
Advances in Librarianship

ISBN: 978-1-78350-469-5

ISSN: 0065-2830

Publication date: 24 July 2014

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(2014), "Index", Advances in Librarianship (Advances in Librarianship, Vol. 38), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 287-297.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2014 Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Abbajay, M.
, 249

Abma, D.
, 232

accountability, of libraries
, 276–7

Agenda 21 see UN Agenda
, 21

American Association of School Librarians
, 114–15

American Library Association
, 114–15

American Psychological Association
, 231

Anderson, C.
, 41

Appley, L. A.
, 269

Armistead, C.
, 46

Arts Matrix case study see Kansas State University Association of Research Libraries (ARL)

leadership programs
, 38

Bacal, R.
, 250

Barton, J.
, 277

Bell, D.
, 137–8

Bell, S.
, 46

Belvalkar, M.
, 248, 250

Belzowski, N. F.
, 89

best practice model for school libraries see libraries, school

Bitner, M. J.
, 139

Bolden, R.
, 43–4, 56

Booth, C.
, 90


in dispute resolution
, 233

as interview technique
, 163–4

Brewer, J.
, 106

Brohman, M. K.
, 140

Brown, S. W.
, 139, 145

Bruch, C.
, 85–7, 90

Bullock Report (1975)
, 105

Bunker, K. A.
, 27


, 87, 212, 218–21, 229, 234

, 25, 211–12, 218–19

and depersonalization
, 218

and enterprize culture
, 212

health, influences on
, 218–19

in library sector
, 216

and organizational productivity
, 213–14

and personal accomplishment
, 218–19

prevention or control
, 24–5, 229

and social support
, 231–2

studies of
, 212, 215–16

, 212, 215–16

see also stress

Buschman, J. E.
, 6

Canadian Urban Libraries Council (CULC)
, 38

carbon footprints
, 272

Carmeli, A.
, 40–1

Carriveau, A.
, 42–3

Cawthorne, Jon E.
, 44–5

Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP)
, 114

school library professional standards and guidelines
, 115, 117

Clutterbuck, D.
, 31

Cobb, S.
, 230


and distributed leadership
, 52–5

and innovation
, 46–7

role in librarianship
, 155–6

collection/content development

in Indonesian community outreach projects
, 11–15

in Kansas State University Arts Matrix
, 188–95, 205–7

College Library Directors’ Mentor Program

, 33–4

mindful leadership attributes in
, 31–4

, 31

communities of practice

, 88–9

, 88

development resources
, 90

and library instructor development
, 84, 87–90

Loyola University New Orleans case study
, 91–7

, 87–8

Connecticut Association of School Librarians
, 116

Connecticut Educators’ Computer Association
, 116

, 87–8

Corbin, J.
, 248

corporate social responsibility
, 272

Cox, A.
, 88

Crail, M.
, 224

creativity, barriers to
, 41

Cunningham, A. D.
, 90

curriculum development

in UK public education systems
, 103–4

Currie, G.
, 44

customer service

role in service economy
, 138

service design theories
, 138–41

Cuthbertson, R.
, 44

Davis, K. D.
, 86

De Becker, G.
, 160–1

de Jong, M.
, 146, 149–50

Deiss, K.
, 45

Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
, 14–15

Denti, L.
, 40–1

Dickmann, M. H.
, 24–5

digital libraries

digital heritage projects
, 12–14, 18

increasing role of
, 4

Dinerman, G.
, 158

, 158

Donovan, C.
, 90

Düren, P.
, 44–5

Dysart, J.
, 41

East Midlands distributed leadership skills study

adding value
, 50–2

autonomy and formal leaders
, 52–5

collaboration, influence on
, 49–55, 66–7, 77

creativity, role of
, 50

, 47–8

results and discussion
, 48–55, 57–76


education and literacy
, 273–4

libraries, applicability to
, 272–4

performance evaluation
, 273

, 273


curriculum development, in UK
, 103–4

economic development, contribution to
, 275

and ethical leadership
, 277–8

public education systems, international comparisons
, 102–4, 126–7

see also ethics; library instruction; teaching skills

emotional intelligence
, 24–5


and corporate social responsibility
, 272

ethical behavior
, 274, 277–8

IFLA Code of Ethics
, 277–8

privacy and neutrality
, 277

Faems, D.
, 47

Fayol, H.
, 271

Fitzsimmons, G.
, 157

Freeman, G.
, 4, 16

Freudenberger, H.
, 211–12, 215–16, 219–20

Future Leaders Programme (FLP)
, 38

Gholipour, A.
, 252

Gibson, C.
, 84

Glaser, B. G.
, 127–8

global libraries
, 279–80

Goleman, D.
, 24

Goodson, I. F.
, 161


, 248–9

historical role of
, 247–8

in Nigerian academic libraries, study
, 253–66

psychological interpretation
, 247

and rumor, similarities between
, 248

as social activity
, 248–9

in workplace

, 245–6, 249–51, 260–1

as management tool
, 251–3

studies of
, 247–8

Greenglass, E. R.
, 231

Grigsby, R. K.
, 248

grounded theory
, 110, 127–8

Hannigan, C. H.
, 251

Harris, A.
, 43–4

Harris, B. R.
, 89

Harris Interactive
, 231

Hemlin, S.
, 40–1

Hernon, P.
, 45

Herold, I. M. H.
, 32

Herring, J. E.
, 106

Hill, A.
, 44

hiring see interview techniques

Honnet, E. P.
, 13

How Good is Our School
, 114–15

Howard, A.
, 45


academic library role in service provision
, 4, 17–18

ethical challenges
, 277

and library service access
, 29

and library service development
, 3–4

role development, and library reorganization
, 189

Indonesia, community outreach projects in see Surabaya Memory Project

information literacy

competency standards
, 86–7, 89

, 84–6

see also library instruction

Information Power
, 115, 117


, 39

autonomy and formal leaders
, 41, 46

barriers to creativity
, 41–2

and collaboration/ partnerships
, 46–7

and leadership, relationship between
, 40–2

organizational conditions conducive to
, 40–1

in library services

public policy, role in
, 39–40

integrative leadership
, 47

International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA)

