Table of contents

Quality Management: A Bitter Pill to Swallow or a Panacea for our Pains ?

Steven John Mackowski

The implementation of quality management is not proceeding quicklyenough. Proposes that the delay is caused by avoidance of organizationdisruption in the short term. Presents the…


Quality Awards – a Means to an End or an End in Themselves?

David Steventon

Many companies are spending large sums of money and considerablemanagement effort in pursuit of one or more of the recognized qualityawards. There are, however, critics who…


Fostering Creativity

John Kind

Argues that with increasing competition, the nurturing of creativity isessential to promote differentiation and superiority. Therefore, seniormanagers need to devote much more…


Customer Retention: Focus or Failure

David Jamieson

Few companies focus on the key issues of customer satisfaction andloyalty and a large proportion measure for measurement’s sake. By movingaway from traditional methods of…


Alternative Schemes for ISO 9000 Harmonization in Europe

Alan Sharp

With the increasing use of ISO 9000, claims have surfaced that theprocess of certification is being carried out in different ways amongthe countries of Europe. This situation is…


Understanding Quality through Systems Thinking

Peter Cusins

Outlines, with the aid of diagrams, the core concepts of systems theoryas a basis for understanding the applications of systems thinking inorganizations. Explains ideas like…


To Restructure or Not? That Is the Managerial Question

David Staniforth

Highlights the significance of organizational structure in some typicalUK manufacturing firms. Features current research at the SheffieldInstitute of Work Psychology, University…


Manchester United – A Model Example of CQI in Action

Alison Johns

Reports on the Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Conference of April1994. Manchester United is cited as a model for team building and CQI.The practice of teamwork, with…


Is it Spring or Autumn for TQM?

Colin Pitts

Reviews six years experience with TQ in a large multinationalmanufacturing company. Commitment alone is not enough – ownership isvital. TQ is continuous but not constant, there…


BS 5750 – A Logical Step

Tony Conway

Explains why International Training Service, a human resourcedevelopment consultancy, decided to work towards BS 5750 and how itachieved registration to BS 5750 Part One across…


Quality Paradigm

Robert Cooper

Examines what can be achieved with a focus on total customersatisfaction. The supplier is a customer, the next operator is acustomer etc. The customer chain is reflected from…


Total Quality Management : Another Mast to String Your Flag to, or a Means to Change a Company’s Culture?

Malcolm Shields

A shot in time appraisal of the development of TQM within a relativelysmall manufacturing unit (100 people). Details the unit’s originalposition, what methodology was used and who…


How to Sustain the Total Quality Management Process after the First 12 Months

Klaus Lund, Claus Thomsen

Describes symptoms of a TQM process not working. From eight yearsexperience working with TQM in the service industries, an 11‐point planhas been devised for sustaining the TQM…


Measuring Service Quality and Promoting Decentring

Calum Webster, Li‐Chu Hung

Presents two questionnaires for measuring service quality. Derived fromthe SERVQUAL instrument, they have been field tested on around 100subjects. The adapted questionnaires are…


Should Activity‐based Costing be Considered as the Costing Method of Choice for Total Quality Organizations?

Steve R. Letza, Ken Gadd

Managers of contemporary organizations are continually examining modernmanagement techniques with a view to adopting best management practicesand thus gain competitive advantage…




Renamed to:

The TQM Journal

Online date, start – end:

1988 – 2007

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited