better comparison in many cases in the nutritional field.

Originality/Value – This is the initial nutritional status of adolescents in Banda Aceh.


Purpose – This research aimed to identify the ideal concept of tourism development in Aceh Singkil, Indonesia, and to explain how the application of religious tourism is based on the society as a community. The community included three parties, namely, government, community, and private.

Methodology – For this research, both a qualitative approach and a phenomenological method were used to get the accurate results. Although the recent method used was a qualitative research approach, the data were discovered through three instruments: observation, interview, and documentation. Observation involved observing a variety of tourism activities in the field study as well as informants. While the interview was conducted by participant method, the data found were familiar without being engineered by the informant.

Finding – Aceh Singkil is one of the areas in Aceh Province that has good tourism potential including natural beauty resources, geographical location close to any district, and a diverse of community culture. However, the local government does not have ideal concepts to develop these resources. The pattern of development is still done in traditional ways without the involvement of private parties and the community. The local community is only used as an object of tourism activity and its existence is not so obviously involved. As a result, tourism in Aceh Singkil has no direction of development. Based on this research, it was found that the relevant tourism concepts to be developed in Aceh Singkil are based on religious tourism (Halal Tour), as Halal Tourism is a reflection of the culture of the Aceh Singkil community.

Research Limitations – This research has limitations on non-specific religious tourism and limited quantitative data as well as a vast range of research areas.

Originality/Value – Religious tourism research is the mainstay of research concepts in Islamic countries as well as in Indonesia especially in Aceh provincy, so it is necessary to find the ideal concept for its application and become an example for other regions in the future.


Purpose – This study aims to analyze the contribution of revenue and consumption cost of soybean farmers.

Design/Methodology/Approach – Data analysis was done by quantitative descriptive analysis. Data were obtained in the form of numbers then the results of the obtained data were presented in the form of a systematic description. The sample in this study is the entire population of soybean farmers in Muara Batu, Aceh Utara by using census method as much as 50 farmers.

Findings – The results showed that the contribution of soybean farm revenue amounted to 6.94%, non-soybean farming amounted to 48.12%, and out farm activities amounted to 44.94%. This indicates that soybean farming activities are enough to contribute to increase the family revenue. Meanwhile, the average amount of household cost for food is 16,696,800 IDR/Year and for non-food is 8,397,500 IDR/Year. The analysis shows that although the contribution of soybean farming revenue is the lowest than the other farms’ revenue, it is very helpful to the farmers for fulfilling the needs of family consumption cost every year.

Research Limitations/Implications – The object of this research is to study all the farmers who utilize the land for soybean farming in Muara Batu. The research limitations are income contribution and consumption cost of soybean farmers.

Practical Implications – The amount of soybean production produced by farmers is much lower. However, the farmers can still increase their income if the amount of production can be increased by more intensification of soybean farming as tough as the use of superior varieties of soil processing, organic fertilizer on soil, balanced and integrated pest control, and harvesting and post-harvesting to reduce food loses.

Originality/Value – The farmers earned revenue not only from soybeans, but also from non-soybean farm and out farm. Soybean farming activities aim to increase revenues in order to meet the needs of the family that consist of food and non–food consumptions.


Purpose – This study aims to explore the composition of women parliament members in provincial parliament in Aceh Province.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The study which applied qualitative approach. The data were collected through interviews, observations and documentation study.

Finding – The findings show that the DewanPerwakilan Rakyat Aceh (DPRA) (provincial parliament) women representative are not in line with the order of election Regulation No. 12 the year 2003 which state should be an “affirmative action” or reaches about 30% of total members. In addition, ironically that women are not playing important and strategic roles, such as a chairman, deputy chairman, in each commission, discussion division, budgeting division, and regulation division. The biggest challenge of women parliament members in campaigning their rights and responsibilities at the parliament so that they would be improved in quality and capacity, as well communication and personal knowledge. Furthermore, building stronger linkages internally and externally (political parties, fraction, and all other parliament members), and (stakeholders, peer groups, NGOs, academics, expert etc).

Practical Implications – The solutions offered in this paper can be of concern to all parliamentarians to be able to provide equal opportunities for women legislative members in a strategic position in parliament.

Originality/Value – In addition to increasing the theoretical understanding of the political communication and the importance of the presence of the women in the local parliament.


Purpose – The purpose of this research was to describe the personal branding Tri Rismaharini.

Design/Methodology/Approach – This study uses a qualitative method. The data were obtained based on observations and interviews with the people involved in the personal Branding Tri Rismaharini.

Findings – Tri Rismaharini (Mayor of Surabaya) branding herself as the first female leader who can compete with the mayor in other cities in Indonesia. Not only that, Tri Rismaharini also received the title of World No. 3 Best Walikota in 2014, with various efforts made to create, build, organize, and lead the city of Surabaya to be more advanced than in previous years. Risma’s feminine and emotional nature is evident from news about her concern for her citizens and her tendency to use her heart while working. The nature of domestic Risma seen from the news about its performance in maintaining and maintaining cleanliness and parks in Surabaya.

Originality/Value – Nowdays, the world of politics and government not only belongs to men, but also women. Many women venture into politics, become politicians, or even government leaders. However, stereotypes referring to public doubt still exist. Women are considered not suitable to be a government leader because they are considered not able and feminine. Mass media also plays a role in the confirmation of the assumption.


Purpose – The main objective of this study was to analyze the factors that affect the poverty level of the farming community after the tsunami that occurred in Aceh. After the conflict and tsunami, Aceh has faced severe poverty. However, the long years of conflict, political struggle, economic transformation, and natural disasters have caused Aceh to become one of the poorest provinces in Indonesia today.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The research was conducted in five districts in Aceh province: Aceh Barat, Aceh Besar, Pidie Jaya, Bireuen, and Aceh Utara. The total sample used in this study amounted to 280 farmers who were taken by stratified random sampling method. This research used primary data and secondary data. The analysis model used a logistic regression model with maximum likelihood.

Findings – The results showed that the poverty level of farmers is influenced by seven factors: education, experience, income, the number of family dependents, planting area, side job, and work motivation. The other factors such as age, farming tools, land ownership, and position in the community have no significant effect on the poverty level of the farmers.

Research Limitations/Implications – Implications of the results of this study show that financial assets are the most important factor in influencing each strategy implemented by farmers. The main obstacles faced by them are generally difficult to get credit because agricultural produce is uncertain.


Purpose – The purpose of this research is to know the Dimension of an Islamic Model Value on the existence of walmart Syariah, Indonesia.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The data used are primary data sources. The method of analysis used in this research is SEM method using Smart PLS software.

Finding – The show results that customer satisfaction are formed from traditional and Islamic value dimensions.

Research Limitations/Implication – The implications of this research are the need to socialize the concept of Islamic value dimensions to the general public so that the public understanding of Islamic value dimensions is wider and easier to understand.

Originality/Value – This study is worth a new finding because it analyzes the scope of understanding of the value of Islamic value dimensions in Sharia Walmart prospective buyers.


Purpose – The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of social media-based promotion (personal relevance, interactivity, message, brand familiarity) to consumer purchasing decision of Batik Jambi in the Asean Economic Community (AEC) era.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The sample in this study amounted to 90 people. The type of research used is explanatory research. The hypothesis itself were tested with multiple linear regression equations using the tool SPSS 21.0 for Windows.

Findings – The results of this research in which the variable of personal relevance, interactivity, message, and brand familiarity are able to explain the variable of purchasing decision is equal to 82.9%. Variables of personal relevance, interactivity, message, and brand familiarity have a significant influence on purchasing decisions either partially or simultaneously, while the message has a more dominant influence on purchasing decisions.

