Planning Review: Volume 15 Issue 2

Table of contents

Staff intrapreneurs?

William E. Rothschild

A lot of major corporations are slashing staff positions and dispensing with platoons of experienced staff specialists, most of whom had developed methodologies proving their own…


Dun & Bradstreet sets its own speed limits

Robert M. Randall

For the past several years corporate America has reported anemic earnings, yet Dun & Bradstreet has merrily continued to record 15 percent earnings increases. Making money in good…


South Korea: Who will ride the dragon?

William D. Coplin, Michael K. O'Leary

Constitutional uncertainty clouds the horizon in South Korea. Despite a strongly rebounding economy, uncertainty continues over the timing and format of the elections that will…


A comparison of long‐range planning in South Korea, Japan, and the U.S.

Boo Ho Rho

Long‐range planning is really a phenomenon of the Eighties in South Korea. Historically, the concept was introduced in the mid Sixties, influenced by the country's first five‐year…



Milton Leontiades, William S. Royce

This is a wise book about management, not another book about miracles from the Orient. Masaaki Imai believes that in corporate races the turtles can still beat the hares if they…


Corning converts to strategic marketing

Arthur Daltas, Philip McDonald

This case illustrates some of the principles in the authors' article, “Barricades to Strategic Marketing Thinking,” which appeared in the January/February 1987 issue of Planning…


Using management system balance sheets

R. Henry Migliore, Neal Bratschun

The Management System Balance Sheet (MSBS) is a nonfinancial balance sheet that presents employees' evaluation of a firm's management system in terms of assets and liabilities…




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1975 – 1996

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