Gender and Action Films 2000 and Beyond
ISBN: 978-1-80117-519-7, eISBN: 978-1-80117-518-0
Publication date: 24 November 2022
(2022), "Index", Gerrard, S. and Middlemost, R. (Ed.) Gender and Action Films 2000 and Beyond (Emerald Studies in Popular Culture and Gender), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 169-173.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2023 Steven Gerrard and Renée Middlemost. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Action, 1, 35, 161–162
Action Cinema, 2–3, 8, 148
Action films, 23, 104–105
Action genre, 104, 107, 148, 162
Action heroines, 105, 139
Action/crime genre, 51–52
Afro-feminism, 52
action hero, 8
as mature action hero, 16–17
in popular culture, 22
, 2
Ageism, 8
Aging, 161–162
Alien (1979), 104–105
Aliens (1986), 148
American Beauty (1999), 9
American cinema, 30–31
American frontier, 122–124
American identity, 123
Antz (Darnell and Johnson), 36–37
Artificial feminism, 77–79
Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, The (2007), 127
Atomic Blonde (2017), 1–2, 137, 139, 148–149, 153, 155
Authoritarianism, 8
, 77, 140
Avenging Angelo (Burke), 36–37
Bananas (1971), 35–36
Batman Begins (2005), 126
Beyond Bombshells
, 137–138
Bigotry, 8
Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn
, 136, 142, 145
female superheroes on screen, 139–145
hard and soft action women, 137–139
Black bodies, 123
Black Hawk Down (2001), 9
Black Widow
, 139–140
Blade Runner 2049 (2017), 106
Blue Ruin (2013), 122, 129–130
Brave One, The (2007), 126–127
Capitalism, 53
Capone (Carver), 35–36
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), 140
Captain Marvel (2019), 2, 74, 139–142
artificial feminism, 77–79
labels, 76–77
Wonder Woman
, 79–84
Charlie’s Angels (2000), 2, 51–52, 54–55, 57, 63, 137
methodology, 55–56
results, 56–64
second-wave feminism and post-feminism, 52–54
Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle (2003), 137
Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle (2010), 54
Children of Men (2006), 106
Choice feminism, 53–54
Chrome and Hot Leather (1971), 125
Cinematic poetic formalism, 52, 55–56
Classical Western genre, 124
Classism, 123
Cliffhanger (Harlin), 36
Cold Pursuit (2019), 25
Coldest City, The (2012), 153
Commuter (2018), 22–23, 25, 27
Contemporary action cinema, 29
Copland (1997), 36
Courage, 11
Creed (Coogler), 36
Creed spinoffs (2015–2018), 36
Cruise, Tom, 8
ageing as mature action hero, 16–17
hardbodies to geriaction heroism, 9
heroic masculinity, 12–13
mature and virtuous hero in geriaction cinema, 17
post-9/11 action archetypes, 9–11
seriality, maturity and virtue, 11–12
solidifying heroism in noughties, 15–16
strategic action career progression, 13–15
D.E.B.S. (2004), 149, 151, 153
Days of Thunder (1990), 14
Death Race 2000 (1975), 35–36
Death Sentence (2007), 126
Death Wish (1974), 125–126, 128
Defiance (1980), 126
Demolition Man (Brambilla), 36
Die Hard (1988), 122
Dirty Harry
, 125
Divergent (2014), 139
Double entanglement, 53
Edge of Tomorrow (2014), 17
Entertainment Weekly (2018), 88–89
Equalizer, The
, 128
Equalizer 2, The (2014, 2018), 128
Escape Plan (2013–2019), 36
Espionage action, 149–150
Ethan Hunt (Mission Impossible), 8, 14
EuropaCorp, 25–26
Expendables, The (2010), 1–2, 22–23, 25, 36, 44–45
Expendables, The (2014), 112
Exterminator, The (1980), 126
Falling Down (1993), 126
Fandom, 2, 74
Farewell, My Lovely (Richards), 35–36
Fast and the Furious franchise, The (2001–2022), 1–2
Female hero, 147
Female Masculinity (1998), 138
Female masculinity, 105, 138
Female spies, 150
Female superheroes, 74
Feminine Mystique, The
, 143–144
Feminine representations, 136
Femininity, 109–110, 136–139
Feminism, 52, 74, 143–144
Feminist counter-apocalypse, 109–110
Fight Club (1999), 9, 126
Fighting Back (1982), 126
Film Art: An Introduction
, 55–56
Final Girl, 87–89, 91, 99–100
First Blood (1982), 37–38, 41, 122
First Blood: Rambo Part II (1991), 37
First-wave feminism, 52
Four Brothers (2005), 126
Fourth-wave feminism, 54
French cinema, 23, 26–27
Friday the 13th
, 90–91
G. I. Jane (1997), 105
Gender, 1, 53, 92, 104, 107
roles, 150
Gender, Genre and Narrative Transformations
, 2–3
Gender and Action Films
, 1
Genre, 162
Geri-action cycle, French roots of, 23–27
Geriaction, 8
heroes, 10–11
Gerontology, 44
Get Carter
, 36–37
Glass Ceiling, 139–140
Glitter, 144
Gran Torino (2008), 126
Halloween (1978), 88–89
intertextuality, 91–95
novel interpretation, 96–99
traditional interpretation, 89–91
Halloween franchise (2018–2023), 2
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (Miner), 89–90
Halloween II (Rosenthal), 89–90
Halloween: Resurrection (Rosenthal), 89
Hanna (2011), 1–2
archetype, 8
to geriaction heroism, 9
geriaction sub variant, 9–11
Hegemonic masculinity, 122
Heroes, 161–162
Heroic masculinity, 8–9, 12–13
Heroines, 68
High Heel (Brennan), 137–138
History of Violence, A (2005), 127
Hollywood Action and Adventure Film, The (Tasker), 149–150
Hollywood-style action films, 22–23, 104
Horror films, 87–88
Hostage (2005), 126
Hunger Games, The (2012–2015), 104, 139
In Cold Blood (1968), 39
Individualism, 124
Intellectual virtues, 11
Intertextuality of Halloween
, 91–95
Iron Man (Favreau), 139–140
Jack Reacher (2012), 17
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016), 17
James Bond films, 11–12, 150–151
Jessica Jones (2015–2019), 74
Jingoism, 8
Joe (1970), 126
Journal of Popular Film and Television
, 161–162
Judge Dredd (Canon), 36
Justice, 11
Kick Ass (2010), 1–2
Kill Bill (2003, 2004), 104
Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003), 137
Kill Bill Vol. 2 (2004), 137
Knight and Day (2010), 16
Last Blood
, 42–46
Last Samurai, The (2003), 15
Law Abiding Citizen (2009), 126
Left Handed Gun, The (1958), 124
LGBTQ visibility, 150
Logan (2017), 104
action genre and gender, 104–107
end of masculinity, 111–114
Long Kiss Goodnight (1996), 105
Lord Jim (1965), 39
Lords of Flatbush, The
, 35–36
Mad Max 2: Road Warrior (1981), 107–108
Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome (1985), 106–108
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015), 2, 104, 137
action genre and gender, 104–107
and Utopian feminist spaces, 107–111
Magnificent Seven, The (1960), 124
Male heroism, 8
Male spies, 150
Man From Laramie, The (1955), 124
Man on Fire (2004), 126
Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), 74, 139–140
Masculinity, 2, 8, 22–23, 35, 104–105, 122–123, 138–139
Matrix, The (1999), 9, 122
Mature masculinity, 9
Maturity, 11–12
Metamodernism, 122
America and Vigilantism, 122–124
first wave of vigilante films, 124–126
second wave of vigilante films, 126–127
third wave of vigilante films, 127–133
#MeToo movement, 88–89
Minority Report (2002), 15–16
Mirror theory, 74–75, 80
Mission Impossible
, 2
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2011), 16
Mission: Impossible (1996), 14
Mission: Impossible II (2000), 14
Mission: Impossible III (2006), 15–16
Modern feminism, 78
Moral virtues, 11
Mummy, The (2017), 17
Mystic River (2003), 126
Nationalism, 8, 123
Neoliberalism, 98–100
No Mercy Man, The (1973), 125
Non-Stop (2014), 2
Oblivion (2013), 17
Office Space (1999), 9
Old Guard, The (2020), 137
Ox-Bow Incident, The (1943), 124
Participatory culture theory, 76
Party at Kitty and Stud’s, The (Lewis), 35–36
Politics, 37–38
Post-9/11 action archetypes, 9–11
Post-feminism, 52–54
Post-feminist movement, 53
Post-millennial Action Cinema, 1–2
Practical wisdom, 11
Professionals, The (1966), 39
Punisher, The (2004), 126
Queer female action heroes, 148–149
Quinn, Harley, 136–137
Race, 53
Racism, 8, 123
, 35–38
Rambo III (1988), 37–38
Rambo Last Blood (2019), 2
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1986), 37–38
Republic, The
, 11
Retired and Extremely Dangerous (RED), 22–23
Revenge, 124
Risky Business (1983), 13–14
Rocky series (1976–2006), 36
Rolling Thunder (1977), 125
Rugged individualism, 122–123
Salt (2010), 104, 153
Second-wave feminism, 52–54
Seriality, 11–12
Sex and the Single Girl
, 143–144
Sexism, 8
Sexuality, 149–157
Shane (1953), 113, 124
Social justice warrior (SJW), 77
Sound elements, 56
Spider-Man (2002), 126
Spy (2015), 1–2
Spy action, 148–149
Atomic Blonde
, 153–155
D.E.B.S., 151–153
sexuality and female spy in action, 149–157
Spy Who Dumped Me, The
, 155–157
Spy Kids 3: Game Over (Rodriguez), 36–37
Spy Who Dumped Me, The (2018), 149, 155, 157
Spying, 150
Square Root, The (Edmund Chevie), 35–36
Stagecoach (1939), 124
Star Wars
, 140
Star Wars franchise (2015–2019), 104
Stardom, 1, 35
Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot (Spottiswoode), 36–37
Strode, Laurie, 89, 92, 94–95
Sucker Punch (2011), 137
Supergirl and Batwoman
, 74
Superheroes, 139–145
Supremacy, 122
Suspension of disbelief, 81
Suspension of intelligence, 76
Taken (2008), 2, 22–23, 25, 126
Taken 2 (2012), 23, 128
Taxi Driver (1976), 126
Temperance, 11
Terminator, The (1984), 92
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991), 91, 95, 104, 148
Third-wave feminism, 53
3 Days to Kill (2014), 23, 25
Time’s Up, 88–89
Titanic (1997), 9
Tomboyism, 138
Top Gun (1986), 13–14
Top Gun: Maverick (2022), 17
Transformation, 162
Utopian feminist spaces, 107–111
Variety (2018), 88–89
Vigilante (1983), 126
Vigilante films
first wave of, 124–126
second wave of, 126–127
third wave of, 127–133
Vigilante Force (1976), 125
Vigilante violence, 123
Vigilantism, 8, 122
America and, 122–124
Violence, 8
Violent Femmes: Women as Spies in Popular Culture (White), 150
Virtue, 11–12
Virtuous masculinity, 11, 15
Visual elements, 56
Walking Tall (1973), 125
WandaVision (2021), 74
War of the Worlds (2005), 15–16
Willis, Bruce, 161
Wolverine, The (2013), 106–107, 111
Wonder Woman
, 74, 79, 84, 139–141
X-24 cyborg mutant, 113–114
X-men Origins: Wolverine (2009), 111
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014), 111
You Were Never Really Here (2017), 122, 129, 131, 133
Zebra Force, The (1976), 125
Capitalism, 53
Capone (Carver), 35–36
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), 140
Captain Marvel (2019), 2, 74, 139–142
artificial feminism, 77–79
labels, 76–77
Wonder Woman
, 79–84
Charlie’s Angels (2000), 2, 51–52, 54–55, 57, 63, 137
methodology, 55–56
results, 56–64
second-wave feminism and post-feminism, 52–54
Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle (2003), 137
Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle (2010), 54
Children of Men (2006), 106
Choice feminism, 53–54
Chrome and Hot Leather (1971), 125
Cinematic poetic formalism, 52, 55–56
Classical Western genre, 124
Classism, 123
Cliffhanger (Harlin), 36
Cold Pursuit (2019), 25
Coldest City, The (2012), 153
Commuter (2018), 22–23, 25, 27
Contemporary action cinema, 29
Copland (1997), 36
Courage, 11
Creed (Coogler), 36
Creed spinoffs (2015–2018), 36
Cruise, Tom, 8
ageing as mature action hero, 16–17
hardbodies to geriaction heroism, 9
heroic masculinity, 12–13
mature and virtuous hero in geriaction cinema, 17
post-9/11 action archetypes, 9–11
seriality, maturity and virtue, 11–12
solidifying heroism in noughties, 15–16
strategic action career progression, 13–15
D.E.B.S. (2004), 149, 151, 153
Days of Thunder (1990), 14
Death Race 2000 (1975), 35–36
Death Sentence (2007), 126
Death Wish (1974), 125–126, 128
Defiance (1980), 126
Demolition Man (Brambilla), 36
Die Hard (1988), 122
Dirty Harry
, 125
Divergent (2014), 139
Double entanglement, 53
Edge of Tomorrow (2014), 17
Entertainment Weekly (2018), 88–89
Equalizer, The
, 128
Equalizer 2, The (2014, 2018), 128
Escape Plan (2013–2019), 36
Espionage action, 149–150
Ethan Hunt (Mission Impossible), 8, 14
EuropaCorp, 25–26
Expendables, The (2010), 1–2, 22–23, 25, 36, 44–45
Expendables, The (2014), 112
Exterminator, The (1980), 126
Falling Down (1993), 126
Fandom, 2, 74
Farewell, My Lovely (Richards), 35–36
Fast and the Furious franchise, The (2001–2022), 1–2
Female hero, 147
Female Masculinity (1998), 138
Female masculinity, 105, 138
Female spies, 150
Female superheroes, 74
Feminine Mystique, The
, 143–144
Feminine representations, 136
Femininity, 109–110, 136–139
Feminism, 52, 74, 143–144
Feminist counter-apocalypse, 109–110
Fight Club (1999), 9, 126
Fighting Back (1982), 126
Film Art: An Introduction
, 55–56
Final Girl, 87–89, 91, 99–100
First Blood (1982), 37–38, 41, 122
First Blood: Rambo Part II (1991), 37
First-wave feminism, 52
Four Brothers (2005), 126
Fourth-wave feminism, 54
French cinema, 23, 26–27
Friday the 13th
, 90–91
G. I. Jane (1997), 105
Gender, 1, 53, 92, 104, 107
roles, 150
Gender, Genre and Narrative Transformations
, 2–3
Gender and Action Films
, 1
Genre, 162
Geri-action cycle, French roots of, 23–27
Geriaction, 8
heroes, 10–11
Gerontology, 44
Get Carter
, 36–37
Glass Ceiling, 139–140
Glitter, 144
Gran Torino (2008), 126
Halloween (1978), 88–89
intertextuality, 91–95
novel interpretation, 96–99
traditional interpretation, 89–91
Halloween franchise (2018–2023), 2
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (Miner), 89–90
Halloween II (Rosenthal), 89–90
Halloween: Resurrection (Rosenthal), 89
Hanna (2011), 1–2
archetype, 8
to geriaction heroism, 9
geriaction sub variant, 9–11
Hegemonic masculinity, 122
Heroes, 161–162
Heroic masculinity, 8–9, 12–13
Heroines, 68
High Heel (Brennan), 137–138
History of Violence, A (2005), 127
Hollywood Action and Adventure Film, The (Tasker), 149–150
Hollywood-style action films, 22–23, 104
Horror films, 87–88
Hostage (2005), 126
Hunger Games, The (2012–2015), 104, 139
In Cold Blood (1968), 39
Individualism, 124
Intellectual virtues, 11
Intertextuality of Halloween
, 91–95
Iron Man (Favreau), 139–140
Jack Reacher (2012), 17
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016), 17
James Bond films, 11–12, 150–151
Jessica Jones (2015–2019), 74
Jingoism, 8
Joe (1970), 126
Journal of Popular Film and Television
, 161–162
Judge Dredd (Canon), 36
Justice, 11
Kick Ass (2010), 1–2
Kill Bill (2003, 2004), 104
Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003), 137
Kill Bill Vol. 2 (2004), 137
Knight and Day (2010), 16
Last Blood
, 42–46
Last Samurai, The (2003), 15
Law Abiding Citizen (2009), 126
Left Handed Gun, The (1958), 124
LGBTQ visibility, 150
Logan (2017), 104
action genre and gender, 104–107
end of masculinity, 111–114
Long Kiss Goodnight (1996), 105
Lord Jim (1965), 39
Lords of Flatbush, The
, 35–36
Mad Max 2: Road Warrior (1981), 107–108
Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome (1985), 106–108
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015), 2, 104, 137
action genre and gender, 104–107
and Utopian feminist spaces, 107–111
Magnificent Seven, The (1960), 124
Male heroism, 8
Male spies, 150
Man From Laramie, The (1955), 124
Man on Fire (2004), 126
Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), 74, 139–140
Masculinity, 2, 8, 22–23, 35, 104–105, 122–123, 138–139
Matrix, The (1999), 9, 122
Mature masculinity, 9
Maturity, 11–12
Metamodernism, 122
America and Vigilantism, 122–124
first wave of vigilante films, 124–126
second wave of vigilante films, 126–127
third wave of vigilante films, 127–133
#MeToo movement, 88–89
Minority Report (2002), 15–16
Mirror theory, 74–75, 80
Mission Impossible
, 2
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2011), 16
Mission: Impossible (1996), 14
Mission: Impossible II (2000), 14
Mission: Impossible III (2006), 15–16
Modern feminism, 78
Moral virtues, 11
Mummy, The (2017), 17
Mystic River (2003), 126
Nationalism, 8, 123
Neoliberalism, 98–100
No Mercy Man, The (1973), 125
Non-Stop (2014), 2
Oblivion (2013), 17
Office Space (1999), 9
Old Guard, The (2020), 137
Ox-Bow Incident, The (1943), 124
Participatory culture theory, 76
Party at Kitty and Stud’s, The (Lewis), 35–36
Politics, 37–38
Post-9/11 action archetypes, 9–11
Post-feminism, 52–54
Post-feminist movement, 53
Post-millennial Action Cinema, 1–2
Practical wisdom, 11
Professionals, The (1966), 39
Punisher, The (2004), 126
Queer female action heroes, 148–149
Quinn, Harley, 136–137
Race, 53
Racism, 8, 123
, 35–38
Rambo III (1988), 37–38
Rambo Last Blood (2019), 2
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1986), 37–38
Republic, The
, 11
Retired and Extremely Dangerous (RED), 22–23
Revenge, 124
Risky Business (1983), 13–14
Rocky series (1976–2006), 36
Rolling Thunder (1977), 125
Rugged individualism, 122–123
Salt (2010), 104, 153
Second-wave feminism, 52–54
Seriality, 11–12
Sex and the Single Girl
, 143–144
Sexism, 8
Sexuality, 149–157
Shane (1953), 113, 124
Social justice warrior (SJW), 77
Sound elements, 56
Spider-Man (2002), 126
Spy (2015), 1–2
Spy action, 148–149
Atomic Blonde
, 153–155
D.E.B.S., 151–153
sexuality and female spy in action, 149–157
Spy Who Dumped Me, The
, 155–157
Spy Kids 3: Game Over (Rodriguez), 36–37
Spy Who Dumped Me, The (2018), 149, 155, 157
Spying, 150
Square Root, The (Edmund Chevie), 35–36
Stagecoach (1939), 124
Star Wars
, 140
Star Wars franchise (2015–2019), 104
Stardom, 1, 35
Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot (Spottiswoode), 36–37
Strode, Laurie, 89, 92, 94–95
Sucker Punch (2011), 137
Supergirl and Batwoman
, 74
Superheroes, 139–145
Supremacy, 122
Suspension of disbelief, 81
Suspension of intelligence, 76
Taken (2008), 2, 22–23, 25, 126
Taken 2 (2012), 23, 128
Taxi Driver (1976), 126
Temperance, 11
Terminator, The (1984), 92
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991), 91, 95, 104, 148
Third-wave feminism, 53
3 Days to Kill (2014), 23, 25
Time’s Up, 88–89
Titanic (1997), 9
Tomboyism, 138
Top Gun (1986), 13–14
Top Gun: Maverick (2022), 17
Transformation, 162
Utopian feminist spaces, 107–111
Variety (2018), 88–89
Vigilante (1983), 126
Vigilante films
first wave of, 124–126
second wave of, 126–127
third wave of, 127–133
Vigilante Force (1976), 125
Vigilante violence, 123
Vigilantism, 8, 122
America and, 122–124
Violence, 8
Violent Femmes: Women as Spies in Popular Culture (White), 150
Virtue, 11–12
Virtuous masculinity, 11, 15
Visual elements, 56
Walking Tall (1973), 125
WandaVision (2021), 74
War of the Worlds (2005), 15–16
Willis, Bruce, 161
Wolverine, The (2013), 106–107, 111
Wonder Woman
, 74, 79, 84, 139–141
X-24 cyborg mutant, 113–114
X-men Origins: Wolverine (2009), 111
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014), 111
You Were Never Really Here (2017), 122, 129, 131, 133
Zebra Force, The (1976), 125
Edge of Tomorrow (2014), 17
Entertainment Weekly (2018), 88–89
Equalizer, The
, 128
Equalizer 2, The (2014, 2018), 128
Escape Plan (2013–2019), 36
Espionage action, 149–150
Ethan Hunt (Mission Impossible), 8, 14
EuropaCorp, 25–26
Expendables, The (2010), 1–2, 22–23, 25, 36, 44–45
Expendables, The (2014), 112
Exterminator, The (1980), 126
Falling Down (1993), 126
Fandom, 2, 74
Farewell, My Lovely (Richards), 35–36
Fast and the Furious franchise, The (2001–2022), 1–2
Female hero, 147
Female Masculinity (1998), 138
Female masculinity, 105, 138
Female spies, 150
Female superheroes, 74
Feminine Mystique, The
, 143–144
Feminine representations, 136
Femininity, 109–110, 136–139
Feminism, 52, 74, 143–144
Feminist counter-apocalypse, 109–110
Fight Club (1999), 9, 126
Fighting Back (1982), 126
Film Art: An Introduction
, 55–56
Final Girl, 87–89, 91, 99–100
First Blood (1982), 37–38, 41, 122
First Blood: Rambo Part II (1991), 37
First-wave feminism, 52
Four Brothers (2005), 126
Fourth-wave feminism, 54
French cinema, 23, 26–27
Friday the 13th
, 90–91
G. I. Jane (1997), 105
Gender, 1, 53, 92, 104, 107
roles, 150
Gender, Genre and Narrative Transformations
, 2–3
Gender and Action Films
, 1
Genre, 162
Geri-action cycle, French roots of, 23–27
Geriaction, 8
heroes, 10–11
Gerontology, 44
Get Carter
, 36–37
Glass Ceiling, 139–140
Glitter, 144
Gran Torino (2008), 126
Halloween (1978), 88–89
intertextuality, 91–95
novel interpretation, 96–99
traditional interpretation, 89–91
Halloween franchise (2018–2023), 2
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (Miner), 89–90
Halloween II (Rosenthal), 89–90
Halloween: Resurrection (Rosenthal), 89
