Table of contents

German companies react to TQM

Klaus j. Zink, Rolf Schildknect

For many years the technical quality of German products has given them a competitive edge in international markets. However, as more and more companies adopt Total Quality…


A fighting chance

Brendan Vickers

Can firms employing 100, 80 or 50 people benefit from TQM? This article examines the issues, based upon experience gained through the UK Department of Trade and Industry's Quality…


Total quality — The issues and realities

PK Smith, Tee

LeaRonal, a major supplier of surface treatment technology to the printed circuit board industry, has moved from certification to BS5750 Part 1 and ISO9001 to TQM. Based on its…


Total customer service

A. Wilkinson, E. Snape, P. Allen

Black & Decker UK has approached quality management through Total Customer Service. The programme involves communications, employee participation through quality circles and TCS…


Leadership in a TQM environment

D Wilcox

There is nothing mysterious, romantic or necessarily laudable about leadership. In reality, leadership is that extension of management which focuses upon the ‘people’ element of…


When cultures collide

Philip E Atkinson

Total quality, as a tool of cultural change, is a strategic weapon. When used in conjunction with merger and acquisition programmes, total quality can substantially reduce the…


Q‐SHARE® — A share of TQM

Alan Younger

Small companies often have quality management needs which differ from those of large companies. The Q‐Share scheme, administered by Polyfield Services Ltd, provides assistance in…


Hilti sells total quality

G. Wilshaw, B. Dale

Over the past decade Hilti (Gt. Britain) Ltd tried a number of quality initiatives to improve product delivery and service. The implementation of TQM in 1990 has produced a…


Innovation through involvement

James McConville

Suggestion schemes in the West are alive and well, thanks to a new impetus provided by total quality initiatives. Investment in performance systems designed to encourage and…




Renamed to:

The TQM Journal

Online date, start – end:

1988 – 2007

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited