Masters in Ontario
Until recently, North America did not have any system of technical education corresponding to that in the United Kingdom. It is only within the last ten years that any significant opportunities for post‐secondary education, outside the universities, have been available in Canada or the USA. The position is now changing rapidly, as governments realize that the high schools cannot carry the full load of vocational education and that a university education is not appropriate for all. The many community colleges and technical schools which have been established in the two countries are the result of two pressures. There is the growing demand from commerce and industry for adequately trained staff in many fields, while the demand for unskilled workers is falling. Also there is a strong social pressure for young people to have some full‐time education after high school.
Abrahams, J. (1969), "Masters in Ontario", Education + Training, Vol. 11 No. 5, pp. 196-197.
Copyright © 1969, MCB UP Limited