
Sam Frankel, Daniella Bendo

Children as Change Makers

ISBN: 978-1-80262-714-5, eISBN: 978-1-80262-713-8

Publication date: 16 September 2024


Frankel, S. and Bendo, D. (2024), "Appendices", Children as Change Makers (Emerald Studies in Child Centred Practice), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 157-160.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Sam Frankel and Daniella Bendo. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited

Appendix A: Research Ethics Considerations

Navigating ethical issues and considerations can be tricky. As a result, we have developed a section for research facilitators that focuses on research ethics. We have included activities below, so you can think about research ethics and prepare accordingly in advance of carrying out activities on research ethics with children. Prior to starting any activities, we suggest that facilitators complete ethics training. You can check out fhi 360 Research Ethics Training Curriculum (RETC), Second Edition as a starting point.

For any Canadian facilitators, for example, you can check out the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS 2) training on research ethics (don't forget to save your certificates!):

The training is organised in modules and reviews key ethical issues pertaining to research with human participants.


Here are some ethics activities that you can carry out with facilitators:

Use the following visuals as a guide and get everyone to think about challenges associated with each topic. Start by reviewing the info in each box and then ask the following discussion question: What challenges are associated with….

Privacy and Confidentiality

*Derived from Ethical Research Involving Children (2024).

Harms and Benefits

*Derived from Ethical Research Involving Children (2024).

Informed Consent

*Derived from Ethical Research Involving Children (2024).

Payment and Compensation

*Derived from Ethical Research Involving Children (2024).

Explain some of the key issues associated with these ethical topics. For example:

  1. Privacy and Confidentiality


    • Disclosure of critical information/duty to report.

    • Confidentiality from parent(s)/caregivers.

    • Privacy from adults/parent(s)/caregivers.

    • Sharing findings.

  2. Harms and Benefits


    • Dominant perception(s) of children as incompetent/over-protection.

    • University Research Ethics Boards.

    • Providing spaces for children's voices.

    • Discussing sensitive information/subjects.

    • Support during/after research process.

  3. Informed Consent


    • Consent is based on the notion of ‘capacity/competency’.

    • Obtaining consent from children/informed consent from parents.

    • To consent = let something happen (permission for something to occur).

  4. Payment and Compensation


    • Determining the nature of payment in various contexts.

    • Payment may impact family/community dynamics.

    • Challenges surrounding unrealistic expectations.

    • Power dynamic between researcher and researched.


After these discussions, get the groups to review the following case studies below and ask them to think about the questions in relation to case studies on each of these areas:

  • Identify the ethical challenge(s) the researcher(s) experienced.

  • Reflect on the choices made and whether you think this was the right choice or if you would have made a different choice.

  • Why are these challenges/choices important and why do they matter?

Case Studies to Use While Reflecting on These Questions

  1. Payment and Compensation

    Case study:

Note that there are multiple other case studies focusing on these topics that are accessible at the following link:

Work through a few of these case studies and get the groups to discuss key ethical issues and decisions.


Next, it's time for your groups to think about how they will manage some of these ethical issues. Working in groups, get them to reflect on the following questions for each topic:

  1. Privacy and confidentiality

    How will you protect your participants' privacy? How will you ensure that the data remain confidential?

  2. Harms and Benefits

    Will there be any harm associated with your project? If so, outline how this will be mitigated. What are the benefits of children's participation?

  3. Informed Consent

    How will you ensure informed consent? Do parents need to be involved?

  4. Payment and Compensation

    Will you provide compensation? If so, what will it be? Is it appropriate to your participant demographic? How will you get the compensation to your participants?

    For more information on research ethics, check out