Planning Review: Volume 21 Issue 3

Table of contents

Need radical innovation and continuous improvement? Integrate process reengineering and TQM

Thomas H. Davenport

Initiatives to enhance operational performance can include some programs that strive for continuous improvement and others that attempt radical innovation. But implementation…


Reengineering by objectives

Ralph P. Stow

Two companies undergoing reengineering found that defining the driving objectives—such as reducing costs, elapsed time, or work hours, or improving quality—mapped the path for…


The Reengineer

Robert M. Randall

Michael Hammer, the consultant often credited with coining the term “reengineering,” inspires top management at a number of cutting‐edge U.S. firms to attempt radical process…


Reengineering information systems at Cincinnati Milacron

Christopher C. Cole, Michael L. Clark, Carl Nemec

Cole, Milacron's vice president of machine tool products, and his co‐authors tell how Enterprisewide Information Planning was used to align information systems with reengineered…


Business process reengineering at Pacific Bell

Thomas J. Housel, Chris J. Morris, Christopher Westland

The Strategic Information Systems Division of Pacific Bell supports the company's business process reengineeiing (BPR) efforts. The division developed an innovative process‐based…


Brave new world?

William D. Coplin, Michael K. O'Leary

Intractable national and ethnic conflicts and destabilizing economic trends of the past five years are fomenting political whirlwinds that will make 1993 a risky year for…


Managers of transformation

Bernard C. Reimann

This second “Conference Report” in our three‐part coverage of The Strategic Management Society's annual meeting presents case studies by CEOs and other agents of change involved…




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