Research Limitations/Implications – The model significantly explains all the variables but in the future needs more testing for other variables to make the model more precise.

Practical Implications – The most dominant influence of social media-based promotional variables (personal revelance, interactivity, messege, brand familiarity) on consumer purchasing decision of Jambi’s Batik in Jambi City are analyzed.

Originality/Value – Increasing understanding about social media-based promotions to consumer purchasing decisions on Jambi’s Batik in AEC era.


Purpose – The purpose of the research is to analyze the efficiency of Islamic banks in Indonesia. The data used in this research are panel data observed from 2012 until 2016. The sampling of this research is conducted on five Sharia banks in Indonesia, that is, Bank Muamalat, Bank SyariahMandiri, BukopinSyariah, BRI Syariah, and Bank Mega Syariah.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The study uses a quantitative method to analyze the efficiency of Sharia banking with formulation of comparison of operating expenses to operating revenues (BOPO).

Finding – The result of this research concludes that Sharia banking in Indonesia has not been efficient during the last five years, that is, 2012–2016. This can be seen from the range of banking efficiency ratio. The average level of Islamic banking efficiency ranges between 89.73% and 94.16%. Bank Muamalat whose range is 94.16% shows the highest average efficiency ratio compared to other Sharia banks. Meanwhile, Bank Mega Syariah maintains the lowest average efficiency ratio that is 89.37%. The five Sharia banks have a high efficiency ratio of over 80%. This shows that Sharia banking in Indonesia is inefficient

Originality/Value – The bank should be able to balance between cost (cost) and revenue. Sharia banks must also be able to create good product innovation in order to increase the collection of funds from the community, such as for competitive outcomes, prizes, or other programs that raise public interest to use the services of Sharia banking.

Research Limitations/Implications – This inefficiency is due to the high bank operating costs compared to the bank’s operating income.


Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop prototype of the information system of the flood monitoring based internet of things (IoT). This prototype serves to assist users in accessing flood levels through water levels and rainy weather conditions.

Design/Methodology/Approach – This paper presents the design of information system of flood monitoring based internet of things (IoT). This prototype study acquires water level and rainfall data using ultrasonic sensors HC-SR04 and rain sensor. Data of flood height and rain levels detected by sensors are processed using Arduino Uno Microcontroller to produce output data in HTML format. Flood altitude information system and rainy weather from the microcontroller are distributed using ethernet module as web server integrated with Wireless N Router TL-MR3020 as a gateway path to the user.

Findings – This research produces a prototype of web-based flood monitoring information system that has been able to distribute data of flood height and rainy weather in real time.

Research Limitations/Implications – In the implementation of measurement, the information system only accesses one flood detector or one flooded location.

Practical Implications – This research produces a prototype of web-based flood monitoring information system that has been able to distribute data of flood height and rainy weather in real time.

Originality/Value – System prototype is the first development that uses internet of things (IoTs) method in real time web-based flood measurement with information in the form of flood hazard information in the form of water level and rainy weather conditions.


Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to describe the practice of inequality in access to fish resources that occurred in Kuala Langsa. In sociology, ownership of the means of production have strong linkages with economic productivity. The problems that arise in Kuala Langsa is the existence of gaps in the ownership of the means of production, thus giving birth to the practice of inequality in the production arena of fishermen. On the other hand, the efforts of government intervention through the help of the means of production lead to internal conflict among the community of fishermen in Kuala Langsa.

Methodology Approach – This article uses the sociology paradigm in looking at economic development efforts through the help of production equipment for fishermen in Kuala Langsa. Data was collected through interviews with qualified local fishermen communities and city governments. The observations were made to see in practice the use of production equipment such as ships, where fish auctions were held, and fuel aboard.

Finding – This article concludes that the practice of fishery production is divided into two types: first, fisherman workers who depend on the production of production tools owned by investors; second, traditional fishermen who depend on production from government aid equipment.

Research Implications – The authors argue that these two production practices have led to the practice of inequality in access to fishermen production in Kuala Langsa. In the first case, the means of production is controlled by the investors so that the fishermen of the workers experience marginalization of access to fish resources. In the second case, government aid production programs also resulted in the internal conflicts of traditional fishing groups in terms of control of production equipment.

Originality/Value – This article contributes to the concept of economic development of the fishing communities in Aceh.


Purpose – This research aims to explore Qanun Aceh post-conflict enacted in the legislation of Government of Aceh through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and enhancement policy of Wali Nanggroe associated with educational development.

Approach Methodology – The review of the literature links to the Qanun Aceh exploring the Wali Nanggroe institution through normative theory. A qualitative method was used to find a strategic policy of the Legislation Government of Aceh related to documents used in data analysis.

Findings – The study found the existence of the Wali Nanggroe institution brought several opportunities and challenges of unifying Aceh people post-conflict. The discussion of the Wali Nanggroe Institution has brought new dynamics in the policy and educational development in post-conflict Aceh. The Government of Aceh and the Parliament did not take the policy for educational building in order for the society to have an understanding of the Wali Nanggroe institutional position as stated in the Law of Government Aceh (LoGA).

Research Limitations – The examination of these dynamics and prospect of the Wali Nanggroe institution is linked to the policy on educational development for the Aceh people and implementation of the LoGA post-conflict of the Aceh Government and the Government of Indonesian Republic.

Practical Implications – The solution offered is to improve the educational system to give a political understanding of the Aceh people.


Purpose – This study aims to describe the planning of learning, learning organizing implementation, and evaluating the learning of Bahasa in a high school in Lhokseumawe.

Methodology – The research method was descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach. Data collection used the techniques of observation, interview, and literature review. The subjects of research were the principal, vice principal, Chairman of Department, and Bahasa teachers in the high school. The data obtained were analyzed with the technique of reduction, display, and verification.

Findings – The results showed that the lessons plan in the high school have been compiled by the Indonesian language/Bahasa teachers, including analyzing subjects, drawing up the annual and semester programs, and syllabus. All the planning of learning Bahasa have been well structured and documented. The implementation of the orientation direction or Bahasa Learning is adapted to the needs and level of education. The implementation of study conducted showed the positive things in accordance with the school-based curriculum.

Research Limitations/Implications – Organizing learning Bahasa also showed the positive things based on the management system. Bahasa teachers carried out their roles and their responsibilities based on their job description. This condition has brought positive influence on the quality of learning Bahasa which shows an increase from year to year.

Practical Implications – Activities and aspects of the Bahasa learning adapted to the assessment are based on the syllabus and compiled lesson plan. The evaluation phase is applied to improve the learning activities. This form of evaluation was done either by oral or writing.

Originality/Value – This is the first research to identify learning management of Bahasa in senior high schools in Lhokseumawe.


Purpose – The aim of this study is to determine the differences in the antimicrobial activity of katuk leaf (Sauropus androgynus (L.) Merr) against Escherichia coli.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The method used in this study was experimental posttest using a control group design. Analysis of the effect of katuk leaf was performed in the dilution method with 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% concentration. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA test (α = 0.05) and was then tested using the least significant difference (LSD) test.

Findings – Bacterial colony counting that used total plant count found the average of E. coli amount at 20% of concentration (526.820 CFU/ml), 40% of concentration (449.380 CFU/ml), concentration of 60% (255.710 CFU/ml), concentration of 80% (194.110 CFU/ml), and at concentration 100% (168.600 CFU/ml). This study concluded that the katuk leaf extract at 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% of concentration had antimicroba effect with significant influence. The 100% of concentration had the most significant effect compared with the other concentrations.

Research Limitations/Implications – Katuk leaf could be used as one of the alternative herbal choices that has a compound antimicrobial effect.

Originality/Value – This study increases the theoretical understanding of the difference of antimicrobial effectivity of katuk leaf extract (S. Androgynus (L.) Merr.) concentration against E. coli


Purpose – The purpose of this research is to describe the Denpasar Festival event as a city branding program of Denpasar city. Through the Denpasar Festival event, we also want to give an idea of the city of Denpasar as a creative city.

Design/Methodology/Approach – This study uses a qualitative method. The data were obtained based on observations and interviews of the people involved in the Denpasar Festival Event. In addition, researchers also conducted data collection through the official website of the Denpasar city government.

Findings – In carrying out city branding of Denpasar city, the government routinely carries out the annual activities of Denpasar Festival. Denpasar Festival is a show of creative culture creativity of the people of Denpasar city, which is more inclusive in which people can enjoy and actively participate in displaying the results of their superior creations.

Originality/Value – Denpasar Festival Event can affect the city branding Denpasar city so that it can be used as an effective way in increasing public knowledge of city branding Bandung. Therefore, the event should be Denpasar Festival or other events to be maintained and even improved quality and quantity in every other event in the city of Denpasar.


Purpose – This paper is aimed at describing semantics equivalence of cultural terms in meurukon texts translated from Acehnese into Indonesian. A qualitative descriptive approach is used to analyze the context of semantics equivalence in these texts: varied semantics structure, especially the ones caused by the cultural gap between the two languages.

Design/Methodology/Approach – This research is designed to be of qualitative descriptive nature, wherein data are documented and analyzed using various methods proposed by , such as data condensation, data display, drawing and verifying conclusions. The researcher is considered the key instrument in the whole process. The source of the data collected is from meurukon texts and its translation that consists of 623 sentences: they mainly comprise words and phrases that contain semantics equivalence of cultural terms.

Findings – The result of the research shows that there are 129 cultural terms found in 623 sentences. Of the analyzed data, it is seen that only 16.66% of the data is not equivalent with the target text, while 83.34% words and phrases of meurukon text are equivalent. This suggests that as a result of translation, the meurukon text has high semantics or lexical equivalences with the target text.

Research Limitations/Implications – This research is focused on semantics equivalence found in meurukon texts. The semantic equivalence here only pertains to lexical meaning of nouns and adjectives by using componential analysis.

Practical Implications – The result can be used in a sample of ways for the analysis of semantics equivalence of cultural terms in meurukon text translated from Acehnese into Indonesian using componential analysis.

Originality/Value – This research identifies meurukon as an oral tradition of Acehnese culture, which is in the question and answer format about Islamic law in Aceh, specifically North Aceh.


Purpose – In this research, we have prepared activated carbon (AC) from the waste of banana peels (Musa acuminate L.) using potassium hydroxide (KOH) for carbon monoxide (CO) adsorption from motorcycle gas emission.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The activation was conducted using a chemical activator (KOH) at various concentrations of 1, 2, and 3 N for 1, 2, and 3 h, respectively. Characteristics of banana peels AC (BPAC) produced were analyzed using the Fourier-transform infra-red spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy.

Findings – Results showed that KOH concentration and activation time strongly affected the CO adsorption and opening of the AC surface pore. There was an increase in the CO sorption when the KOH concentration was increased up to 3 N concentration. The highest CO adsorption from the emission occurred at 70.95% under KOH concentration of 3 N during the 3-h preparation.

Research Limitations/Implications – BPAC has been used as an adsorbent for only CO from motorcycle gas emission but not as an adsorbent for HC, NO, NOx, or H2S.

Practical Implications – BPAC can be used as the potential adsorbent for the removal of CO from motorcycle gas emission, and it is an environmental friendly, low cost, and easy to make adsorbent.

Originality/Value – In this study, the AC is made from biomass and is used in wastewater treatment, but limited studies are found on the removal of CO from motorcycle gas emission.


Purpose – The purpose of this research is to synthesize modified thermoplastic sago starch (TPS) through in-situ mechanism by reacting sago starch with diphenylmethanediisocyanate (MDI) and castor oil simultaneously, resulting in a more homogenous and finer-sized polyurethane prepolymer (PUP).

Design/Methodology/Approach – The methods used were Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) for thermal characterization and stability of PUP, modified TPS non-extracted and extracted with toluene and water.

Findings – TGA test results presented shows that PUP begins to decompose thermally at a temperature of 300–500 °C. Weight loss occurs rapidly between these temperatures and is completely discharged at a temperature of 500°C, which is called weight loss transition.

Research Limitations/Implications – When extracted with toluene and a water solvent, the melting point and latent heat of fusion slightly decreased; however, it is still higher than the original value of sago. In terms of thermal stability, modified TPS decomposes and loses weight at 150–200 °C in small quantities, continues with weight loss rapidly, and is completely discharged at 500°C. The thermal stability is considered high; thus, modified TPS application can be varied.

Practical Implications – DSC analysis and TGA shows that modified TPS has good thermal characteristics and thermal stability. Modified TPS has a melting point of 104.69°C, and the latent heat of fusion (ΔH) is 234.27 J/g. This value is close to the PUP melting point and latent heat of fusion, which reveals the formation of cross-link between the starch and PUP.


Purpose – This study aimed to describe the typhoid fever profiles based on the examination of IgM anti Salmonella in Cut Meutia Hospital, North Aceh, Indonesia, in 2016–2017.

Design/Methodology/Approach – IgM anti-Salmonella is a serological test which more quickly and accurately diagnoses typhoid fever. This is a cross-sectional study that used secondary data from medical records of a pediatric unit of patients diagnosed with typhoid fever from September 2016 to September 2017. This research identified 469 children based on age, sex, length of stay (LOS), and IgM anti-Salmonella test by univariate analysis.

Findings – The results showed that 56 children (12%) aged 1–5 years old, 164 children (34.9%) aged 6–11 years old, and 246 children (53.1%) > 12 years old, and among them, 46.8% were male. There were 53.7% who had +≥ 6 of IgM anti-Salmonella test and 46.3% had +4 to +5. We found that LOS less than 7 days was 81.4% and LOS more than 7 days was 18.6%. Typhoid fever profiles in Cut Meutia Hospital were common in children aged >12 years old, females, had +≥ 6 of IgM anti-Salmonella test, and LOS less than 7 days.

Research Limitations/Implications – Typhoid fever is an acute systemic infection caused by Salmonella enteric, a serotype typhi. Typhoid fever commonly attacks children and the symptoms experienced were lighter than adults.

Practical Implications – LOS in children with typhoid fever in this research concluded that there were more children with LOS < 7 days compared with those with a duration of ≥ 7 days, that is 382 children (81.4%) and 87 children (18.6%), respectively.

Originality value – From this research, it is concluded that there were 217 children (46.3%) diagnosed with typhoid fever with IgM anti-Salmonella test ranging from +4 up to +5 and 252 children (53.7%) with IgM anti-Salmonella test ≥ 6.


Purpose – This study aimed to explore what the Islamic boarding school does to protect their students from radicalism, violence, and fundamentalism.

Approach – For this research, both a qualitative approach and a phenomenological method were used to get the accurate results.

