Dun & Bradstreet sets its own speed limits
For the past several years corporate America has reported anemic earnings, yet Dun & Bradstreet has merrily continued to record 15 percent earnings increases. Making money in good times and bad by supplying information services to business, D & B has become a darling of institutional investors and a “Nifty Fifty” New York Stock Exhange company. To find out more about how the money machine works, we interviewed Chief Operating Officer Robert E. Weissman, a very youthful forty‐six year old who loves to talk about strategic management. Senior editor Malcom Pennington, president of the Marketing and Planning Group, Inc., was co‐interviewer. Thanks are also due INVESTEXT, which supplied the company analysis we used to formulate many of our questions. Samples of security analysts' reports provided by INVESTEXT appear in the boxes that accompany the interview.
Randall, R.M. (1987), "Dun & Bradstreet sets its own speed limits", Planning Review, Vol. 15 No. 2, pp. 8-44. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb054180
Copyright © 1987, MCB UP Limited