Code of Ethics
, 277–8

International Labor Organization

workplace stress survey (2000)
, 212

interview techniques

, 163–4

, 158

, 167–73

face-to-face interview questions
, 171–2

focus of

on failure and success
, 161

, 160, 166–7

, 158, 161–2, 165–6

, 161

patterned behavior description interview (PBDI) questions
, 158, 162

, 164–5

studies of
, 157–9

see also University of West Georgia

Jantz, Ronald C.
, 39, 41–2

Johannsen, C. G.
, 279

Jones, R.
, 41

Kansas State University

libraries, reorganization see also libraries, reorganization

faculty outreach
, 190–2

organizational structure changes
, 183–9

role development
, 188–95, 205–7

Matrix development
, 195–6

Arts Matrix
, 178, 201–3

K-State libraries matrices
, 196–201

Matrix model benefits and challenges
, 204–8

Strategic Plan
, 177–80

, 180–3

Katzen, H.
, 140–5

Kingberg, S.
, 246

Knowles, L.
, 108

Koster, K.
, 217

Kotter, J. P.
, 24, 32

Kranich, N.
, 17

Lance, K. C.
, 106–7

leadership, distributed

academic interest in
, 43

and accountability
, 43–4

adding value, importance of
, 50–2

autonomy and formal leaders
, 41, 46, 52–5

and collaboration
, 49–55

, 42–3

East Midlands leadership skills study
, 43–55

adding value
, 50–2

autonomy and formal leaders
, 52–5

collaboration, influence on
, 49–55, 66–7, 77

creativity, role of
, 50

, 47–8

results and discussion
, 48–55, 57–76

library leadership studies
, 44–6

, 56

and organizational change, link between
, 44

principles of
, 43–4

and serendipity
, 53

and team performance, impact on
, 44

Leadership Foundation for Higher Education (UK)
, 38

leadership, generally

autonomy and formal leaders
, 41, 46

command and control methods
, 26–7

, 24

and innovation
, 40–2, 46

library leadership programs
, 37–8

library leadership studies
, 44–6

Quantum Skills
, 27–8

resonant leadership
, 24–5

in school libraries see libraries, school

transformational leadership
, 42

Transition Leadership Wheel
, 27

leadership, mindful

, 34

characteristics of
, 22–3, 29, 33

College Library Directors’ Mentor Program case study
, 31–4

, 23–4

and emotional intelligence
, 24–5

and organizational change
, 26–7

and organizational culture
, 25–6

in practice
, 25, 28–31

resonant leadership
, 24–5

and self-awareness
, 27–8, 30

and self-sacrifice
, 25

theories of
, 24–8

and trust relationships
, 26–8

Leading Modern Public Libraries (UK)
, 38

Leong, J.
, 41

Lester, M. C.
, 251–2

libraries, academic

cultural community contributions
, 6–7, 11, 17

gossip management see gossip

ICT role in service provision
, 4, 17–18

outreach services see Surabaya Memory Project

reorganization see libraries, reorganization

role and functions, redefinition of
, 4, 16

student engagement, role of
, 17

user education see library instruction

see also leadership, distributed

libraries, generally

, 276–7

carbon footprints
, 272

, 38–9

as growing organisms
, 270–1

social role of
, 270

sustainability influences on
, 278–80

, 276–7

libraries, public

community contribution of
, 6, 16

libraries, reorganization

in Kansas State University

Arts Matrix Development
, 195–208

faculty outreach
, 190–2

organizational structure changes
, 183–9

role development
, 188–95, 205–7

libraries, school

best practice model for
, 111–12

, 123–4

framework development
, 117–20

interconnection of aspects
, 122–3

success or failure factors
, 125–7

systemic differences, influences of
, 126–7

education, role in
, 102–3, 112

LIS teaching education

impact studies, international comparisons
, 106–9, 126–7

, 105–6

school librarians

conferences and networking opportunities
, 116

model characteristics
, 111–12, 120–1

pay and status variations
, 113–14

professional expectations
, 116–17

professional standards and guidelines
, 114–17

professional support
, 122, 126

role and status, international comparisons
, 113–17

strategic vision
, 123

Libraries Supporting Learners
, 115, 124

Library and Archives Canada (LAC)
, 229

library exhibitions

community role of
, 6–8

and storytelling
, 8–11

success measurement challenges
, 8

see also Surabaya Memory Project

library instruction

in academic libraries, role of
, 84–5

, 84–7

and communities of practice
, 84, 87–90

external guidance
, 86–7

instruction coordinator roles and skills
, 87, 91–7

internal expectations
, 86–7

librarians as teachers
, 85–6

library reorganization role in development
, 189–92

Loyola University New Orleans, case study

community of practice
, 91–7

feedback mechanisms
, 93

institutional context
, 90–1

instruction coordinator responsibilities
, 91–7

teaching methods
, 93–5

perceived value of
, 85

programs, variations in
, 83–4

stereotypes, influence of
, 85

stress and burnout
, 86–7

Library Leadership Program (CAVAL, Australia)
, 38

library service innovation

and collaboration/ partnerships
, 46–7

public policy role in
, 39–40

see also leadership, distributed

Licunanan, B.
, 40

Lippencott, J. K.
, 18

Lloyd, A.
, 89

Lockett, A.
, 44

Loyola University New Orleans, library instruction coordination case study

community of practice
, 91–7

feedback mechanisms
, 93

institutional context
, 90–1

instruction coordinator responsibilities
, 91–7

teaching methods
, 93–5

Lynch, C. A.
, 18

McCarten, M.
, 45–6

MacDonald, M.
, 93

Maglio, P. P.
, 140, 142–3

Maloney, M.
, 8


collection/ content development see Kansas State University

, 24, 269–70

gossip management see gossip

and social climate, relationship with
, 270–1

team development see interview techniques

see also stress

management, strategic

, 270

performance assessment, role in
, 277

strategic library management see UN Agenda
, 21

Manz, C. C.
, 42

May, J.
, 248

Mech, T. E.
, 31

, 22–3

Megginson, D.
, 31


and mindful leadership, case study
, 31–4

Michelson, G.
, 248, 252

, 229


and meditation
, 22–3

practical applications, in library environment
, 30–1

see also leadership, mindful

Morse, R. S.
, 47

Mouly, S.
, 248, 252

Mrosko, T.
, 251

Mumford, M. D.
, 40–1

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)

on healthcare costs of workplace stress
, 223

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

on workplace stress
, 219

Neufeld, Kenley
, 22–3

New Orleans Louisiana Information Forum (NOLA)
, 96–7

Nigeria, gossip study

, 253–4

, 261–2

, 253–4

, 254–61

scope and method
, 253–4, 262–6

organizational change

cultural resistance to
, 26

management role of gossip in
, 251–3

and mindful leadership
, 26–7

and workplace stress
, 234–6

organizational culture

and mindful leadership
, 25–6

soft skills, importance of
, 155–6, 158

outreach programs

community outreach see Surabaya Memory Project

faculty outreach at Kansas State University
, 190–2

Pan, D.
, 45


and distributed leadership
, 52–5

and innovation
, 46–7

role in librarianship
, 155–6

Patrons, People, Process and Information technology (PPPI)
, 146–8

patterned behavior description interview (PBDI) questions
, 158, 162

Pearce, C. L.
, 42

performance assessment

and distributed leadership
, 44

and strategic management, role in
, 277

Petra Christian University Library see Surabaya Memory Project

Petra iPoster
, 5

Pors, N. O.
, 279

Poulsen, S. J.
, 13

PPPI model see Patrons, People, Process and Information technology

, 277

professional associations

supportive strength of
, 114, 124

professional development see library instruction professional support

in school libraries

best practice model for
, 122, 126

comparative strength
, 114, 124

professional standards and guidelines
, 115, 117

public education

UK and Scottish models
, 103–4

US model
, 103–4

Public Library Association (US)