Hanna (2011), 1–2
archetype, 8
to geriaction heroism, 9
geriaction sub variant, 9–11
Hegemonic masculinity, 122
Heroes, 161–162
Heroic masculinity, 8–9, 12–13
Heroines, 68
High Heel (Brennan), 137–138
History of Violence, A (2005), 127
Hollywood Action and Adventure Film, The (Tasker), 149–150
Hollywood-style action films, 22–23, 104
Horror films, 87–88
Hostage (2005), 126
Hunger Games, The (2012–2015), 104, 139
In Cold Blood (1968), 39
Individualism, 124
Intellectual virtues, 11
Intertextuality of Halloween
, 91–95
Iron Man (Favreau), 139–140
Jack Reacher (2012), 17
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016), 17
James Bond films, 11–12, 150–151
Jessica Jones (2015–2019), 74
Jingoism, 8
Joe (1970), 126
Journal of Popular Film and Television
, 161–162
Judge Dredd (Canon), 36
Justice, 11
Kick Ass (2010), 1–2
Kill Bill (2003, 2004), 104
Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003), 137
Kill Bill Vol. 2 (2004), 137
Knight and Day (2010), 16
Last Blood
, 42–46
Last Samurai, The (2003), 15
Law Abiding Citizen (2009), 126
Left Handed Gun, The (1958), 124
LGBTQ visibility, 150
Logan (2017), 104
action genre and gender, 104–107
end of masculinity, 111–114
Long Kiss Goodnight (1996), 105
Lord Jim (1965), 39
Lords of Flatbush, The
, 35–36
Mad Max 2: Road Warrior (1981), 107–108
Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome (1985), 106–108
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015), 2, 104, 137
action genre and gender, 104–107
and Utopian feminist spaces, 107–111
Magnificent Seven, The (1960), 124
Male heroism, 8
Male spies, 150
Man From Laramie, The (1955), 124
Man on Fire (2004), 126
Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), 74, 139–140
Masculinity, 2, 8, 22–23, 35, 104–105, 122–123, 138–139
Matrix, The (1999), 9, 122
Mature masculinity, 9
Maturity, 11–12
Metamodernism, 122
America and Vigilantism, 122–124
first wave of vigilante films, 124–126
second wave of vigilante films, 126–127
third wave of vigilante films, 127–133
#MeToo movement, 88–89
Minority Report (2002), 15–16
Mirror theory, 74–75, 80
Mission Impossible
, 2
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2011), 16
Mission: Impossible (1996), 14
Mission: Impossible II (2000), 14
Mission: Impossible III (2006), 15–16
Modern feminism, 78
Moral virtues, 11
Mummy, The (2017), 17
Mystic River (2003), 126
Nationalism, 8, 123
Neoliberalism, 98–100
No Mercy Man, The (1973), 125
Non-Stop (2014), 2
Oblivion (2013), 17
Office Space (1999), 9
Old Guard, The (2020), 137
Ox-Bow Incident, The (1943), 124
Participatory culture theory, 76
Party at Kitty and Stud’s, The (Lewis), 35–36
Politics, 37–38
Post-9/11 action archetypes, 9–11
Post-feminism, 52–54
Post-feminist movement, 53
Post-millennial Action Cinema, 1–2
Practical wisdom, 11
Professionals, The (1966), 39
Punisher, The (2004), 126
Queer female action heroes, 148–149
Quinn, Harley, 136–137
Race, 53
Racism, 8, 123
, 35–38
Rambo III (1988), 37–38
Rambo Last Blood (2019), 2
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1986), 37–38
Republic, The
, 11
Retired and Extremely Dangerous (RED), 22–23
Revenge, 124
Risky Business (1983), 13–14
Rocky series (1976–2006), 36
Rolling Thunder (1977), 125
Rugged individualism, 122–123
Salt (2010), 104, 153
Second-wave feminism, 52–54
Seriality, 11–12
Sex and the Single Girl
, 143–144
Sexism, 8
Sexuality, 149–157
Shane (1953), 113, 124
Social justice warrior (SJW), 77
Sound elements, 56
Spider-Man (2002), 126
Spy (2015), 1–2
Spy action, 148–149
Atomic Blonde
, 153–155
D.E.B.S., 151–153
sexuality and female spy in action, 149–157
Spy Who Dumped Me, The
, 155–157
Spy Kids 3: Game Over (Rodriguez), 36–37
Spy Who Dumped Me, The (2018), 149, 155, 157
Spying, 150
Square Root, The (Edmund Chevie), 35–36
Stagecoach (1939), 124
Star Wars
, 140
Star Wars franchise (2015–2019), 104
Stardom, 1, 35
Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot (Spottiswoode), 36–37
Strode, Laurie, 89, 92, 94–95
Sucker Punch (2011), 137
Supergirl and Batwoman
, 74
Superheroes, 139–145
Supremacy, 122
Suspension of disbelief, 81
Suspension of intelligence, 76
Taken (2008), 2, 22–23, 25, 126
Taken 2 (2012), 23, 128
Taxi Driver (1976), 126
Temperance, 11
Terminator, The (1984), 92
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991), 91, 95, 104, 148
Third-wave feminism, 53
3 Days to Kill (2014), 23, 25
Time’s Up, 88–89
Titanic (1997), 9
Tomboyism, 138
Top Gun (1986), 13–14
Top Gun: Maverick (2022), 17
Transformation, 162
Utopian feminist spaces, 107–111
Variety (2018), 88–89
Vigilante (1983), 126
Vigilante films
first wave of, 124–126
second wave of, 126–127
third wave of, 127–133
Vigilante Force (1976), 125
Vigilante violence, 123
Vigilantism, 8, 122
America and, 122–124
Violence, 8
Violent Femmes: Women as Spies in Popular Culture (White), 150
Virtue, 11–12
Virtuous masculinity, 11, 15
Visual elements, 56
Walking Tall (1973), 125
WandaVision (2021), 74
War of the Worlds (2005), 15–16
Willis, Bruce, 161
Wolverine, The (2013), 106–107, 111
Wonder Woman
, 74, 79, 84, 139–141
X-24 cyborg mutant, 113–114
X-men Origins: Wolverine (2009), 111
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014), 111
You Were Never Really Here (2017), 122, 129, 131, 133
Zebra Force, The (1976), 125
G. I. Jane (1997), 105
Gender, 1, 53, 92, 104, 107
roles, 150
Gender, Genre and Narrative Transformations
, 2–3
Gender and Action Films
, 1
Genre, 162
Geri-action cycle, French roots of, 23–27
Geriaction, 8
heroes, 10–11
Gerontology, 44
Get Carter
, 36–37
Glass Ceiling, 139–140
Glitter, 144
Gran Torino (2008), 126
Halloween (1978), 88–89
intertextuality, 91–95
novel interpretation, 96–99
traditional interpretation, 89–91
Halloween franchise (2018–2023), 2
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (Miner), 89–90
Halloween II (Rosenthal), 89–90
Halloween: Resurrection (Rosenthal), 89
Hanna (2011), 1–2
archetype, 8
to geriaction heroism, 9
geriaction sub variant, 9–11
Hegemonic masculinity, 122
Heroes, 161–162
Heroic masculinity, 8–9, 12–13
Heroines, 68
High Heel (Brennan), 137–138
History of Violence, A (2005), 127
Hollywood Action and Adventure Film, The (Tasker), 149–150
Hollywood-style action films, 22–23, 104
Horror films, 87–88
Hostage (2005), 126
Hunger Games, The (2012–2015), 104, 139
In Cold Blood (1968), 39
Individualism, 124
Intellectual virtues, 11
Intertextuality of Halloween
, 91–95
Iron Man (Favreau), 139–140
Jack Reacher (2012), 17
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016), 17
James Bond films, 11–12, 150–151
Jessica Jones (2015–2019), 74
Jingoism, 8
Joe (1970), 126
Journal of Popular Film and Television
, 161–162
Judge Dredd (Canon), 36
Justice, 11
Kick Ass (2010), 1–2
Kill Bill (2003, 2004), 104
Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003), 137
Kill Bill Vol. 2 (2004), 137
Knight and Day (2010), 16
Last Blood
, 42–46
Last Samurai, The (2003), 15
Law Abiding Citizen (2009), 126
Left Handed Gun, The (1958), 124
LGBTQ visibility, 150
Logan (2017), 104
action genre and gender, 104–107
end of masculinity, 111–114
Long Kiss Goodnight (1996), 105
Lord Jim (1965), 39
Lords of Flatbush, The
, 35–36
Mad Max 2: Road Warrior (1981), 107–108
Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome (1985), 106–108
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015), 2, 104, 137
action genre and gender, 104–107
and Utopian feminist spaces, 107–111
Magnificent Seven, The (1960), 124
Male heroism, 8
Male spies, 150
Man From Laramie, The (1955), 124
Man on Fire (2004), 126
Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), 74, 139–140
Masculinity, 2, 8, 22–23, 35, 104–105, 122–123, 138–139
Matrix, The (1999), 9, 122
Mature masculinity, 9
Maturity, 11–12
Metamodernism, 122
America and Vigilantism, 122–124
first wave of vigilante films, 124–126
second wave of vigilante films, 126–127
third wave of vigilante films, 127–133
#MeToo movement, 88–89
Minority Report (2002), 15–16
Mirror theory, 74–75, 80
Mission Impossible
, 2
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2011), 16
Mission: Impossible (1996), 14
Mission: Impossible II (2000), 14
Mission: Impossible III (2006), 15–16
Modern feminism, 78
Moral virtues, 11
Mummy, The (2017), 17
Mystic River (2003), 126
Nationalism, 8, 123
Neoliberalism, 98–100
No Mercy Man, The (1973), 125
Non-Stop (2014), 2
Oblivion (2013), 17
Office Space (1999), 9
Old Guard, The (2020), 137
Ox-Bow Incident, The (1943), 124
Participatory culture theory, 76
Party at Kitty and Stud’s, The (Lewis), 35–36
Politics, 37–38
Post-9/11 action archetypes, 9–11
Post-feminism, 52–54
Post-feminist movement, 53
Post-millennial Action Cinema, 1–2
Practical wisdom, 11
Professionals, The (1966), 39
Punisher, The (2004), 126
Queer female action heroes, 148–149
Quinn, Harley, 136–137
Race, 53
Racism, 8, 123
, 35–38
Rambo III (1988), 37–38
Rambo Last Blood (2019), 2
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1986), 37–38
Republic, The
, 11
Retired and Extremely Dangerous (RED), 22–23
Revenge, 124
Risky Business (1983), 13–14
Rocky series (1976–2006), 36
Rolling Thunder (1977), 125
Rugged individualism, 122–123
Salt (2010), 104, 153
Second-wave feminism, 52–54
Seriality, 11–12
Sex and the Single Girl
, 143–144
Sexism, 8
Sexuality, 149–157
Shane (1953), 113, 124
Social justice warrior (SJW), 77
Sound elements, 56
Spider-Man (2002), 126
Spy (2015), 1–2
Spy action, 148–149
Atomic Blonde
, 153–155
D.E.B.S., 151–153
sexuality and female spy in action, 149–157
Spy Who Dumped Me, The
, 155–157
Spy Kids 3: Game Over (Rodriguez), 36–37
Spy Who Dumped Me, The (2018), 149, 155, 157
Spying, 150
Square Root, The (Edmund Chevie), 35–36
Stagecoach (1939), 124
Star Wars
, 140
Star Wars franchise (2015–2019), 104
Stardom, 1, 35
Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot (Spottiswoode), 36–37
Strode, Laurie, 89, 92, 94–95
Sucker Punch (2011), 137
Supergirl and Batwoman
, 74
Superheroes, 139–145
Supremacy, 122
Suspension of disbelief, 81
Suspension of intelligence, 76
Taken (2008), 2, 22–23, 25, 126
Taken 2 (2012), 23, 128
Taxi Driver (1976), 126
Temperance, 11
Terminator, The (1984), 92
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991), 91, 95, 104, 148
Third-wave feminism, 53
3 Days to Kill (2014), 23, 25
Time’s Up, 88–89
Titanic (1997), 9
Tomboyism, 138
Top Gun (1986), 13–14
Top Gun: Maverick (2022), 17
Transformation, 162
Utopian feminist spaces, 107–111
Variety (2018), 88–89
Vigilante (1983), 126
Vigilante films
first wave of, 124–126
second wave of, 126–127
third wave of, 127–133
Vigilante Force (1976), 125
Vigilante violence, 123
Vigilantism, 8, 122
America and, 122–124
Violence, 8
Violent Femmes: Women as Spies in Popular Culture (White), 150
Virtue, 11–12
Virtuous masculinity, 11, 15
Visual elements, 56
Walking Tall (1973), 125
WandaVision (2021), 74
War of the Worlds (2005), 15–16
Willis, Bruce, 161
Wolverine, The (2013), 106–107, 111
Wonder Woman
, 74, 79, 84, 139–141
X-24 cyborg mutant, 113–114
X-men Origins: Wolverine (2009), 111
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014), 111
You Were Never Really Here (2017), 122, 129, 131, 133
Zebra Force, The (1976), 125
In Cold Blood (1968), 39
Individualism, 124
Intellectual virtues, 11
Intertextuality of Halloween
, 91–95
Iron Man (Favreau), 139–140
Jack Reacher (2012), 17
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016), 17
James Bond films, 11–12, 150–151
Jessica Jones (2015–2019), 74
Jingoism, 8
Joe (1970), 126
Journal of Popular Film and Television
, 161–162
Judge Dredd (Canon), 36
Justice, 11
Kick Ass (2010), 1–2
Kill Bill (2003, 2004), 104
Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003), 137
Kill Bill Vol. 2 (2004), 137
Knight and Day (2010), 16
Last Blood
, 42–46
Last Samurai, The (2003), 15
Law Abiding Citizen (2009), 126
Left Handed Gun, The (1958), 124
LGBTQ visibility, 150
Logan (2017), 104
action genre and gender, 104–107
end of masculinity, 111–114
Long Kiss Goodnight (1996), 105
Lord Jim (1965), 39
Lords of Flatbush, The
, 35–36
Mad Max 2: Road Warrior (1981), 107–108
Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome (1985), 106–108
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015), 2, 104, 137
action genre and gender, 104–107
and Utopian feminist spaces, 107–111
Magnificent Seven, The (1960), 124
Male heroism, 8
Male spies, 150
Man From Laramie, The (1955), 124
Man on Fire (2004), 126
Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), 74, 139–140
Masculinity, 2, 8, 22–23, 35, 104–105, 122–123, 138–139
Matrix, The (1999), 9, 122
Mature masculinity, 9
Maturity, 11–12
Metamodernism, 122
America and Vigilantism, 122–124
first wave of vigilante films, 124–126
second wave of vigilante films, 126–127
third wave of vigilante films, 127–133
#MeToo movement, 88–89
Minority Report (2002), 15–16
Mirror theory, 74–75, 80
Mission Impossible
, 2
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2011), 16
Mission: Impossible (1996), 14
Mission: Impossible II (2000), 14
Mission: Impossible III (2006), 15–16
Modern feminism, 78
Moral virtues, 11
Mummy, The (2017), 17
Mystic River (2003), 126
Nationalism, 8, 123
Neoliberalism, 98–100
No Mercy Man, The (1973), 125
Non-Stop (2014), 2
Oblivion (2013), 17
Office Space (1999), 9
Old Guard, The (2020), 137
Ox-Bow Incident, The (1943), 124
Participatory culture theory, 76
Party at Kitty and Stud’s, The (Lewis), 35–36
Politics, 37–38
Post-9/11 action archetypes, 9–11
Post-feminism, 52–54
Post-feminist movement, 53
Post-millennial Action Cinema, 1–2
Practical wisdom, 11
Professionals, The (1966), 39
Punisher, The (2004), 126
Queer female action heroes, 148–149
Quinn, Harley, 136–137
Race, 53
Racism, 8, 123
, 35–38
Rambo III (1988), 37–38
Rambo Last Blood (2019), 2
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1986), 37–38
Republic, The
, 11
Retired and Extremely Dangerous (RED), 22–23
Revenge, 124
Risky Business (1983), 13–14
Rocky series (1976–2006), 36
Rolling Thunder (1977), 125
Rugged individualism, 122–123
Salt (2010), 104, 153
Second-wave feminism, 52–54
Seriality, 11–12
Sex and the Single Girl
, 143–144
Sexism, 8
Sexuality, 149–157
Shane (1953), 113, 124
Social justice warrior (SJW), 77
Sound elements, 56
Spider-Man (2002), 126
Spy (2015), 1–2
Spy action, 148–149
Atomic Blonde
, 153–155
D.E.B.S., 151–153
sexuality and female spy in action, 149–157
Spy Who Dumped Me, The
, 155–157
Spy Kids 3: Game Over (Rodriguez), 36–37
Spy Who Dumped Me, The (2018), 149, 155, 157
Spying, 150
Square Root, The (Edmund Chevie), 35–36
Stagecoach (1939), 124
Star Wars
, 140
Star Wars franchise (2015–2019), 104
Stardom, 1, 35
Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot (Spottiswoode), 36–37
Strode, Laurie, 89, 92, 94–95
Sucker Punch (2011), 137
Supergirl and Batwoman
, 74
Superheroes, 139–145
Supremacy, 122
Suspension of disbelief, 81
Suspension of intelligence, 76
Taken (2008), 2, 22–23, 25, 126
Taken 2 (2012), 23, 128
Taxi Driver (1976), 126
Temperance, 11
Terminator, The (1984), 92
