Table of contents

Sending out the right signals

Chris Ashton

Analyses the use of compensation systems and the signals that they give out to employees. Suggests that they may often get mixed messages about the system′s intentions and…


Banking on new ideas

Andrew Lee‐Mortimer

Reports on the use of performance incentives at Girobank in order to involve staff and gain their commitment to TQM. The staff recognition scheme was originally designed to…


Visions for the future

Klaus Lund, Claus Thomsen

Offers the authors′ predictions of how TQM will develop in the near future: states that an increased number of quality key figures will be presented at board meetings; predicts an…


A balanced performance

Vicky Wright, Liz Brading

Asks whether performance‐related pay can be compatible with TQM and examines the opinions of leading “gurus” on the subject. Looks at examples of good practice in performance…


Metering out change

Melanie Williams

Describes the introduction of a TQM culture at Pitney Bowes plc in the United Kingdom in order to make it more competitive in a receding market. Reports on the formation of…


No eulogies for TQM

Karl Albrecht

States that the TQM approach to quality is going out of fashion, takes as evidence of this the fact that examiners for the Baldrige Award are looking for evidence of customer…


Profiting from commitment

Chris Ashton

Examines the implementation of profit sharing and employee ownership schemes, uses some case examples to show how the popularity of these concepts has grown over the years…


Paying for quality

Evan Ivey

Addresses the issue of performance‐related pay in a TQM environment, pay being an area which has been rather neglected in most TQM textbooks. Suggests that the problem lies in…


Appraisal development

Bob Hemmings

Suggests that it is possible to develop a performance appraisal system (without performance‐related pay) that can be integrated into a total quality process. Examines the problems…


It′s quality not quantity

Roger N. Swaris

Laments the lack of attention paid to communication within a TQM programme, despite the fact that it is of vital importance. States that a good balance of high quality…


Make it child's play

Theresa Hicks, Tony Carter

It is never too early to start practising continuous improvement. An American primary school teacher has taken this to heart and, with help from Dr. Deming, is encouraging her…


Wall to wall commitment

Melanie Williams

Examines the commitment of Milliken Contract Carpets in the United Kingdom to improve the quality of product and service as perceived by the customer. Describes the background to…


Systematic rewards

Mike Bradley

Covers some of the reward strategies commonly used by management to motivate individual employees. Contends that the use of reward strategies within companies can cause…


Calculating the benefits

John Pike, Mike Hewins

Asks whether cost benefits from TQM can be substantiated, and what period of time is needed for them to impact on business performance. Presents the results of a recent survey…




Renamed to:

The TQM Journal

Online date, start – end:

1988 – 2007

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited