Guest editorial

Su Mi Dahlgaard-Park, Jens Dahlgaard

International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences

ISSN: 1756-669X

Article publication date: 18 September 2017



Dahlgaard-Park, S.M. and Dahlgaard, J. (2017), "Guest editorial", International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, Vol. 9 No. 3/4, pp. 230-231.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2017, Emerald Publishing Limited

The 19th QMOD-ICQSS conference 2016: “Building a culture for quality, innovation and sustainability”

The 19th annual QMOD-ICQSS conference was held in Rome, hosted by Rome Tre University. Although one could imagine that the participants could be tempted by the multiple ancient tourist attractions located in every corner of the city, most participants were real creators of shared value during the conference. The conference was a genuine forum where all participants took active roles in creating and sharing value in many ways. They shared knowledge, experience, methods and suggestions through dialogues, discussions and networking.

Under the specific conference theme of “Building a Culture for Quality, Innovation and Sustainability”, about 170 papers were presented during the 2 and a half day conference, and all session chairs provided review feedback reports to each presenter as well as valuable supplementary feedback during the sessions. The below table shows titles and authors of the 18 papers published in this special issue ().

The above papers are explicitly or implicitly touching and enlightening different aspects of the conference main theme as well as related themes. Some papers have a main focus on how to improve quality, other papers have a focus on how to improve sustainability, other papers have a focus on understanding learning and innovation and the impacts on quality and other papers have a focus on understanding relationships between quality, sustainability and innovation.

Some papers are conceptual, whereas other papers are empirical based with a focus of quantitative modeling and measuring relationships and impacts, and other papers have a focus on qualitative analyses and storytelling. In this way, the selected papers complement each other and contribute to building a complex picture and understanding of the conference main theme.

It is our hope that the readers after studying these 18 research papers will be able to build and understand such a complex picture to help and prevent mistakes when organizations are trying to build a culture for improving quality, sustainability, innovation and learning.

Paper title Authors
Is Innovation the future of quality management? Searching for signs of quality and innovation management merging? Johan Lilja, David Hansen, Johan Fredrikson, (Sweden)
Improving the Selection of International: Distribution Partners by Using Quality Management Methods Sandra Klute-Wenig, Svenja Rebsch, Robert Refflinghaus, Hartmut H. Holzmüller (Germany)
Understanding quality – Conceptualization of the fundamental concepts of quality Juhani Anttila, Kari Jussila (Finland)
Logistics service providers’ engagement in disaster relief initiatives Alessandra Cozzolino, Ewa Wankowicz, Enrico Massaroni (Italy)
Luxury branding: The case of Chanel Kana Sugimoto, Shin’ya Nagasawa (Japan)
Using Anchoring Vignettes for Studying Quality Management in an International Setting Promporn Wangwacharakul, Bonnie Poksinska (Sweden)
Development of the DGQ role bundle model of the Q occupations Nadine Schlüter, Benedikt Sommerhoff (Germany)
Building Quality Culture in Higher Education Liselott Lycke, Ingrid Tano (Sweden)
Reconciling internal and external satisfaction through probabilistic graphical models Flaminia Musellaa, Roberta Guglielmetti Mugionb, Hendry Raharjoc, Laura Di Pietro (Italy)
Product Development Based on Design Attributes: An Empirical Analysis of Perceptions and Influences Michael Brusch, Katrin Baumert (Germany)
Quality management practices and their effects on the performance of a public hospital Jingjing Xiong, Zhen He, Yujia Deng, Min Zhang, Zehong Zhang (China)
Peer review of teaching at Budapest University of Technology and Economics Zsuzsanna Eszter Tóth, György Andor, Gábor Árva (Hungary)
Examining the Relationships among Service Features, Customer Loyalty and Switching Barriers in the Greek Banking Sector Eleni Koutsothanassi, Nancy Bouranta, Evangelos L. Psomas (Greece)
Fostering learning organisation in transitional economy – The role of authentic leadership on employee affective commitment Milan Delić, Bojana Milić, Uglješa Marjanović, Srđan Vulanović, Dragoljub Šević (Serbia)
Food habits and attitudes towards food quality among young students Elisabetta Savelli, Federica Murmura, Lolita Liberatore, Nicola Casolani, Laura Bravi (Italy)
Quality through accreditation Stefan Lagrosen (Sweden)
Storytelling as a co-creative process to build cultures of quality, innovation and sustainability in manufacturing Kristen Snyder, Christer Hedlund, Pernilla Ingelsson, Ingela Bäckström (Sweden)
Quality Culture Deployment – Using Behaviours to Explain, Diagnose and Improve a Quality Culture Peter Cronemyr, Ingela Bäckström, Åsa Rönnbäck (Sweden)

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