Locomotives or juggernauts? — partnerships with the Japanese
Regards East Asian dynamism as a world ‘locomotive’ to which the West should link its enterprise — even though there may be some suspicion involved. Fears an army of ‘juggernauts’ from the Pacific Rim will destroy Western companies and economies unless governments involved themselves in arresting their progress. Highlights (in a panel) Honda's alliance with Rover — a case of a high‐profile Japanese company linking with a top British one — as evidence of locomotive or juggernaut theories. Concludes that though both Eastern and Western partners have suffered failure in collaborative ventures, this does not mean that all East‐West ventures are to be avoided.
Kippenberger, T. (1997), "Locomotives or juggernauts? — partnerships with the Japanese", The Antidote, Vol. 2 No. 4, pp. 21-23. https://doi.org/10.1108/EUM0000000006347
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