PLA Leadership Academy
, 38

Public Library Leadership Fellows (PLLF) program
, 38

Pung, S. K.
, 16

Pungitore, V. L.
, 138, 146

Quantum Skills
, 27–8

Ralston, S. M.
, 158

Ranganathan, S. R.
, 270

recruitment see interview techniques

Research Library Leadership Fellows (RLLF)
, 38

Richelson, G.
, 216

Riggs, D.
, 31

Rio+20 Summit on Sustainable Development (2012)
, 280

Rowley, J.
, 39, 46–7

Sangiorni, D.
, 140–1

Schachter, D.
, 166

Schein, E. H.
, 25–6


model characteristics
, 121–2

see also education; libraries, school

Schuler, R. S.
, 235

Schwartz, C.
, 45


public education system
, 102–4

see also libraries, school

service design

, 143

, 139–40

design thinking
, 145

, 143–4

, 141–5

Patrons, People, Process and Information technology (PPPI)
, 146–8

, 144–5

, 144–5

service life cycle
, 141–2

service systems
, 142–3

theory development
, 140–1

service dominant logic
, 140

service economy
, 137–8

service science
, 139–40

Sethi, A. S.
, 235

shared leadership see leadership, distributed

Shelton, C. D.
, 27–8

Shepard, R.
, 146, 149–50

Shupe, E. I.
, 16

Smith, Katlin
, 4

social responsibility

applicability to libraries
, 274–6

contribution to economic development
, 275

corporate social responsibility
, 272

ethical behavior
, 274

and ethics
, 277–8

for local community and society at large
, 275–6

sociocultural theory
, 87–9

soft skills

importance of
, 155–6, 158

service science role
, 140

Spillane, J. P.
, 56

Spohrer, J.
, 140, 142–3

Sproles, C.
, 86

Stanford-Blair, N.
, 24–5

Staninger, S. W.
, 46

, 85


in digital heritage exhibitions
, 8–11

in interviews
, 158, 161–2, 165–6

Strauss, A. L.
, 127–8


and absenteeism
, 232

, 219–21, 228–36

control levels
, 228–30

, 216–17

healthcare costs of
, 213, 223

influences on
, 213–14, 217, 224–5

International Labor Organization stress survey
, 212

in library sector
, 87, 216, 220–1


back-to-work vs. prevention programs
, 223

, 224–8

communication, role of
, 234–6

dispute resolution
, 232–3

early intervention
, 223–4

job demand conflict
, 226–8

legal responsibilities
, 236

managers’ role in
, 234

organizational support
, 222–6

policies, focus of
, 213–14, 223–4

role conflict or ambiguity
, 234

, 235–6

social support
, 230–2

stress recognition training
, 214

workplace relationships
, 232–3

and organizational change
, 234–6

short-term stress, benefits of
, 217

signs and symptoms
, 220–3

, 212–13, 215–16

see also burnout

Sullivan, M.
, 45

Surabaya Memory Project, Indonesia

academic department collaborations

service development initiatives
, 5–14

service learning initiatives
, 13–14

community contributions

community partnerships
, 6–7, 11, 17

cultural institurion partnerships
, 11–12

local government resources
, 14–15

schools involvement
, 8–11

, 11–14, 16–17

digital content
, 5–6, 14–17

events and programs

academic department involvement
, 11–14

educational activities
, 8–11

exhibition content development
, 6–11

Heritage Walks
, 12–14

logo design competition
, 7

mall exhibitions
, 7–8

public document access
, 14–15

, 8, 11

history and purpose
, 3–6

library management policy, impact on
, 16–17

, 11–14, 16–17

sustainable development

challenges of
, 270–1, 279–80

see also UN Agenda
, 21

Sutton, R. I.
, 160–1, 163

teaching skills development

dual qualification, debate over
, 105–6

in LIS

education and qualifications
, 105–6

impact studies
, 106–9, 126–7

teaching challenges
, 94–5

in United Kingdom
, 105–6

in United States
, 105

see also library instruction


and interview techniques
, 161

performance, distributed leadership influence on
, 44

Tourish, D.
, 42

transparency, of libraries
, 276–7

UN Agenda 21 (Action Plan on Sustainable Development)

, 271–2

, 271

, 281–3

policy adoption trends
, 271

strategic library management, applicability to

accountability and transparency
, 276–7

, 272–4

, 277–8

global library concept
, 279–80

social responsibility
, 274–6

sustainable development vs. user satisfaction
, 278–9

United Kingdom

distributed leadership see East Midlands distributed leadership skills study

LIS education
, 105–6

LIS professional associations
, 114, 124

LIS professional standards and guidelines
, 114–17

public education system
, 103–4

workplace stress management
, 223

see also libraries, school

United States

interview technique development see University of West Georgia

library instruction coordination see Loyola University New Orleans

library reorganization see libraries, reorganization

LIS professional associations
, 114, 124

LIS professional standards and guidelines
, 114–17

LIS teaching education
, 105–7

public education system
, 103–4

workplace stress, healthcare costs of
, 223

see also libraries, school

University of Colorado Denver
, 45

University of Hong Kong Libraries
, 17

University of Oxford
, 223–4

University of West Georgia

, 156–7

interview technique case study

, 159–60

, 163–4

interview question development
, 160–2

interview schedules
, 162–3, 165–6, 172–3

job advertisements
, 167–70

on-campus interview questions
, 171–2

personality focus, importance of
, 160, 166–7

, 164–5

telephone interview questions
, 171

librarians’ teaching role
, 156–7

Usherwood, R.
, 16

Victoria State Library, Australia
, 45–6

Wakefield, M.
, 27

Walton, G.
, 41

Wang, L.
, 87–8

Wavell, C.
, 108–9

Weissenberger, B.
, 250

Wenger, E.
, 88

Westney, L. C.
, 12

Wilkinson, C. W.
, 85–7, 90

Williams, D. A.
, 108–9

Wofford, M.
, 158