Education + Training: Volume 24 Issue 1


Table of contents

Viewpoint: “But you always said we won the War, Daddy.”

There was a period when left‐wingers bemoaned the “wantlessness of the working class”. The post‐war era has seen the very opposite of this in many Western nations, notably Britain…

Decision‐making Japanese style

Lyndon Jones

The patterns of overseas business activities conducted by Japanese corporations have changed significantly since the early 1970s. During the past decade there has been a marked…

Vocational training in Japan

This article throws into sharp relief the concept of welfare through the paternalistic employer rather than through the nanny government state.

The Japanese education scene

This article comprises information extracted from various sources kindly provided by the Japan Information Centre in London.

Universities and industry — a mutual need

Patrick Jenkin

The universities need industry and industry needs the universities, said Patrick Jenkin MP, Secretary of State for Industry.

Training — the vital factor in economic recovery

The axeman cometh — and 16 ITBs goeth. The future of industrial training has now been thrown into the melting pot, and is the hottest potato since a Wimpy chip‐pan caught fire.

Student section

This month's model examination questions with suggested answers are based on the subject of Economics.

ABE news

Norman Price

Reg Prentice MP, Founder President of the Association, has now resumed the Presidency.

overseas topics

Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, speaking at the National Day rally, expressed disquiet about the smugness of many young university graduates:

Careers:: COURSES

Although competition for full‐time places in higher education will be tougher in future, the total available will still be very large, advises the author of a recent guide Higher

Careers:: TOPICS

Over 630,000 places would have to be found for unemployed school leavers and young people in the Youth Opportunities Programme in 1982/83 — an increase of 80,000 over the past…

Careers:: TRAINING

The Food Drink & Tobacco Industry Training Board has recently produced an information pack on the various training schemes that exist for young people and which aim to help them…


Enquiries on equivalence of overseas qualifications, which used to go to the Schools Council, have now been taken over by the National Equivalence Information Centre, British…

On stage

Fourteen characters, a complete change of scene at half‐time, and sundry part‐changes during each Act, provide in themselves value for money in these days of economic stringency…

Accounting for everyone's taste

Derek Bradley

Accountancy is undoubtedly the most fragmented profession of all at the present time. As long ago as 1968 a scheme for its unification was published, with the intention of…

The new training programmes

Bob Windsor

Recent meetings, discussions and articles by industrial trainers and people involved in all sectors of education show that both groups are facing similar problems. Furthermore…

Cover of Education + Training







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  • Dr Martin McCracken