Industrial Management: Volume 71 Issue 5
Table of contents
Passing the Euro‐buck
THE POSSIBILITY, indeed probability, that the European currency crisis was inspired by the Americans cannot be ignored. In the aftermath of the monetary turmoil, it would seem…
Dust storm in a buttercup
Alan WilliamsPOLLUTION SEEMS SURE of a place among the top ten public relations campaigns of the century. Of course, it has enormous attractions as an issue. It has considerable emotional…
Trusting in Joe Bloggs
Tony HiltonThe biggest challenge the industry faces is tapping the ‘cloth cap’ market. It is the unit trusts problem that having been designed to suit the needs of the small saver, managers…
America column: Cathy comes home — with big brother
Keith MayesA few weeks ago Cathy, the 11‐year‐old daughter of some friends of mine, came home from school with a questionnaire. She was asked to answer 22 points about her classmates…
Spinning‐off enrichment costs
Top secret tests which are now going on at a factory in Cheshire look like giving Britain a commanding partnership in nuclear development. And if optimism is borne out…
Oil hazard scientists open microbe war on plastics
BRITISH SCIENTISTS ARE NOW CLOSE to solving the problem of oil pollution at sea, and have been given the go‐ahead to do similar micro‐biological research into an equally big…
Traders wooed by China's smile
Ping pong overtures sent a flurry of excited optimism through the export departments of British industry, and companies eager to capture a chunk of Chairman Mao's untapped trade…
Systematic re‐think for plant handling
Made‐to‐measure techniques begin to dominate thinking in the mechanical handling industry. Leslie Kenton explains how the better use of cranes, fork‐lift trucks and other aids can…
The elegant muckshifter
TONY MORGAN is not anyone's idea of the average industrialist. Deliberately trendy in appearance and of vocabulary, he is probably the only public company chairman to have spent…
Mining shares—the up and down‐under game
The London Stock Exchange has hardly undergone such upheavals as those in recent months. From Australia, Roger Eglin, of the Observer, views the mining shares debacle. Anthony…
Brokers mark down Exchange tradition
Customs take a knock as stockbrokers try to meet investors' demands for a better service. Anthony Thorncroft looks at changes ranging from mergers to advertising, and a greater…
With strategic road and rail links and a work‐force that will more than double in about ten years, Redditch would seem to be the ideal place for development in the industrial…
BICC substantially under‐priced
At the time of the announcement, in mid‐March, of its results for the year to end‐December, 1970, the shares of British Insulated Callender's Cables stood 1p above the year's low…
Letting off steam
The ‘other woman’ in Anthony Standerwick Heal's life is unlikely to arouse jealous feelings in his wife. She is large, smells of oil and is stronger than a tug‐of‐war team.
The feudal lords
J.J. BoexAccording to the Oxford English Dictionary, Juggernaut was the massive idol of Krishna that was dragged through the streets of Puri in Orissa on an enormous cart. Devotees of the…