Journal of European Industrial Training: Volume 17 Issue 5
Table of contents
Self‐development in Organizations: Issues and Actions
Keri PhillipsSelf‐development is rapidly becoming established as a major vehiclefor individual and organizational change. It reflects the trend towardsflatter structures, increased personal…
Corporate Culture and Training: The Seibu Experience
Mabel Au, Chan Yan ChongLooks at the relationship between the organizational culture andthe success of a training programme. Finds that, if the corporateculture element is not incorporated in the…
A Research‐based Model for Job Analysis
J.M. van der Veen, A.M. VerslootReports on a case study on the design and development of twotraining courses for employees of gas and energy distribution companiesin The Netherlands who were faced with internal…
Managing for Total Training Quality
Ian ChastonAs employers have recognized the potential impact of trainingschemes to increase organizational productivity this had led to anexpansion of competence development programmes…
Emotions and Work in a Lifestyle Occupation
Geoff AndersonSuggests that, in traditional approaches to competence analysis,the emotional components of work are seldom considered. Yet many serviceoccupations, such as airline flight…
Strategic Change Management and Training: Adaptive, Adoptive and Innovative Roles
Colin TalbotSets out a three‐role model for training in the strategic changeprocess: adaptive change, focusing on skills and knowledge; adoptive change, stressing attitudinal and behavioural…