Education + Training: Volume 11 Issue 5


Table of contents


‘Is a once dedicated profession, marked by its intense pastoral concern for its children, to be controlled by a rule book?’


Roger Beard

Professor Finer, in Anonymous Empire, defines a lobby as: ‘the sum of organizations in so far as they are occupied at any point of time in trying to influence the policy of public…


Roy Nash

Hardly a month seems to pass these days without the formation of some new pressure group in the educational world. The initials of new organizations, urging this, protesting…



Since teachers are more strongly represented in the Commons than any other single profession, one would expect their influence there to be considerable. There are at present some…

The School‐tie Stage Army

Bruce Kemble

Mr Enoch Powell's recent speech on the future of the grammar schools — ‘Abolish them or build more’ — evoked no response from the 500 000 members of the National Education…

Higher Education

Tyrrell Burgess

Higher education lacks the biggest pressure group of all — the electorate. Most voters have been to school: substantial numbers of them are parents and grandparents. So there is…



Founded in 1960, with Dr Michael Young as its chairman, and Tyrrell Burgess as director, ACE does more than answer questions from worried mums: it publishes books, runs…


David Fletcher

The painful process by which Britain started to come to terms with the effort of living within her income has been paralleled by an equally painful growth in the pressures on…


Richard Bourne

Educational pressure groups, in the form of national bodies pushing a particular view which has nothing directly to do with politics, religion or trades unionism, seem to be a new…


Angus Ross

The conflict of expectations which centres in the university has always existed. Abelard had his difficulties with the lay society in which he lived, and student riots against the…

Teaching methods in further education—6

Jack Mansell

The last of a series of six at articles looking at methods and techniques used in technical teaching in an attempt to define ‘progressive’ teaching in this sphere.

HNC in applied physics

B.W. Lowthian

Details are given of the educational background and employment of students obtaining a Higher National Certificate in Applied Physics in Salford and Liverpool 1954–1966.


Masters in Ontario

John Abrahams

Until recently, North America did not have any system of technical education corresponding to that in the United Kingdom. It is only within the last ten years that any significant…


Gordon Bennett

A legendary don complained bitterly that so many of his colleagues demeaned themselves by appearing on television. When eventually he was approached to make such an appearance he…

View —: the backlash

Edward Boyle

It seems clear that we urgently need some high‐powered thinking about the future of Higher Education in Britain. First, we need to think afresh the purposes of higher education…


Brian MacArthur

The Government is determined to fulfil its promise to outlaw selection at 11 in spite of the fact that the new Education Act now being prepared at Curzon Street will probably be…


Roy Nash

The theory is often advanced that many graduates join the staffs of public schools, rather than State schools or technical colleges, because of the lure of above‐scale salaries…


James Render

The Lords is certainly more archaic than the nation's educational system. Witness the swearing in recently (March 26th) of our first West Indian peer — Baron Constantine of…

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  • Dr Martin McCracken