Industrial Management: Volume 72 Issue 11
Table of contents
Patching up on party unity
Party unity prevailed. Predicted revolts by the Labour Left and Conservative Right were expertly thwarted by the respective leaderships. But in the political conference aftermath…
Cash‐aid carrots to lure white‐collar men out of SE
Paul NovakSTAND BY FOR an announcement from Chris Chataway, the Industrial Development Minister, offering cash help to firms willing to move their offices and administrative centres to the…
When shell‐shock pays off
MAURICE BARNFATHERDavid Stark (opposite) is one of a trio who got together and, in a textbook ‘shell’ operation, turned a sleepy commodity dealing company—JH Vavasseur—into a thrusting organization…
In defence of the ‘Plastic Society’
Robert D. McElhoes‘What plastic is doing is providing an aesthetically acceptable alternative to older established materials at a price which invariably is that much cheaper. If a man has the money…
CHEMICALS: recovery on the way …but profit formula has still to be found
Against a background of world‐wide recession, there are now definite signs that the chemical industry is again on the upturn. But optimism is clouded by persistent problems of…
Super powers do an about turn on business thinking
Traditionally, the Communist and Capitalist Systems have been worlds apart. But a startling change has been taking place in the bastions of the two cultures, with Russia welcoming…
Lighting, according to one crime prevention expert, is a ‘common sense’ factor in any company's security arrangements. All too often, however, this invaluable thief and vandal…
Hobson's choice on steel quotas
‘One would hate to see the US carried away to extremes. All that President Nixon wants, as he has said on several occasions, is “fair trade”—and that the United States should come…
Live wire in search of a bright spark
Starting with £2,000 borrowed from a relative, Jack Bowthorpe has built his company into a £40 million leader in the electrical components industry. Growth hasn't diminished his…
Licence to cure
Chris PhillipsAn idea hatched in the days of horse‐drawn travel is now a front‐runner in the race to find a pollution‐free car engine.
Freight men take a down‐to earth view of airship revival
Airships, those jumbo craft of pre‐war days, look set for a full‐scale revival with the development of ambitious research projects in Britain, the US, Germany, Russia and Japan…
Gordon discards the old school tie
With a background of Scottish nobility, Eton, the guards and merchant banking, it would be easy to think of Andrew Gordon's career as a pre‐ordained success. But this 30‐year‐old…