The Antidote: Volume 2 Issue 4


Table of contents

Blooming alliances

T Kippenberger

Looks at business alliances and how the headline makers are already big players, e.g. General Electric and Pratt & Whitney — combining to fight Rolls‐Royce; Mobil and BP in…


Transaction costs — explaining the shape you're in

T Kippenberger

Describes an overview of a substantial body of theory, whose importance lies in the concept, not the detail. States one of the bugbears of joint ventures is the worry that a…

The Prisoner's Dilemma

T Kippenberger

Uses ‘The Prisoner's Dilemma’ (attributed to Albert Tucker) to explain game theory — showing achieving co‐operation is a fundamental management problem, which reveals itself…


The art of alliances: the ability to create and sustain relationships is now a key corporate resource

T Kippenberger

Uses Rosabeth Moss Kanter's 15 principles and 8 I's (initial letters of the successful word areas) to argue consistently that inter‐company relationships cannot be run on purely…


Strategic alliances: the offspring of their parents

T Kippenberger

Posits that there are four basic motives for forming strategic alliances: first, whether the business is a core or peripheral part of the parent organization's activities; second…

Collaborating to compete: cross‐border alliances

T Kippenberger

Sets out to show that although strategic alliances do represent challenges for managers, they are a useful vehicle for international strategy. Finds that the average life span of…


Locomotives or juggernauts? — partnerships with the Japanese

T Kippenberger

Regards East Asian dynamism as a world ‘locomotive’ to which the West should link its enterprise — even though there may be some suspicion involved. Fears an army of ‘juggernauts’…

Using alliances to destabilize market values

T Kippenberger

Warns that managers who base strategic alliances on the popular marriage metaphor are mistaken — especially in fast‐moving markets. Bases research on consulting work in…


When polygamy is better than monogamy (strategic alliances)

T Kippenberger

Suggests that multi‐partner strategic alliances can give rise to intense competition, create new forms of rivalry within industries and also change industry structures. Comments…


Keiretsu — a very Japanese form of ‘alliance’

T Kippenberger

Investigates Keiretsu (or link, affiliate with, connect to) and its two forms, horizontal and vertical. Highlights a panel that explains the background to Keiretsu in Japan from…



Online date, start – end:

1996 – 2000

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Merged to become:

Strategy & Leadership