Findings – The study was conducted from April 2016 to December 2016. The Islamic Boarding School of Jabal Nur was taken up as a case for this study. The school has a lot of strategies to protect its students from radicalism, violence, and fundamentalism ideology. Those ideologies might damage their health mental and behavior. This research found that the strategies are: (1) applying the curriculum of the study according to the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kementerian Agama); (2) religious education based on the salafi method (al kitab alasfar) which contains the deradicalization concept, and by this method, the students were trained to be a obedient; (3) foster care system or parenting done for 24 hours. The tutor was responsible for paying attention to their development, listening to their complaints, taking care of their mental and physical health, and guiding them at all times; and (4) the student (santri) was occupied by various extracurricular activities, such as Arabic caligraphy learning, language department center, sport activities, etc. Prevention efforts should also be based on the agreement between the students and their teacher. With these efforts, this study concludes that the radical ideology potential for santri (student) will not occur.

Originality/Value – The study of radicalism becomes an important discussion today, given the rise of terrorist threats in almost all countries.


Purpose – This study aims to examine how the task-based learning model influences the motivation of students of the Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Department at Universitas Malikussaleh in learning English. Also, the present study attempts to find out the effectiveness of the implementation of this model in the English class as well as assess their attitudes toward the use of the model. This research involved 35 students of the first semester who were doing the English-I course.

Design/Methodology/Approach – This research combined a qualitative and quantitative approach with a direct application procedure through experimental study. The data were collected through a test, questionnaire, and interview.

Findings – The result shows that the task-based learning model helps non-English students to improve their English proficiency which in turn increases their motivation to learn English and therefore their attitudes toward using this model in their classroom is positively seen as a better way to learn English.

Research Limitations/Implications – Unlike many findings on similar studies, this research found that motivation cannot be utilized to predict grades in the peripheral university. New approaches should be developed to find out the predictors for student grades.

Practical Implications – To understand the influencing aspects for students’ grades attainment, more variables should be used. Both internal and external motivation factors failed to predict students’ grades.

Originality/Value – Research on students learning motivation specifically at the peripheral university has been studied.


Purpose – The purpose of this research is to design and build a wild animal pest repellent device with combination of passive infrared (PIR) sensor and ultrasonic signal based on microcontroller as system controller. The PIR sensor is used to detect the presence of wild animal objects and ultrasonic signals to interfere with the hearing.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The design of the system is built based on microcontroller as the system controller. The system as a whole includes hardware and software. The design of hardware consists of the system design on the transmitter side and the system design on the receiver side, while the software in the of system are algorithms using C language programming.

Findings – The resulting repellent device can detect animals approaching up to a distance of 5 m and may interfere with its hearing with a 40 kHz ultrasonic frequency up to a distance of 20 m. The system also uses remote monitoring devices using 433 MHz radio frequency up to a distance of 60 m.

Research Limitations/Implications – Each animal has different hearing frequencies, as well as some wild animals, but the hearing frequencies of wild animals are generally at ultrasonic frequencies. The frequency of animal hearing may vary from audio frequency to ultrasonic frequency, so ultrasonic wave emission testing with varying frequencies is required.

Practical Implications – This research combines systems on transmitters and receivers, with real-time monitoring of wild animal positions, and it can be possible to monitor the position of more detailed animals by installing more types of sensors as well as increasing the number of sensors.

Originality/Value – This paper may provide additional insight into the hearing frequencies of animals and may also serve as comparable papers for similar studies.


Purpose – This research analyzes and describes the implementation of the North Aceh Regency education budget policy for improving the quality of education in relationship to the impact of the special autonomy budget.

Design/Methodology/Approach – This research uses qualitative research, descriptive-qualitative analysis methods, and qualitative explorative methods.

Findings – The results show that the implementation of the special autonomy education budget policy of North Aceh Regency to improve the education quality has not run optimally. The main obstacle is the inadequate human resource issue, including the leadership problems of regional heads who should prioritize the development. Based on field data of the actors involved in the formulation of the education quality improvement program in Aceh Utara District, especially the legislative branch (namely BAPPEDA), the education office and members of the Aceh legislative team, the post-conflict Aceh representation of the legislature at the provincial level, the DPRA and DPRK at the district level / in the field of political will produced. The resulting program does not focus on the pattern of improving the quality of education, the policy is more rhetorical, and the program implementation is often adapted to the wishes of political actors.

Research Limitations/Implications – Given the fundamental differences in the root causes of primary and secondary education in Aceh, further research is needed to determine whether similar results will be obtained in other parts of Aceh.

Originality/Value – Identifies factors that lead to the low quality of educators and the unequal distribution of teachers in the Aceh Regency.

Paper Type – Research paper


Purpose – This study aims to explain current condition of investment inflow into Aceh Province of Indonesia after peace agreement between Free Aceh Movement and the Government of Indonesia was resolved. This peace agreement was achieved after both parties were involved in political conflict for three decades

Methodology – This study applies qualitative methods by using descriptive approach. Data required for this study were obtained from library research by analyzing primary and secondary resources. Primary resources were collected by analyzing current literature. Secondary resources were obtained by reviewing some previous research report, government report and other institution report which are related to this study. All collected data were analyzed by using qualitative analysis.

Findings – The results indicate that investment inflows into Aceh Province after a peace agreement have significantly increased. This condition is caused by better investment condition after Free Aceh Movement and the Government of Indonesia agree to seek a peaceful resolution through a peace agreement. It has been noted that political conflict in Aceh had occurred from 4th December 1976 until 15th August 2005. Prior to 15th August 2005 most investors were reluctant to invest in Aceh because unsecure conditions were rampant everywhere.Better investment inflow into Aceh after peace agreement is also motivated by the enactment of Law Number 11 of 2006 on the Governance of Aceh. By having this law the Government of Aceh has more power to manage and attract new investment to be invested in Aceh Province. This law provides more spaces for the Government of Aceh to provide adequate incentives and interesting facilities for certain sectors of investment to attract more inward FDI. Therefore, it is suggested that the Government of Aceh should maintain stable political condition to attract more investment inflows into Aceh in the future.


Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop prototype of the web-based home fire early warning system using Wiznet W5500 Ethernet module. This system protocol helps users in sending information of fire through the internet with the internet of things (IoT) method using Wiznet Ethernet module as communication media to the user.

Design/Methodology/Approach – This paper presents the design of web-based home fire early warning system using Wiznet W5500 Ethernet module. The system prototype is built using flame sensors, MQ-02 smoke sensors, and LM35 temperature sensors as input components. While on the processor side using Arduino Uno microcontroller as sensor data processing. Processed data is sent to the Ethernet module as a web server resulting in a web-based early warning information system with an alarm notification on the browser along with home location status information and sensor data.

Findings – This research produces a prototype of the web-based home fire early warning system using Wiznet W5500 Ethernet module that has been able to provide notification to the security officer housing.

Research Limitations/Implications – In the implementation of measurement, the information system only accesses one house detector or one fire location.

Practical Implications – This research produces a prototype of the web-based home fire early warning system using Wiznet W5500 Ethernet module that has been able to distribute data of temperature, smoke, and fire.

Originality/Value – The development of fire monitoring systems using flame sensors, smoke sensors and integrated temperature sensors in internet-based communication systems of things via the Internet W5500 does not appear to have been published yet.


Purpose – This research aims to know the condition of small and medium enterprises, after guidance by the Department of Industry Trade and Cooperatives of Ponorogo. This is done as an attempt to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the coaching that has been done.

Findings – From the research, it is known that there are three types of trainings starting from 2010 up to 2013. However, these data are not supported by its business as well as the company name. Samples of 50 participants varying in duration and the type of training were assessed. About 52% (26 SME) participants had a business, 24% did not, and the remaining 24% could not be located. While owning a business, they do not have the financial data in writing. This indicates that SMEs do not have the basic financial statements, which can be used to evaluate its financial management.

Research Limitations/Implications – Of the 26 who already have a business, 10 were in the traditional food industry (chicken satay, Dodol, ground coffee, and sugar), whereas 7 were in industrial baking and pastry and 9 in craft Industry consisting of batik, reog, and leather crafts. this research limitation hasn't mapped the existing SMEs in Ponorogo district who have not attend the training and who have attended the training.

Practical Implications – This results of this study have practical implications in Capitalized readily in abundance; jelly-making training organized by Department of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives resulted in the increase in value-added products. This success is supported by the awareness of the leader villages. However, the development effort still needs assistance for the need for promotion as well as the establishment of a marketing network. Besides strengthening the supply system, also needed is the maintenance of the existence of this business, which means that is expected to increase the economy.

Originality/Value – This is the first research that identifies the sari cincau ngrayun industry in Ponorogo city.


Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to know the types of mangrove and the status of the conservation of mangrove ecosystems in the area of Krueng Reuleng River, Leupung, Aceh Besar Regency.

Design/Methodology/Approach – Data collection on mangroves was retrieved using a Quadrat Sampling Method, the acquisition of information about the status of conservation of mangrove ecosystems was done using the interview method.

Findings – The results showed that there are four types of mangroves, and mangrove ecosystem conservation efforts have not been made by the people of Leupung. The conclusions of this study are as follows: the types of mangroves found in the area of Krueng Reuleng River are Nypa fruticans, Sonneratia alba, Acrostichum aureum, and Thespesia populnea. Conservation measures have not been undertaken to preserve the mangrove ecosystem in the area of Krueng Reuleng River.

Research Limitations/Implications – The location can be used as a site of practical research on the type of mangroves in the Krueng Reuleng River area for students studying biology.

Originality/Value – In addition to upgrading the data on the types of mangroves, this paper could be a reference for any relevant field.


Purpose – The aim of this study is to know the level of comprehension to understand the concept of vibration and wave by using the demonstration method for students in SMAN 1 Peureulak, Aceh.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The study was conducted at SMAN 1 Peureulak in September 2016. This study is done by using a demonstration method with 40 students consisting of 22 male and 18 female.

Findings – The results showed that the level of understanding of the concept of vibration and the wave of students SMAN 1 Peureulak, Aceh, were classified very well with the value of 8.01, while the concept of error was very low level about 1.925.


Purpose – This paper aims to detect or identify the presence of hydrocarbon infiltration on sampling point in the Rambe River area according to the obtained VOCs and the adsorbed SVOCs.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The Gore-sorber method has been used to capture volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) as indicators of subsurface hydrocarbon generation and entrapment. This method is usually used in environmental surveys for the oil investigations in certain areas for surface survey screening, designed to collect a broad range of VOCs and (SVOCs) at lower concentrations, quickly and inexpensively. The results also indicated a general correlation between the GORE-SORBER and reference method data. The research was conducted in Rambe River Village, Tebing Tinggi sub-district of Tanjung Jabung Barat district, Jambi Province Indonesia. The collection of the Gore-Sorber modules were analyzed using a gas chromatography-mass spectrometer thermal desorption (GC/MS).

Findings – The results showed that from all sampling points in Tebing Tinggi areas, the dominant components detected are carbonyl sulphide, dimethyl sulfide, ethane, propane, butane, 2-methyl butane, pentane, and carbon sulfide with carbon chain in the range C2-C5. These hydrocarbon gases (C1-C4) which may be from thermogenic or microbial processes. The highest concentrations of carbonyl sulfide were 392.67 ng and dimethyl disulfide 261.90 ng.

Originality/Value – In addition to estimate and predict the petroleum formation, this article provides information about the presence of oil fields in the area of the Sungai Rambe Village


PurposeThis paper aims to explain the concept of post-conflict peace education that has been implemented in East Aceh.

Design/Methodology/ApproachThis research used the qualitative method where data were gathered by deep interview and study of documents.

FindingsThe results show that the Aceh government education agency has not yet developed a standarized concept of peace education to be implemented throught out the schools in East Aceh. However, non-governmental agencies both national and international have stepped ahead and implemented it in formal and non-formal educational institutions. UNICEF and AusAID had facilitated the preparation of a peace education textbook which was written by academicians at UIN Ar-Raniry in 2005. It has been applied to many schools in East Aceh by incorporating peace education in to Aqidah Akhlak subject.

Research Limitations/ImplicationsThe paper does not examine students’ understanding of peace education that can be learnt by incorporating concepts of peace education.

Practical ImplicationsThe concept of peace education is feasible to be adopted at whole senior high school in Aceh.

Originality/ValueThis paper offers a new concept of peace education, the liberal peace, religious peace, and traditional values that have been integrated in one subject to be taught at once.


Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the causational effect of both internal and external motivation with learning outcomes at a peripheral university in the province of Aceh. It also aims to evaluate which of the two factors possess stronger impact on the other across different genders.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The model of research utilizes quantitative approach. Using the questionnaires as data gathering methodology, it is designed to understand aspects of both internal and external motivation which influences the results. Correlational information was then derived from the data using SPSS software. Then, data were elaborated for more detail and ease of reading for readers.

Findings – The results obtained from this research showed that there was no relationship between both internal and external motivation with students grades. Claiming to have relatively high motivation, still students failed to attain good grades. Observed individually, no apparent relationship was visible from each aspect. The finding also suggested that there was no difference impact was visible across different gender. Both genders, male and female, in this university did not show any significant correlation between motivation and grades.

Research Limitations/Implications – Unlike many findings on similar studies, the research found out that motivation cannot be utilized as predictor to predict grades in the peripheral university. New approaches should be developed to find out working predictors for students grades.

Practical Implications – To understand influencing aspects for students’ grades attainment, more and or other variables should be utilized. Both internal and external motivation factors failed to predict students’ grades.

Originality/Value – Research on students learning motivation specifically at peripheral university was much been studied.


Purpose – This work aims to study the treatment of adsorbant on the increasing liquid hydrocarbon quality produced by pyrolysis low density polyethylene (LDPE) plastic waste at low temperature. The hydrocarbon distribution, physicochemical properties and emission test were also studied due to its application in internal combustion engine. This research uses pure Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and pure activated carbon as adsorbant, LDPE type clear plastic samples with control variable that is solar gas station.

Design/Methodology/Approach – LDPE plastic waste of 10 kg were vaporized in the thermal cracking batch reactor using LPG 12 kg as fuel at range temperature from 100 to 300°C and condensed into liquid hydrocarbon. Furthermore, this product was treated with the mixed CaCO3 and activated carbon as adsorbants to decrease contaminant material.

Findings – GC-MS identified the presence of carbon chain in the range of C6–C44 with 24.24% of hydrocarbon compounds in the liquid. They are similar to diesel (C6–C14). The 30% of liquid yields were found at operating temperature of 300°C. The calorific value of liquid was 46.021 MJ/Kg. This value was 5.07% higher than diesel as control.

Originality/Value – Hydrocarbon compounds in liquid produced by thermal cracking at a low temperature was similar to liquid from a catalytic process.


Purpose – The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship of lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) contents in sediment of Faunus ater (F. ater) population density and to analyze the relationship between Pb and Zn accumulation in F. ater with F. ater density in Reuleng River, Leupung, Aceh Besar.

