View —: the backlash
It seems clear that we urgently need some high‐powered thinking about the future of Higher Education in Britain. First, we need to think afresh the purposes of higher education. Secondly there is the question of numbers; for how many people must we expect to have to make provision, even if we only look ahead as far as 1977 or 1980? Thirdly, there are the various types of institution involved — the universities, the polytechnics and the colleges of education — and the relationship between the ‘autonomous’ and the ‘non‐autonomous’ parts of the education system. Lastly, and most difficult of all, how will the expansion be paid for?
Boyle, E. (1969), "View —: the backlash", Education + Training, Vol. 11 No. 5, pp. 199-200.
Copyright © 1969, MCB UP Limited