Planning Review: Volume 3 Issue 4
Table of contents
Process is more important than product; Or throw out the plan and keep the planner
Jay S. Mendell, W. Lynn TannerThe Myth of Rationality. To prepare a technology assessment is to engage in a struggle between openness and closedness. This is the inherent struggle of planning and forecasting…
Communications — The art of getting through to people — Part III
John D. DrakeThis article is the third in a series on new behavioral techniques in communications. The first introduced the concept that most individuals have a communication style that is…
Prophets of change
R.J. AllioDuring the past decade the North American Society for Corporate Planning has matured from a small New York‐based group into a vigorous organization with eleven chapters in major…
Corporate planning in major Japanese enterprises
K.‐A. RingbakkThe practice of organized corporate planning in major Japanese enterprises is more sophisticated, further developed, and better accepted than most Westerners recognize. Just as we…
A case history of strategic planning
Milton LeontiadesThere is a certain ambivalence between the theory of corporate planning and a case history used to illustrate it. On the one hand theory must generalize and capture enough of…
Forecasting for planning
John C. Chambers, Satinder K. MullickIdentifying Turning Points. In our first article in this series we described the new environment in which business must operate and its effects on forecasting and decision‐making…
Altered states of consciousness: Creative alternatives in decision making
Raymond Van OverAre hunches, intuition, and extrasensory perception valid methods for making business decisions? The reasonable answer is no. Our intellectual and cultural history dictates a…
Economics: The new handmaiden of politics
Robert MathiesonThe Chief Executive's attention for the moment is riveted on the short‐term problem of weathering the tidal waves of the current inflation‐Tecession economic storm. But before…