Design/Methodology/Approach – Sampling was conducted in November 2016 until January 2017. Density of F. ater was analyzed by density formula while its relationship to Pb and Zn in sediments and F. ater was conducted by correlation analysis method.

Findings – The results showed that correlation between Pb and Zn in sediments and in F. ater varies at each locations on every month of sampling. Pb and Zn content in sediments found a fluctuating relationship in each month of sampling with density of F. ater. Correlation of Pb content in sediments with F. ater density showed a medium correlation in January 2017 with r-value = 0.665. Zn in sediment has a very strong correlation to F. ater density in November 2016 with r-value = 0.891. Pb in F. ater has a medium correlation to F. ater density in January 2017 with r-value = 0.436. Furthermore, accumulation of Zn in F. ater to its density does show some apparent correlation in each month of sampling.

Research Limitation/Implications – This research gives information about the relationship of Pb and Zn contents in sediment to density of F. ater and to analyze correlation of Pb and Zn in F. ater to density of F. ater in Reuleng River, Leupung, Aceh Besar district.

Originality/Value – This is the first time research is conducted about on the correlation between lead and zinc to obtain the density of F. ater.


Purpose – The objective of this research is to know the correlation of stress level with the degree of depression in the elderly at a nursing home in Lhokseumawe in the year 2017.

Design/Methodology/Approach – This research is analytic using a cross-sectional approach with a total sampling method. The total number of samples was 55 respondents.

Findings – The results showed that the elderly in a Lhokseumawe nursing home at average are at mild stress level to medium degree of depression. Pearson correlation test results show that there is a correlation between stress level and degree of depression in elderly in the Lhokseumawe nursing home in 2017 with medium strong relationship (r = 0.406; p = 0.002).

Research Limitations/Implications – We expect that the elderly living in the orphanage avoid negative thinking about themselves and the future, eliminating feelings of guilt or regret about past mistakes, taking adequate rest and maintaining a diet to avoid stress so as to prevent the onset of depression.

Originality/Value – In addition the study increases the theoretical understanding of the correlation between stress level and degree of depression in elderly at nursing home.


Purpose – This purpose of the research is to investigate the process of manufacturing LDPE recycle thermoplastic composites with reinforcement oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) biomass microfillers.

Design/Methodology/Approach – Methods of physical and chemical modification of OPEFB fibers into the LDPE matrix and the addition of some compatibilizer such as MAPE and xylene process through melt blending can improve mechanical properties, electrical properties, biodegradability, and improve the morphology of composites.

Research Limitations/Implications – These composites are prepared by the following matrix ratio: filler (70:30)% and filler size (63, 75, 90, and 106) μm. The LDPE plastic is crushed to a size of 0.5–1 cm, then pressed with hot press free heating for 5 min and with a pressure of 10 min at 145 °C. Based on the characterization obtained, the tensile strength and the high impact on the use of 106 μm filler is 13.86 MPa and 3,542.6 J/m2, and thermal stability indicates the degradation temperature (T0) 497.83 °C. FT-IR analysis shows the presence of functional groups of cellulose and lignin molecules derived from TKKS collected in the composite.

Practical Implications – Based on the characterization obtained, this composite can be applied as furniture material and vehicle dashboard.

Originality/Value – Composites obtained from recycle of LDPPE plastics waste has some advantages such as good compatibility and high tensile strength. This composite used the OPEFB filler whose size is in micrometer, and so this product is different from other products.


Purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on profitability in agricultural sector companies, especially the agricultural sub-sector in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). These sub-sectors are designated as one sub-plantation group with one value and another valuable sub-sector. This study uses secondary data of financial statements for the period 2015–2016 accessed on the following website:

Design/Methodology/Approach – The data analysis method used in this research, using dummy regression method with an independent variable, is called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), and Net Profit Margin (NPM) are used as dependent variables. Besides this, this study included a sub-sector variable in agricultural sector as a dummy variable.

Findings – This study found that the ability to explain CSR is greater by the ROE on plantation companies. These findings indicate that CSR has a signal for investors when investing in capital markets.

Research Limitations/Implications – This study had restrictiveness in model that was used only profitability ratio as an independent variable. This study also used during a two-year period. Alongside that, the next study is needed to search in other sectors by entering a sector variable as a dummy variable.

Practical Implications – Implementation of CSR was a solution for company to repair organizational and financial performance. So, Properly Company Management uncertainly implement CSR on their environment.

Originality/Value – All sub-sectors in agriculture in the IDX did not have different viewpoints for the implementation of a CSR program to their environment.


Purpose – The purpose of this study is to show that the settings are not self-incriminating rights the right of non-self-incrimination) within the law and how the civil rights of the crown witness exist.

Design/Methodology/Approach – This prescriptive and descriptive study employs the normative legal approach and qualitative analysis.

Findings – The attorney general should prove that a criminal case is not too oriented toward witnesses, especially the crown witness, and that there is still other evidence (e.g., evidence of letters and the results of forensic analysis) and the value of convincing proof is difficult to be denied by the defendant. To avoid misinterpretation towards the presence of crown witness in a criminal case process, a regulation policy issued by the Supreme Court of Republic Indonesia is needed.

Practical Implications – Proffering a crown witness under oath is to prove that a crime opposes against the procedure of criminal law with respect the human right values.

Originality/Value – Forcing a person to prove his own guilt is an act contrary to the alleged principle of an innocent person and this research has not been published.


Purpose – This study aims to design and build a wireless supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system based on Protocol AX.25 with the aim of monitoring the performance of several parameters in Microhydro Power Plant (MHPP). This system can monitor several MHPP parameters such as voltage, current, frequency, and turbine rotation so that it can be accessed directly at one central location.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The design is done by taking into account the real parameters that exist in the MHPP. Some parameters that become the main object to see the performance of MHPP are voltage, current, frequency, and turbine rotation. The voltage generated by the MHPP must be adjusted to the voltage supplied by State Electricity Company to the consumer, including the phase used. The resulting stream should also be monitored for power to be adjusted to the turbine spin. The generator frequency is kept stable according to the standard frequency of the State Electricity Company generator.

Findings – The remote terminal unit (RTU) system has been simulated using 2 ACS712 current sensors, voltage sensor, zero crossing point, frequency sensor, and rotation sensor functionalized to monitor MHPP parameters. The AX.25 protocol has been applicable in the wireless SCADA network for monitoring the performance of MHPP by embedding in KYL-1020UA transceiver radio using the 433 MHz frequency and the audio frequency shift keying modulation system. Radio transmitter KYL-1020UA has been successfully simulated to send data from sensors to display on the computer through SCADA built applications. The data changes in the RTU section can be displayed properly on the graphic user interface in accordance with the existing display at the MHPP location.

Research Limitations/Implications – There are only two RTUs that will be connected to communicate, in this case MHPP-1 with callsign “RTU-001” and MHPP-2 with callsign “RTU-002.” While the existing devices in the data access section parameters MHPP as master station with callsign “MSSCADA” monitoring the performance of parameters sent from the RTU. There is no collision or error in data transmission. Baudrate is varied at 1,200 bps, 2,400 bps, 4,800 bps, and 9,600 bps for effective throughput calculation and AX.25 protocol efficiency. The transmission distance is varied at 100 m, 200 m, 300 m, and 500 m to see the bit error rate with baudrate 1,200 bps and 9,600 bps.

Practical Implications – This product is expected to be applied to several MHPP locations in Aceh Province so that its monitoring system is more centralized and efficient.

Originality/Value – This research if for the efficient monitoring of several MHPP located far apart and can be monitored in one central location so that operators do not have to be located at the plant site.


Purpose – This study aims to obtain the best lipid content in locally isolated microalga that grows in palm oil mill effluent (POME).

Design/Methodology/Approach – Microalgae were cultured in POME with 25% dilution (LP25), 50% (LP50), and no dilution (LP) in 1,500 ml glass vessel at room temperature using a lighting intensity of 13,000 lux and continuous aeration for 24 hours and 12 hours, respectively. The biomass (in dry weight) of microalgae was analyzed daily by means of spectrophotometry using 624 nm wavelength to determine their growth.

Findings – The results showed that the acclimatized growth of microalgae in POME media adapted faster to the POME concentration. Acclimatized biomass content tends to increase to 1.014 g/L, while the content of non-acclimatized biomass reached only 0.752 g/L. Lipid content resulting from the direct extraction process using the modified Bligh and Dyer method provided the best yield of 47% in the microalgae grown in the LP50 POME medium.

Research Limitations/Implications – Lipid was produced from locally isolated microalgae cultured in POME medium with 25% dilution (LP25), 50% (LP50), and no dilution (LP).

Practical Implications – The lipid produced had the potential for biodiesel energy.

Originality/Value – In this study, microalga was used not only to treat POME liquid wastes but also to produce lipids as biodiesel energy potentials.


Purpose – The purpose of this study is to analyze and design a virtual collaboration information system of the Jamu supply chain network based on a fair adaptive contract to respond to stability challenges in business with an uncertainty environment condition.

Design/Methodology/Approach – System entity approach is used for the purpose of system analysis and then case, sequence diagram, class diagram, graph data modeling, and business process modeling and Notation verse 2 (BPMN2.0) are also used to design the system concept. Each process of the connecting event and gateways was arranged with relevant multicriteria decision approach, whilst an adaptive quantitative formulation based on prescriptive analytics was embedded to ensure a fair contract implementation during the terms for all sphere roles in supply chain.

Findings – The results and implications of this model emphasizes on the knowledge, competence, trust, and fair (KCTF) for actors’ adoption to improve supply chain stability and implementation.

Practical Implications – This led actors to collaborate their business in a more effective way.

Originality/Value – This model can reach more stability in the uncertainty environment.


Purpose – In this study, the possibility of the application of rice husks for adsorbing Mn(II) ion in the water phase has been studied.

Design/Methodology/Approach – Experimental studies have been initiated by preparing activated carbon from rice husks. The activation of rice husks was done using both physical and chemical treatment methods through heating at 110 °C and washing with citric acid activator at 0.2 M, 0.4 M, and 0.6 M. The adsorption tests were conducted as two part tests: preliminary and primary. The preliminary test was conducted to choose the best condition of four independent variables, i.e., contact time (0–120 minutes), activator concentrations (0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 M), initial Mn(II) concentrations (10, 20, 50, 100, 200, and 400 mg/L), and adsorption temperatures (30, 47, and 67 °C).

Findings – By identifying the substituted groups using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy after activation with citric acid, it was found that the highest transmittance percentage was present in activated carbon with 0.2 M of citric acid. The best adsorption capacity and efficiency was 13.87 mg/g and 79.60%, respectively, which were obtained at 200 mg/L initial concentration with a 0.2 M citric acid concentration for 120 min contact time at 47 °C. These results lead to a conclusion that rice husks after activation with citric acid can be applied as an adsorbent for Mn(II) adsorption in the water phase.

Research Limitations/Implications – The activated carbon produced was only applicable for the adsorption of Mn(II) ions from the water phase, but not applicable for the adsorption of other heavy metals ions.

Practical Implications – Rice husks were potentially prepared as an adsorbent for Mn(II) ion adsorption in the water phase that was low cost, environmental friendly, and easy to prepare.

Originality/Value – Activated carbon prepared from biomass was mostly carried out using acids at high concentrations while the study was conducted using weak acids (citric acid) at low concentrations.


Purpose – The purpose of this research is to study the ecological developments that are growing rapidly and are complemented by technological developments that make ecology a discipline which is able to collaborate, integrate, and use data for the development of science.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The method involves integration, analysis, and conclusion, drawing knowledge dissemination from heterogeneous ecological data that make the ecological research so complex requiring an approach to simplify the problem.

Findings – The data involved in ecology are very complex and diverse and spread from various sources, which are not mutually integrated so that a structured arrangement is required through the arrangement of computer-based data management.

Research Limitations/Implications – Eco-informatics is one of the options to manage the data, settings, and transform it into information and knowledge.


Purpose – This study aims at finding out the implementation of English for specific purposes (ESP) course and identifying the challenges faced by English lecturers in designing an ESP course for first-year students in the Engineering Faculty of Malikussaleh University.

Methodology – This study implements qualitative research through interviews as a means of data collection.

Findings – This study addresses the application of an ESP course and identifies the challenges appeared during the stages of designing. The study reveals that an ESP course is not completely implemented. In fact, the course provided little ESP contents. The paper also reveals that, in terms of challenges, each stage of design presents its own challenge. To design an ESP course involves five crucial stages, that is, needs analysis, syllabus, material, teaching, and evaluation. Teachers encounter challenges as the design process takes place.

Research Limitations/Implications – The present study provides an account of how English teachers view challenges in implementing a complete ESP course. However, further research should be conducted to discover the possibility of application of ESP course in national universities in Indonesia.

Practical Implications – This paper offers solutions in order to make the implementation of ESP course feasible in the university.

Originality/Value – There have not been any research in ESP application for engineering students in Malikussaleh University.


Purpose – The purpose of this paper to immobilization provides biosorbent particle with density and mechanichal strength, immobilization can save the cost of separating from biomass, can be regeneration and to increase adsorption capacity for metal ions.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The parameters affecting the adsorption, such as initial metal ion concentration, pH, contact time, and temperature, were studied. The analysis of biosorbent functional group was carried out by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, SEM-EDX, for elemental analysis.

Findings – Optimum pH condition for biosorption Cd(II) was pH 5, contact time was 45 min, and initial concentration was 250 mg/L. Biosorbent analysis was characterized using SEM-EDX and FTIR analysis. Kinetics adsorption was studied and analyzed in terms of the pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order, and intraparticle diffusion kinetics models. The result showed that the biosorption for Cd(II) ion followed the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. Biosorption data of Cd(II) ion at 300°K, 308°K, and 318°K was analyzed with Temkin, Langmuir, and Freundlich isotherms. Biosorption of Cd(II) by durian seed immobilization in alginate according to the Langmuir isotherm equation provided a coefficient correlation of r2 = 0.939 and maximum capacity biosorption of 25.05 mg/g.


Purpose – The aim of this study is to determine the effects of inquiry instruction incorporating with STEM learning on Chemistry Education of Malikussaleh University students’ science process skills and science attitudes.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The pre-experimental design, which is a mixed method approach is used in the study that included a pretest-posttest one group model and descriptive quantitative.

Findings – As a result of data analysis that STEM learning significantly enhances students’ science process skills and attitudes toward inquiry instruction. This study examines how participation in a semester long inquiry-based STEM learning project that involves interdisciplinary skills, sociological research on attitudes, and behaviors enhances the scientific and quantitative literacies of STEM students.

Research Limitations/Implications – Quantitative research is needed to determine the more common effects of learning outcomes. However, this study only determines a self-assessment on science attitudes. The other one is a limitation on the participants and reviewing aspects of learning with more variables in order to obtain more optimal results.

Practical Implications – The results of this study have practical implications in terms of hands-on activities. The learning model can be used to explain the concept of multidisciplinary studies and particularly to students and their parents. It will be a useful model for lecturers, personal tutors, and any other practitioners involved in hands-on activities.

Originality/Value – This paper innovative at a conceptual level of education development for students, graduates, and it is very simple descriptive papers. It will be of value to anybody with an interest in education competitiveness issues.


Purpose – The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of perceived ease, intensity of behavior, and user satisfaction in using the e-filing system, especially in the city of Lhokseumawe.

Design/Methodology/Approach – Analysis of the data in this study was done using multiple linear regression. The sample collection method used in this study was convenience sampling with a total sample of 96 people.

Findings – The results showed that () perceived ease had a positive significant effect on the use of e-filing (), intensity behavior positive significant effect had a on the use of e-filing (), and user satisfaction had a positive significant effect on the use of e-filing ().

Research Limitations/Implications – The implication of this research is the effect of user satisfaction against use of e-filing.

Practical Implications – Use of e-filing can simplify the reporting process overall by taxes and easy to use e-filing.

Originality/Value – Perceived ease, intensity behavior, and user satisfaction affect the use of e-filing.


Purpose – This study discusses the anatomical changes in the pattern of conflicts after the peace agreement and reviews Aceh’s current political situation, focusing on the terrorism issues and post-conflict local elections, the process and development of the conflict, the compromise, and the forecast for the political and administrative system of local government in Aceh.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The data were obtained by reviewing issues on terrorism and conflicts, analyzing relevant written documents, and interviewing reliable resources.

Findings – Aceh remained stable after the peace agreement between the Government of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka or GAM), which was signed in Helsinki on August 15, 2005. However, it does not mean that conflicts never happened. Some conflicts that were potential threats to peace in Aceh occurred many times, ranging from crime problems to social, political, and terrorism issues. Although such conflicts also happened in other places in Indonesia, they were considered very sensitive in Aceh, which always had been associated with peace threat and rebellion issues. Some religion-based terrorism actions disrupted the peace process in Aceh, but it is certain that the terrorist networks had nothing to do with GAM and Acehnese. They only used Aceh as an escape area when they were hunted by security forces in Java.

Implications – The values of Islam in Aceh are not easily penetrated by radicalism offered by the terrorist groups. Peace and stability in Aceh have been maintained up to now. After gaining considerable advantage from power sharing with the Government of Indonesia, GAM has been comfortable with the situation and forgotten the idea of independence. Conflicts and armed violence occur frequently in some places, but they have been transforming from vertical (between the Indonesian military/TNI and GAM) to horizontal lines with various reasons. The most prominent one is the question of access to power, which in turn has an impact on economic access.


Purpose – Previous studies distinguish revenue management based on discretionary accruals; the research of studies is to investigate the factors that affect the finance manager at the discretionary accrual in General financial information statement.

Design/Methodology/Approach – Literature review models used in research aimed at detecting any company that performs the company’s discretion to fulfill the accrual of interests internally. This research study also discusses the relationship between earnings and discretionary manager behavior.

Findings – The researcher wants to re-examine the hypothesis of market efficiency on Indonesia’s capital market. The current company information technology uses greatly influences worldwide investor interest to invest on Indonesian’s capital market. Emerging Indonesia Capital market status becomes very interesting to be studied.

Originality/Value – It also presented the shortcomings of current research and the trends for future study in capital market.

Purpose – The purpose of this study was to invent morphological North Aceh durian data as germplasm information.

Methodology – The research was conducted at Langkahan and Sawang, North Aceh Region, from March to August 2014. The material used was the durian plant that should be 20 years and preferred by the local community. Exploration as the first step of experiment was done by purposive sampling. Identification was done on the source of durian germplasm. The source of durian germplasm as the experimental object was observed for its growth and morphology. Data analysis for morphological characteristics was done by using NTSYSpc (Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate Analysis) NTSYSpc versi 2.02.

Originality – The results showed that there were 25 accessions superior durian in Langkahan and 26 accessions superior durian in Sawang. They had different characters in the vegetative parts of the plant. The durian coefficient value of similarity in Langkahan ranged from 0.33 to 0.94, while in Sawang, it ranged from 0.24 to 0.86. The diversity of the morphological character in superior durian of Langkahan and Sawang was seen from the qualitative character (surface and color of bark, crown shape, top surface color of leaves, and leaf shape) and quantitative character (plant height, stem diameter, crown diameter, length, width, and leaf area).


Purpose – The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy value of national street lighting on energy conservation and carbon dioxide (CO2) emission reduction.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The methods used are the measurement of electrical parameters (low voltage network), the national road illumination level with SON lamp specification, 400 W, 180 W, and 110 Lumen/W, the simulation of energy conservation calculation, and the CO2 emission reduction obtained by utilizing panel solar cells as a source of energy and LED lights for illumination.

Finding – The results show the efficacy of a 100-W light bulb at an altitude of 8 m for the following specification of light bulbs: LED, 130 Lumens/W, SON, 110 Lumen/W, and MBF, 53 Lumen/W gives the illumination level respectively 13,913 Lux, 11,773 Lux, and 5,672 Lux. By replacing the 180 W SON lamp with an LED, 100 W, of energy conservation by 3.171 GW h is obtained, which is equivalent to a CO2 emission reduction of 3.641 kTon CO2.

Originality/Value – This study is a continuation of a study of energy conservation with the utilization of solar cells as an electrical power source for an LED bulb that replaces low-voltage networks as a power source for the bulb type SON.

Hamming distance of a two bit strings u and v of length n is defined to be the number of positions of u and v with different digit. If G is a simple graph on n vertices and m edges and B is an edge–vertex incidence matrix of G, then every edge e of G can be labeled using a binary digit string of length n from the row of B which corresponds to the edge e. We discuss Hamming distance of two different edges of the graph G. Then, we present formulae for the sum of all Hamming distances between two different edges of G, particularly when G is a path, a cycle, and a wheel, and some composite graphs.

Research to find new energy source is still an intensive work by researchers in this field. One of the energy sources with no negative impact to environment is solar energy. Solar cell is used to convert solar energy to electrical energy. The electrically powered solar cell in direct current (DC) power is not suitable for our daily office equipment since they need the alternating current (AC) power. This research has succeeded in realizing a solar cell automation tool based on Arduino Uno with input from solar energy, from which output AC voltage can be used for the needs of household appliances and office equipments. Output power of this tool is approximately 700 W, which can turn on the lights, charge the hand phones, laptops, and so forth.

Innovation in a decentralized blockchain infrastructure can be used by medicine as a prerequisite for the exchange of patient data. Developments in the medical device industry that support the technology of the internet of things and wireless sensor networks also facilitate the examination of patient medical records that no longer require visits to the practice of doctors or hospitals which in some cases takes in a considerable time. Not to mention the consideration of traffic congestion and busy routine in the work. Patients can check their healthcare concerns using only sensors such as e-Health Sensor Shield Platform which then sends recording results through the transmission line to the data lakes. However, this patient’s medical record data is very confidential and may only be accessed by certain parties only. This required the design of the concept of security in the transmission of data so that the data does not leak to parties who are not eligible. This paper attempts to provide an overview of the concept of using encryption with an asymmetric key for securing data from sensors to data lakes before forwarding to a decentralized, interconnected blockchain infrastructure.

Publication date
Book series
Emerald Reach Proceedings Series
Series copyright holder
Emerald Publishing Limited
Book series ISSN