International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences: Volume 9 Issue 3/4

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Table of contents - Special Issue: QMOD-ICQSS conference, ‘Building a culture for quality, innovation and sustainability’

Is innovation the future of quality management?: Searching for signs of quality and innovation management merging

Johan Lilja, David Hansen, Johan Fredrikson, Daniel Richardsson

Upcoming as well as mature industries are facing pressure as regards successfully managing operational excellence, and, at the same time, driving and managing innovation. Quality…


Improving the selection of international distribution partners by using quality management methods

Sandra Klute-Wenig, Svenja Rebsch, Hartmut Holzmüller, Robert Refflinghaus

The importance of international markets has increased in the past years and will further increase in the future. This offers potential for being competitive, but especially for…


Understanding quality – conceptualization of the fundamental concepts of quality

Juhani Anttila, Kari Jussila

The purpose of this study is to challenge bridging the gap between the problems of the existing quality profession and the existing and emerging challenges of quality with regard…


Logistics service providers’ engagement in disaster relief initiatives: An exploratory analysis

Alessandra Cozzolino, Ewa Wankowicz, Enrico Massaroni

The purpose of this paper is to explore the contribution of logistics service providers’ (LSPs) initiatives to disaster relief and how LSPs are engaged with humanitarian sector…


Luxury branding: the case of Chanel

Kana Sugimoto, Shin’ya Nagasawa

This study answers the research question “How can businesses apply a luxury brand strategy to achieve innovation in their businesses or brands?” It aims to investigate the…


Using anchoring vignettes to study quality management across cultures

Promporn Wangwacharakul, Bozena Bonnie Poksinska

The aim of this paper is to suggest and demonstrate how anchoring vignettes, as a survey instrument, can be applied to study quality management (QM) across cultures. Cultural…


Development of the DGQ role bundle model of the Q occupations

Nadine Schlüter, Benedikt Sommerhoff

Today’s generations face the effect that knowledge is no more usable for decades or even centuries. The pace of change as well as its profoundness has reached levels that cause…


Building quality culture in higher education

Liselott Lycke, Ingrid Tano

The purpose of this paper is to describe an approach to build a quality culture within a higher education institution.


Reconciling internal and external satisfaction through probabilistic graphical models: An empirical study

Flaminia Musella, Roberta Guglielmetti Mugion, Hendry Raharjo, Laura Di Pietro

This paper aims to holistically reconcile internal and external customer satisfaction using probabilistic graphical models. The models are useful not only in the identification of…


Product development based on design attributes: An empirical analysis of perceptions and influences

Michael Brusch, Katrin Baumert, Paula Kastner

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate an approach to include the influence of design attributes (DA) into an early product development step. In general, the development of…


Quality management practices and their effects on the performance of public hospitals

Jingjing Xiong, Zhen He, Yujia Deng, Min Zhang, Zehong Zhang

To face profound changes from decreasing funding, growing patient expectations and increasing competition in the health-care market, public hospitals began to implement effective…


Peer review of teaching at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences

Zsuzsanna Eszter Tóth, György Andor, Gábor Árva

This paper aims to describe an internal quality enhancement system based on peer reviewing and summarizes the first results of application at the Budapest University of Technology…


Examining the relationships among service features, customer loyalty and switching barriers in the Greek banking sector

Eleni Koutsothanassi, Nancy Bouranta, Evangelos Psomas

The aim of this paper is to present and empirically validate a conceptual framework that explores the links between the two service features (physical and interactive) and their…


Fostering learning organisation in transitional economy – the role of authentic leadership and employee affective commitment

Milan Delić, Terje Slåtten, Bojana Milić, Uglješa Marjanović, Srđan Vulanović

The aim of this study is to examine how and in what way authentic leadership and affective employee commitment foster the learning organisation in the context of transitional…


Food habits and attitudes towards food quality among young students

Elisabetta Savelli, Federica Murmura, Lolita Liberatore, Nicola Casolani, Laura Bravi

The food consumption has always received a lot of attention in the marketing literature, as it tends to reflect and determine the overall consumer behaviour, expression of the…


Quality through accreditation

Stefan Olof Lagrosen

The paper concerns the three main accreditation standards for business schools: EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA. The purpose of this paper is to analyse these standards for accreditation…


Storytelling: a co-creative process to support value-based leadership

Kristen Snyder, Christer Hedlund, Pernilla Ingelsson, Ingela Bäckström

The purpose of this paper is to identify constraints and possibilities to develop a value-based leadership in manufacturing using storytelling as a co-creative method and process.


Quality culture deployment – using behaviours to explain, diagnose and improve a quality culture

Peter Cronemyr, Ingela Bäckström, Åsa Rönnbäck

Today’s organisations face the challenge of measuring the right things and then using those measurements as a starting point to work with improved quality. The failure to generate…

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  • Riadh Ladhari