Kybernetes: Volume 30 Issue 9/10
The international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciencesTable of contents
Cybernetics and interviewing
Johannes van der ZouwenThe interview is the most frequently used, but often disputed, method of data collection in the social sciences. Methodological research after the sources of response errors in…
On the variety of imprecise probabilities
George J. KlirPresents an overview of currently recognized theories of imprecise probabilities and their possible extensions. It is shown how the theories are ordered by their levels of…
Basic problems of economic cybernetics
Manea MaonescuEconomic cybernetics – a very important branch of cybernetics – has elaborated and founded concepts, models, techniques and methods for the investigation both qualitatively and…
Pansystems philosophy and its mathematical principles
Xuemou Wu, Xiangjun Feng, Dinghe GuoA new expression of the philosophy framework of pansystems theory is stated. Some generalized quantification formulae are developed. Concrete contents include: new forms of…
Alex M. AndrewThe popular backpropagation algorithm for training neural nets is a special case of an earlier principle of significance feedback, which in turn has much in common with…
Heuristic economics – its cybernetic undertone
A. GhosalPresents the essentials of heuristic economics. Problems of planning and development, which are complex, ill‐structured and subject to uncertainty, often defy algorithmic…
Some aspects on modelling as a base for scientific recommendations
Robert W. GrubbströmArgues that the Hempel‐Oppenheimian logical scheme for explanations and predictions also applies to prescriptive statements (recommendations) derived from theoretical models in…
Economics and cybernetics
Ernst P. Billeter‐FreyConsiders that cybernetics could be used more often in economics. Questions the use of econometrics, but sees a cybernetical approach as being fruitful.
Beyond state‐of‐the‐art topology as normative ground for decision‐making systems
Wolf PearlmanReviews experiments in design and urbanism, intervening in the development of transdisciplinary systems theory for decision‐making organizations. Presents beyond state‐of‐the‐art…
Fuzzy systems in cybernetics
Constantin Virgil NegoitaReflects upon the paucity of opportunities to publish papers on fuzzy systems 30 years ago and how Kybernetes became the first journal to do so. Acknowledges particularly the…
System concept modelling in human systems
M. MansourThe modelling of ethical behaviour using some sources as described in modern philosophy is discussed. The model is phenomenalistic and very simple, using only elementary system…
Pockets of irrationality in an increasingly rational world: An effort to simplify unmanageable environmental over‐complexity?
Felix GeyerThe transition is described from the “mediated society” (Lachs) to the “network society” (Castells), caused by the increasingly rapid complexification of modern society. On the…
Optimization based on information containing uncertainties
Han‐Fu ChenConsiders the problem of finding extrema of an unknown function L(⋅):I Rl× R or the root set of its gradient f(⋅) \underline \underline Δ ▽ L(⋅) on the basis of observations…
A new formulation of Adomian method: Convergence result
K. Abbaoui, M.J. Pujol, Y. Cherruault, N. Himoun, P. GrimaltA new approach of the decomposition method (Adomian) in which the Adomian scheme is obtained in a more natural way than in the classical presentation, is given. A new condition…
True parallel processing in artificial neural networks
Alejandro B. EngelThe area of artificial neural networks, which dates back to the early twentieth century, could only offer positive contributions to technology after the back‐propagation algorithm…
Chemistry of belief: Experiments with doxastic solutions
Andrew AdamatzkyAn artificial chemistry approach is adopted to explore new ways of investigating a global dynamic of a collective belief. Five derivatives of belief are considered– knowledge…
System theory and cybernetics: A solid basis for transdisciplinarity in management education and research
Markus SchwaningerConsiders systems theory and cybernetics to be a solid basis for transdisciplinarity in management education and research. Introduces the “St Gallen Management Model” and…
Approximation of multiple integrals by simple integrals
A. Benabidallah, Y. Cherruault, Y. TourbierThe Alienor method, based on α ‐dense curves, has been developed by Yves Cherruault and collaborators, to solve optimization problems. It can be coupled with the decomposition…
Evolution of group consciousness – a cybernetic approach: Basis of an anthropological dating and forecasting technique
Prasun K. Roy, D. Dutta MajumderThe approach of biocybernetics and non‐equilibrium systems dynamics is used to analyse biological, psychological, anthropological and cultural evolution. Using experimental data…
“Control information”: The missing element in Norbert Wiener’s cybernetic paradigm?
Peter A. CorningNorbert Wiener’s cybernetic paradigm represents one of the seminal ideas of the twentieth century. Nevertheless, its full potential has yet to be realized. For instance…
Virtual bodies and virtual spaces
J.M. BishopIn the Transcendental Aesthetic part of the Critique of Pure Reason, Immanuel Kant stated the a priori necessity of the singularity of space that, “we can represent to ourselves…
Syntax and first entropic approximation of L(MT): A language for ecological modelling
J.L. Usó‐Domènech, P. Sastre‐Vazquez, J. MateuAny mathematical model underlying a system of the complex reality (for example, in ecology, socioeconomy, etc.) defines a text written in a given language which belongs to a…
Kinetics of the biphasic modulation of phagocytosis: A biochemical model from biocybernetic premises
Bonawentura KochelA kinetic model for the biphasic modulation of phagocytosis, fulfilling the requirements of biochemistry of ligand‐binding reactions, was constructed on the basis of a…