Gaming and the Virtual Sublime: Rhetoric, Awe, Fear, and Death in Contemporary Video Games
ISBN: 978-1-83867-432-8, eISBN: 978-1-83867-431-1
Publication date: 28 August 2020
Spokes, M. (2020), "Prelims", Gaming and the Virtual Sublime: Rhetoric, Awe, Fear, and Death in Contemporary Video Games, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xiii.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2020 Matthew Spokes
Half Title
Gaming and the Virtual Sublime
Title Page
Gaming and the Virtual Sublime: Rhetoric, Awe, Fear, and Death in Contemporary Video Games
Matthew Spokes
York St. John University, UK
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2020
© 2020 Matthew Spokes. Published under an exclusive license by Emerald Publishing Limited.
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ISBN: 978-1-83867-432-8 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-83867-431-1 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-83867-433-5 (Epub)
Abbreviations | ix |
Author Biography | xi |
Acknowledgments | xiii |
Chapter 1 Introduction: What are Games for? | 1 |
1.1 Peacock Hey!, Byron and the Significance of Skeletons | 1 |
1.2 What are Video Games? | 3 |
1.3 Video Games and Play | 5 |
1.4 Games as Art | 9 |
1.5 The Structure of this Book | 11 |
Chapter 2 The Classical Sublime | 15 |
2.1 Introduction | 15 |
2.2 The Origins of the Sublime in Longinus | 16 |
2.3 The Sublime of Dennis, Baillie and Gerard | 19 |
2.4 The Mathematical, Dynamical and Aesthetically Sublime | 24 |
Chapter 3 The Contemporary Sublime | 31 |
3.1 Introduction | 31 |
3.2 Lyotard’s Lessons on the Sublime | 31 |
3.3 The Sublime Rhythms of Bacon in Deleuze | 34 |
3.4 The Techno-Sublime | 37 |
3.5 The Gamified Sublime | 39 |
Chapter 4 The Affective and the Virtual | 43 |
4.1 Introduction | 43 |
4.2 What is ‘Affect’? | 43 |
4.3 Video Games and Affect | 48 |
4.4 A Critical Pause | 52 |
4.5 What is the ‘Virtual’? | 52 |
4.6 Methodological Approaches | 58 |
Chapter 5 Rhetoric | 63 |
5.1 Introduction | 63 |
5.2 What does Longinus Mean by ‘Rhetoric’? (Slight Return) | 64 |
5.3 Text, Narrative Architecture and the Persuasive Power of Rhetoric | 66 |
5.4 Challenging Forms of Narrative and Storytelling through Video Games | 71 |
5.5 Rhetoric, Temporality and Identity | 76 |
5.6 Rhetoric and the Sublime | 80 |
Chapter 6 Awe | 83 |
6.1 Introduction | 83 |
6.2 Realism and Representation in Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey | 85 |
6.3 Beauty and the Sublime in The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt | 89 |
6.4 Representational/Simulational Landscapes in Red Dead Redemption 2 | 92 |
6.5 The Importance of Incorporation and Sensation in Super Mario Galaxy | 95 |
6.6 Chaos and the Outer Limits in Elite: Dangerous and Red Dead Online | 97 |
6.7 Awe and the Sublime | 101 |
Chapter 7 Fear | 103 |
7.1 Introduction | 103 |
7.2 Terror, Magnitude and the Kantian Sublime | 105 |
7.3 Fear, Games Design and Agency | 108 |
7.4 Immediate/Visceral Fear (via the Abject) | 111 |
7.5 Uncanny Fear | 115 |
7.6 Structural/External Fear | 119 |
7.7 Fear and the Sublime | 122 |
Chapter 8 Failure, Repetition and Death | 125 |
8.1 Introduction | 125 |
8.2 Failure and Agency | 127 |
8.3 Repetition and Ritual | 132 |
8.4 Death, Dying and Living Again | 136 |
8.5 Failure, Repetition, Death and the Sublime | 140 |
Chapter 9 Towards the Virtual Sublime | 145 |
9.1 Introduction | 145 |
9.2 The Virtual Sublime, and How to Understand it | 146 |
9.3 We Need to Conceptualise ‘The Real’ in a Consistent Way | 148 |
9.4 We Need to be Expansive in Our Use of the Sublime | 149 |
9.5 We Need to Experiment with Conceptual and Practical Applications of Sublime Ideas | 150 |
9.6 We Need to be Responsive to Developments in Interactive Simulational Media | 151 |
References | 155 |
Index | 169 |
AC:Or | Assassin’s Creed: Origins |
E:D | Elite Dangerous |
FANF | Five Nights at Freddy’s |
GOW | God of War |
GTA V | Grand Theft Auto V |
Odyssey | Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey |
PoP:SoT | Prince of Persia: Sands of Time |
RDO | Red Dead Online |
RDR2 | Red Dead Redemption 2 |
Sekiro | Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice |
SH2 | Silent Hill 2 |
SMG | Super Mario Galaxy |
TDC | That Dragon, Cancer |
Isaac | The Binding of Isaac |
TWD | The Walking Dead |
W3:WH | The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt |
NPC | Non-player character (an in-game character who is other to your avatar and controlled by the game) |
Author Biography
Dr. Matthew Spokes is an Associate Dean for Sociology and Criminology at York St. John University. He has published a number of pieces on video games, including work on structural violence, pro-social behaviour, procedural rhetoric, methodological approaches, and narrative architecture and mortality.
His previous book was Death, Memorialization and Deviant Spaces (Spokes, Denham and Lehmann), published as part of Emerald ‘Death and Culture’ series.
My thanks go to a number of colleagues who have supported me with ideas and advice during the writing of this book, including Dr Jack Denham, Dr David Hill, Dr Adam Formby, Professor David Beer and Dr Steven Hirschler (who all chipped in on matters sublime and ludological) and Dr Rosie Smith (who listened to me grumble).
Even more substantive thanks go to my wife and my amazing daughter, both of whom put up with far too many disrupted evenings and weekends.
- Prelims
- Chapter 1: Introduction: What are Games for?
- Chapter 2: The Classical Sublime
- Chapter 3: The Contemporary Sublime
- Chapter 4: The Affective and the Virtual
- Chapter 5: Rhetoric
- Chapter 6: Awe
- Chapter 7: Fear
- Chapter 8: Failure, Repetition and Death
- Chapter 9: Towards the Virtual Sublime
- References
- Index