ISBN: 978-1-80262-714-5, eISBN: 978-1-80262-713-8
Publication date: 16 September 2024
Frankel, S. and Bendo, D. (2024), "Index", Children as Change Makers (Emerald Studies in Child Centred Practice), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 169-171.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2024 Sam Frankel and Daniella Bendo. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Act, 143
Adoption of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (1990), 48
Adults, 21, 24, 60, 82–83
Audience, 57–59
approach, 69
of Change Maker
, 63, 65–66, 68, 83
change making capabilities, 66–70
child and youth engagement in online spaces, 77
children and adults, 82–83
children as political activists, 77–82
connecter, 78–82
connector, 80–82
influencer, 73–74
learner, 68–69
pathfinder, 69–70, 72
research teams, 72–74
Change, creating context for, 13–16
Change maker, 3, 9, 34, 41
children as meaning makers, 34–36
children experiencing participation, 39–41
extend capabilities, 37–39
identity as change maker, 5–6
image of children and participation, 34–36
motivations, 36–39
need for, 10–12
reflection, 13
sense of identity as change maker, 6–7
sense of identity as change maker expands with awareness of personal capabilities, 7–9
Change Maker
, 20–21, 46, 50, 63, 105, 139, 153
capabilities of, 66–83
exploring capabilities of, 63–65
re-thinking participation models in context of, 59–61
Chat, Act, Repair and Encourage (CARE), 140–142
Child engagement in online spaces, 77
Child participation models, 55, 58–59
debates with participatory continuum, 51–59
Hart’s ladder, 52–54
Lundy model, 57–59
models, 51–59
Shier’s pathway, 54–57
Child/children, 10, 13–14, 26, 29, 49–50, 74–76, 80–83
child-centred approach, 59–60, 67
image of, 24–25, 34, 36
as meaning makers, 34–36
perceiving children’s participatory identity, 21–24
as political activists, 77–82
rights, 121
and school strikes/political action, 31–33
Children experiencing participation, 31, 33, 39, 41
case study, 40–41
Children’s Rights Movement, 46, 50
Competence, 63
Connected Learner
, 69
Connecter, 8, 67, 78, 82
Connector, 80–82
facilitator, 139–140
overview plan, 140–151
Convergences, 52–54
Culture of advocacy, 80, 91
Discourses, 25
Divergences, 52–54
Education revolution, 12
Effective community change models, 79
of capacity, 83
of dignity, 83
of insight, 83
Facilitators, 90–91
connector, 139–140
influencer, 129
pathfinder, 105–106
Hart’s Ladder, 52–54
convergences and divergences, 52–54
review, 52–54
Idea of Justice, 64
as change maker, 5–6
child participation models/debates with participatory continuum, 51–59
Children’s Rights Movement, 46–50
participation and rights, 46–50
re-thinking participation models in context of Change Maker
, 59–61
Individual child, 20–21
Influence, 57–59
Influencer, 8, 67, 73–76
facilitator, 129
overview plan, 130–138
International environment, 13
International Labour Organisation (1919), 47
International Year of the Child, The (1979), 48
‘Knowledge by algorithm’, 70
League of Nations (1924), 47
Learner, 8, 67–69
Learning, 66, 68
Lundy model, 57–59
convergences and divergences, 58
of participation, 57
review, 57
Members, 90
Meta learning, 69
Moral panics, 22
Mosquito Alarms, 27–28
Motivations, 30–31, 38
Muted Citizen
, 20–21, 24–26, 30–31, 33–34, 74–75, 105, 153
image of children and participation, 24–25
lack, 25–26
motivations, 30–31
passivity, 28–29
reflection, 28
threat, 26–28
National environment, 13
Noise, 22–23
Online spaces, child and youth engagement in, 77
Optional Protocol, The, 48
Overview plan, 91–92
Paradigm shift, 19–20, 34
Participation(see also Child participation models), 29, 31, 37, 46, 50, 66
continuum, 58
image of, 24–25, 34, 36
models, 61–62
Participatory continuum, 20, 24, 154
for adult/society, 21–24
child participation models/debates with, 51–59
for individual child, 20–21
Participatory identity, 20–21
Passivity, 28–29
Paternalism, 30
Pathfinder, 8, 67, 69–70
facilitator, 105–106
overview plan, 106–122
skills, 139
Political action, children and, 31–33
Political activists, children as, 77–82
Protagonisimo, 82–83
Re-thinking participation models in context of Change Maker
, 59–61
Reflection, 13, 28
Relationships, 78–82
building, 140
Rights, 46–50
School, 29, 79–80
children and school strikes, 31–33
Sense of identity as change maker, 6–7
Shier’s pathway, 54–55, 57
convergences and divergences, 55–57
review, 55–57
Shinning Recorders of Zisize in South Africa, The, 40–41
Social cohesion, 12
Socialisation, 28–29
Society, 21, 24
Space, 57–59
Sustainable Development Goals, The (2015), 11, 48
Tokenism, 52, 74, 77
Transformative researchers, 73
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, The (1989), 48–50
United Nations Emergency Fund (UNICEF), 47
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN Sustainable Development Goals), 10
Universal child, 48
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) (UDHR), 47
Value, 69
Visible learning, 66
Vision, 69
Voice, 57, 59, 69
content, 89
delivery, 89–90
finding group and running club, 90
layout, 89
practical guide to delivering, 89–90
Youth engagement in online spaces, 77
Discourses, 25
Divergences, 52–54
Education revolution, 12
Effective community change models, 79
of capacity, 83
of dignity, 83
of insight, 83
Facilitators, 90–91
connector, 139–140
influencer, 129
pathfinder, 105–106
Hart’s Ladder, 52–54
convergences and divergences, 52–54
review, 52–54
Idea of Justice, 64
as change maker, 5–6
child participation models/debates with participatory continuum, 51–59
Children’s Rights Movement, 46–50
participation and rights, 46–50
re-thinking participation models in context of Change Maker
, 59–61
Individual child, 20–21
Influence, 57–59
Influencer, 8, 67, 73–76
facilitator, 129
overview plan, 130–138
International environment, 13
International Labour Organisation (1919), 47
International Year of the Child, The (1979), 48
‘Knowledge by algorithm’, 70
League of Nations (1924), 47
Learner, 8, 67–69
Learning, 66, 68
Lundy model, 57–59
convergences and divergences, 58
of participation, 57
review, 57
Members, 90
Meta learning, 69
Moral panics, 22
Mosquito Alarms, 27–28
Motivations, 30–31, 38
Muted Citizen
, 20–21, 24–26, 30–31, 33–34, 74–75, 105, 153
image of children and participation, 24–25
lack, 25–26
motivations, 30–31
passivity, 28–29
reflection, 28
threat, 26–28
National environment, 13
Noise, 22–23
Online spaces, child and youth engagement in, 77
Optional Protocol, The, 48
Overview plan, 91–92
Paradigm shift, 19–20, 34
Participation(see also Child participation models), 29, 31, 37, 46, 50, 66
continuum, 58
image of, 24–25, 34, 36
models, 61–62
Participatory continuum, 20, 24, 154
for adult/society, 21–24
child participation models/debates with, 51–59
for individual child, 20–21
Participatory identity, 20–21
Passivity, 28–29
Paternalism, 30
Pathfinder, 8, 67, 69–70
facilitator, 105–106
overview plan, 106–122
skills, 139
Political action, children and, 31–33
Political activists, children as, 77–82
Protagonisimo, 82–83
Re-thinking participation models in context of Change Maker
, 59–61
Reflection, 13, 28
Relationships, 78–82
building, 140
Rights, 46–50
School, 29, 79–80
children and school strikes, 31–33
Sense of identity as change maker, 6–7
Shier’s pathway, 54–55, 57
convergences and divergences, 55–57
review, 55–57
Shinning Recorders of Zisize in South Africa, The, 40–41
Social cohesion, 12
Socialisation, 28–29
Society, 21, 24
Space, 57–59
Sustainable Development Goals, The (2015), 11, 48
Tokenism, 52, 74, 77
Transformative researchers, 73
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, The (1989), 48–50
United Nations Emergency Fund (UNICEF), 47
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN Sustainable Development Goals), 10
Universal child, 48
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) (UDHR), 47
Value, 69
Visible learning, 66
Vision, 69
Voice, 57, 59, 69
content, 89
delivery, 89–90
finding group and running club, 90
layout, 89
practical guide to delivering, 89–90
Youth engagement in online spaces, 77
Facilitators, 90–91
connector, 139–140
influencer, 129
pathfinder, 105–106
Hart’s Ladder, 52–54
convergences and divergences, 52–54
review, 52–54
Idea of Justice, 64
as change maker, 5–6
child participation models/debates with participatory continuum, 51–59
Children’s Rights Movement, 46–50
participation and rights, 46–50
re-thinking participation models in context of Change Maker
, 59–61
Individual child, 20–21
Influence, 57–59
Influencer, 8, 67, 73–76
facilitator, 129
overview plan, 130–138
International environment, 13
International Labour Organisation (1919), 47
International Year of the Child, The (1979), 48
‘Knowledge by algorithm’, 70
League of Nations (1924), 47
Learner, 8, 67–69
Learning, 66, 68
Lundy model, 57–59
convergences and divergences, 58
of participation, 57
review, 57
Members, 90
Meta learning, 69
Moral panics, 22
Mosquito Alarms, 27–28
Motivations, 30–31, 38
Muted Citizen
, 20–21, 24–26, 30–31, 33–34, 74–75, 105, 153
image of children and participation, 24–25
lack, 25–26
motivations, 30–31
passivity, 28–29
reflection, 28
threat, 26–28
National environment, 13
Noise, 22–23
Online spaces, child and youth engagement in, 77
Optional Protocol, The, 48
Overview plan, 91–92
Paradigm shift, 19–20, 34
Participation(see also Child participation models), 29, 31, 37, 46, 50, 66
continuum, 58
image of, 24–25, 34, 36
models, 61–62
Participatory continuum, 20, 24, 154
for adult/society, 21–24
child participation models/debates with, 51–59
for individual child, 20–21
Participatory identity, 20–21
Passivity, 28–29
Paternalism, 30
Pathfinder, 8, 67, 69–70
facilitator, 105–106
overview plan, 106–122
skills, 139
Political action, children and, 31–33
Political activists, children as, 77–82
Protagonisimo, 82–83
Re-thinking participation models in context of Change Maker
, 59–61
Reflection, 13, 28
Relationships, 78–82
building, 140
Rights, 46–50
School, 29, 79–80
children and school strikes, 31–33
Sense of identity as change maker, 6–7
Shier’s pathway, 54–55, 57
convergences and divergences, 55–57
review, 55–57
Shinning Recorders of Zisize in South Africa, The, 40–41
Social cohesion, 12
Socialisation, 28–29
Society, 21, 24
Space, 57–59
Sustainable Development Goals, The (2015), 11, 48
Tokenism, 52, 74, 77
Transformative researchers, 73
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, The (1989), 48–50
United Nations Emergency Fund (UNICEF), 47
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN Sustainable Development Goals), 10
Universal child, 48
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) (UDHR), 47
Value, 69
Visible learning, 66
Vision, 69
Voice, 57, 59, 69
content, 89
delivery, 89–90
finding group and running club, 90
layout, 89
practical guide to delivering, 89–90
Youth engagement in online spaces, 77
Idea of Justice, 64
as change maker, 5–6
child participation models/debates with participatory continuum, 51–59
Children’s Rights Movement, 46–50
participation and rights, 46–50
re-thinking participation models in context of Change Maker
, 59–61
Individual child, 20–21
Influence, 57–59
Influencer, 8, 67, 73–76
facilitator, 129
overview plan, 130–138
International environment, 13
International Labour Organisation (1919), 47
International Year of the Child, The (1979), 48
‘Knowledge by algorithm’, 70
League of Nations (1924), 47
Learner, 8, 67–69
Learning, 66, 68
Lundy model, 57–59
convergences and divergences, 58
of participation, 57
review, 57
Members, 90
Meta learning, 69
Moral panics, 22
Mosquito Alarms, 27–28
Motivations, 30–31, 38
Muted Citizen
, 20–21, 24–26, 30–31, 33–34, 74–75, 105, 153
image of children and participation, 24–25
lack, 25–26
motivations, 30–31
passivity, 28–29
reflection, 28
threat, 26–28
National environment, 13
Noise, 22–23
Online spaces, child and youth engagement in, 77
Optional Protocol, The, 48
Overview plan, 91–92
Paradigm shift, 19–20, 34
Participation(see also Child participation models), 29, 31, 37, 46, 50, 66
continuum, 58
image of, 24–25, 34, 36
models, 61–62
Participatory continuum, 20, 24, 154
for adult/society, 21–24
child participation models/debates with, 51–59
for individual child, 20–21
Participatory identity, 20–21
Passivity, 28–29
Paternalism, 30
Pathfinder, 8, 67, 69–70
facilitator, 105–106
overview plan, 106–122
skills, 139
Political action, children and, 31–33
Political activists, children as, 77–82
Protagonisimo, 82–83
Re-thinking participation models in context of Change Maker
, 59–61
Reflection, 13, 28
Relationships, 78–82
building, 140
Rights, 46–50
School, 29, 79–80
children and school strikes, 31–33
Sense of identity as change maker, 6–7
Shier’s pathway, 54–55, 57
convergences and divergences, 55–57
review, 55–57
Shinning Recorders of Zisize in South Africa, The, 40–41
Social cohesion, 12
Socialisation, 28–29
Society, 21, 24
Space, 57–59
Sustainable Development Goals, The (2015), 11, 48
Tokenism, 52, 74, 77
Transformative researchers, 73
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, The (1989), 48–50
United Nations Emergency Fund (UNICEF), 47
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN Sustainable Development Goals), 10
Universal child, 48
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) (UDHR), 47
Value, 69
Visible learning, 66
Vision, 69
Voice, 57, 59, 69
content, 89
delivery, 89–90
finding group and running club, 90
layout, 89
practical guide to delivering, 89–90
Youth engagement in online spaces, 77
League of Nations (1924), 47
Learner, 8, 67–69
Learning, 66, 68
Lundy model, 57–59
convergences and divergences, 58
of participation, 57
review, 57
Members, 90
Meta learning, 69
Moral panics, 22
Mosquito Alarms, 27–28
Motivations, 30–31, 38
Muted Citizen
, 20–21, 24–26, 30–31, 33–34, 74–75, 105, 153
image of children and participation, 24–25
lack, 25–26
motivations, 30–31
passivity, 28–29
reflection, 28
threat, 26–28
National environment, 13
Noise, 22–23
Online spaces, child and youth engagement in, 77
Optional Protocol, The, 48
Overview plan, 91–92
Paradigm shift, 19–20, 34
Participation(see also Child participation models), 29, 31, 37, 46, 50, 66
continuum, 58
image of, 24–25, 34, 36
models, 61–62
Participatory continuum, 20, 24, 154
for adult/society, 21–24
child participation models/debates with, 51–59
for individual child, 20–21
Participatory identity, 20–21
Passivity, 28–29
Paternalism, 30
Pathfinder, 8, 67, 69–70
facilitator, 105–106
overview plan, 106–122
skills, 139
Political action, children and, 31–33
Political activists, children as, 77–82
Protagonisimo, 82–83
Re-thinking participation models in context of Change Maker
, 59–61
Reflection, 13, 28
Relationships, 78–82
building, 140
Rights, 46–50
School, 29, 79–80
children and school strikes, 31–33
Sense of identity as change maker, 6–7
Shier’s pathway, 54–55, 57
convergences and divergences, 55–57
review, 55–57
Shinning Recorders of Zisize in South Africa, The, 40–41
Social cohesion, 12
Socialisation, 28–29
Society, 21, 24
Space, 57–59
Sustainable Development Goals, The (2015), 11, 48
Tokenism, 52, 74, 77
Transformative researchers, 73
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, The (1989), 48–50
United Nations Emergency Fund (UNICEF), 47
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN Sustainable Development Goals), 10
Universal child, 48
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) (UDHR), 47
Value, 69
Visible learning, 66
Vision, 69
Voice, 57, 59, 69
content, 89
delivery, 89–90
finding group and running club, 90
layout, 89
practical guide to delivering, 89–90
Youth engagement in online spaces, 77
National environment, 13
Noise, 22–23
Online spaces, child and youth engagement in, 77
Optional Protocol, The, 48
Overview plan, 91–92
Paradigm shift, 19–20, 34
Participation(see also Child participation models), 29, 31, 37, 46, 50, 66
continuum, 58
image of, 24–25, 34, 36
models, 61–62
Participatory continuum, 20, 24, 154
for adult/society, 21–24
child participation models/debates with, 51–59
for individual child, 20–21
Participatory identity, 20–21
Passivity, 28–29
Paternalism, 30
Pathfinder, 8, 67, 69–70
facilitator, 105–106
overview plan, 106–122
skills, 139
Political action, children and, 31–33
Political activists, children as, 77–82
Protagonisimo, 82–83
Re-thinking participation models in context of Change Maker
, 59–61
Reflection, 13, 28
Relationships, 78–82
building, 140
Rights, 46–50
School, 29, 79–80
children and school strikes, 31–33
Sense of identity as change maker, 6–7
Shier’s pathway, 54–55, 57
convergences and divergences, 55–57
review, 55–57
Shinning Recorders of Zisize in South Africa, The, 40–41
Social cohesion, 12
Socialisation, 28–29
Society, 21, 24
Space, 57–59
Sustainable Development Goals, The (2015), 11, 48
Tokenism, 52, 74, 77
Transformative researchers, 73
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, The (1989), 48–50
United Nations Emergency Fund (UNICEF), 47
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN Sustainable Development Goals), 10
Universal child, 48
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) (UDHR), 47
Value, 69
Visible learning, 66
Vision, 69
Voice, 57, 59, 69
content, 89
delivery, 89–90
finding group and running club, 90
layout, 89
practical guide to delivering, 89–90
Youth engagement in online spaces, 77
Paradigm shift, 19–20, 34
Participation(see also Child participation models), 29, 31, 37, 46, 50, 66
continuum, 58
image of, 24–25, 34, 36
models, 61–62
Participatory continuum, 20, 24, 154
for adult/society, 21–24
child participation models/debates with, 51–59
for individual child, 20–21
Participatory identity, 20–21
Passivity, 28–29
Paternalism, 30
Pathfinder, 8, 67, 69–70
facilitator, 105–106
overview plan, 106–122
skills, 139
Political action, children and, 31–33
Political activists, children as, 77–82
Protagonisimo, 82–83
Re-thinking participation models in context of Change Maker
, 59–61
Reflection, 13, 28
Relationships, 78–82
building, 140
Rights, 46–50
School, 29, 79–80
children and school strikes, 31–33
Sense of identity as change maker, 6–7
Shier’s pathway, 54–55, 57
convergences and divergences, 55–57
review, 55–57
Shinning Recorders of Zisize in South Africa, The, 40–41
Social cohesion, 12
Socialisation, 28–29
Society, 21, 24
Space, 57–59
Sustainable Development Goals, The (2015), 11, 48
Tokenism, 52, 74, 77
Transformative researchers, 73
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, The (1989), 48–50
United Nations Emergency Fund (UNICEF), 47
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN Sustainable Development Goals), 10
Universal child, 48
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) (UDHR), 47
Value, 69
Visible learning, 66
Vision, 69
Voice, 57, 59, 69
content, 89
delivery, 89–90
finding group and running club, 90
layout, 89
practical guide to delivering, 89–90
Youth engagement in online spaces, 77
School, 29, 79–80
children and school strikes, 31–33
Sense of identity as change maker, 6–7
Shier’s pathway, 54–55, 57
convergences and divergences, 55–57
review, 55–57
Shinning Recorders of Zisize in South Africa, The, 40–41
Social cohesion, 12
Socialisation, 28–29
Society, 21, 24
Space, 57–59
Sustainable Development Goals, The (2015), 11, 48
Tokenism, 52, 74, 77
Transformative researchers, 73
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, The (1989), 48–50
United Nations Emergency Fund (UNICEF), 47
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN Sustainable Development Goals), 10
Universal child, 48
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) (UDHR), 47
Value, 69
Visible learning, 66
Vision, 69
Voice, 57, 59, 69
content, 89
delivery, 89–90
finding group and running club, 90
layout, 89
practical guide to delivering, 89–90
Youth engagement in online spaces, 77
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, The (1989), 48–50
United Nations Emergency Fund (UNICEF), 47
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN Sustainable Development Goals), 10
Universal child, 48
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) (UDHR), 47
Value, 69
Visible learning, 66
Vision, 69
Voice, 57, 59, 69
content, 89
delivery, 89–90
finding group and running club, 90
layout, 89
practical guide to delivering, 89–90
Youth engagement in online spaces, 77
content, 89
delivery, 89–90
finding group and running club, 90
layout, 89
practical guide to delivering, 89–90
Youth engagement in online spaces, 77
- Prelims
- Part 1
- 1 Introducing the Change Maker
- 2 Establishing Connections
- 3 Reflecting on Identity
- 4 Activating Capabilities
- Part 2
- 5 Introducing Change Maker Clubs
- 6 Facilitating Change Making – In Practice
- 7 Being a Pathfinder – In Practice
- 8 Being an Influencer – In Practice
- 9 Being a Connector – In Practice
- 10 Just a Starting Point
- Appendices
- References
- Index