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991), 91, 95, 104, 148
Third-wave feminism, 53
3 Days to Kill (2014), 23, 25
Time’s Up, 88–89
Titanic (1997), 9
Tomboyism, 138
Top Gun (1986), 13–14
Top Gun: Maverick (2022), 17
Transformation, 162
Utopian feminist spaces, 107–111
Variety (2018), 88–89
Vigilante (1983), 126
Vigilante films
first wave of, 124–126
second wave of, 126–127
third wave of, 127–133
Vigilante Force (1976), 125
Vigilante violence, 123
Vigilantism, 8, 122
America and, 122–124
Violence, 8
Violent Femmes: Women as Spies in Popular Culture (White), 150
Virtue, 11–12
Virtuous masculinity, 11, 15
Visual elements, 56
Walking Tall (1973), 125
WandaVision (2021), 74
War of the Worlds (2005), 15–16
Willis, Bruce, 161
Wolverine, The (2013), 106–107, 111
Wonder Woman
, 74, 79, 84, 139–141
X-24 cyborg mutant, 113–114
X-men Origins: Wolverine (2009), 111
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014), 111
You Were Never Really Here (2017), 122, 129, 131, 133
Zebra Force, The (1976), 125
Kick Ass (2010), 1–2
Kill Bill (2003, 2004), 104
Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003), 137
Kill Bill Vol. 2 (2004), 137
Knight and Day (2010), 16
Last Blood
, 42–46
Last Samurai, The (2003), 15
Law Abiding Citizen (2009), 126
Left Handed Gun, The (1958), 124
LGBTQ visibility, 150
Logan (2017), 104
action genre and gender, 104–107
end of masculinity, 111–114
Long Kiss Goodnight (1996), 105
Lord Jim (1965), 39
Lords of Flatbush, The
, 35–36
Mad Max 2: Road Warrior (1981), 107–108
Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome (1985), 106–108
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015), 2, 104, 137
action genre and gender, 104–107
and Utopian feminist spaces, 107–111
Magnificent Seven, The (1960), 124
Male heroism, 8
Male spies, 150
Man From Laramie, The (1955), 124
Man on Fire (2004), 126
Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), 74, 139–140
Masculinity, 2, 8, 22–23, 35, 104–105, 122–123, 138–139
Matrix, The (1999), 9, 122
Mature masculinity, 9
Maturity, 11–12
Metamodernism, 122
America and Vigilantism, 122–124
first wave of vigilante films, 124–126
second wave of vigilante films, 126–127
third wave of vigilante films, 127–133
#MeToo movement, 88–89
Minority Report (2002), 15–16
Mirror theory, 74–75, 80
Mission Impossible
, 2
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2011), 16
Mission: Impossible (1996), 14
Mission: Impossible II (2000), 14
Mission: Impossible III (2006), 15–16
Modern feminism, 78
Moral virtues, 11
Mummy, The (2017), 17
Mystic River (2003), 126
Nationalism, 8, 123
Neoliberalism, 98–100
No Mercy Man, The (1973), 125
Non-Stop (2014), 2
Oblivion (2013), 17
Office Space (1999), 9
Old Guard, The (2020), 137
Ox-Bow Incident, The (1943), 124
Participatory culture theory, 76
Party at Kitty and Stud’s, The (Lewis), 35–36
Politics, 37–38
Post-9/11 action archetypes, 9–11
Post-feminism, 52–54
Post-feminist movement, 53
Post-millennial Action Cinema, 1–2
Practical wisdom, 11
Professionals, The (1966), 39
Punisher, The (2004), 126
Queer female action heroes, 148–149
Quinn, Harley, 136–137
Race, 53
Racism, 8, 123
, 35–38
Rambo III (1988), 37–38
Rambo Last Blood (2019), 2
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1986), 37–38
Republic, The
, 11
Retired and Extremely Dangerous (RED), 22–23
Revenge, 124
Risky Business (1983), 13–14
Rocky series (1976–2006), 36
Rolling Thunder (1977), 125
Rugged individualism, 122–123
Salt (2010), 104, 153
Second-wave feminism, 52–54
Seriality, 11–12
Sex and the Single Girl
, 143–144
Sexism, 8
Sexuality, 149–157
Shane (1953), 113, 124
Social justice warrior (SJW), 77
Sound elements, 56
Spider-Man (2002), 126
Spy (2015), 1–2
Spy action, 148–149
Atomic Blonde
, 153–155
D.E.B.S., 151–153
sexuality and female spy in action, 149–157
Spy Who Dumped Me, The
, 155–157
Spy Kids 3: Game Over (Rodriguez), 36–37
Spy Who Dumped Me, The (2018), 149, 155, 157
Spying, 150
Square Root, The (Edmund Chevie), 35–36
Stagecoach (1939), 124
Star Wars
, 140
Star Wars franchise (2015–2019), 104
Stardom, 1, 35
Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot (Spottiswoode), 36–37
Strode, Laurie, 89, 92, 94–95
Sucker Punch (2011), 137
Supergirl and Batwoman
, 74
Superheroes, 139–145
Supremacy, 122
Suspension of disbelief, 81
Suspension of intelligence, 76
Taken (2008), 2, 22–23, 25, 126
Taken 2 (2012), 23, 128
Taxi Driver (1976), 126
Temperance, 11
Terminator, The (1984), 92
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991), 91, 95, 104, 148
Third-wave feminism, 53
3 Days to Kill (2014), 23, 25
Time’s Up, 88–89
Titanic (1997), 9
Tomboyism, 138
Top Gun (1986), 13–14
Top Gun: Maverick (2022), 17
Transformation, 162
Utopian feminist spaces, 107–111
Variety (2018), 88–89
Vigilante (1983), 126
Vigilante films
first wave of, 124–126
second wave of, 126–127
third wave of, 127–133
Vigilante Force (1976), 125
Vigilante violence, 123
Vigilantism, 8, 122
America and, 122–124
Violence, 8
Violent Femmes: Women as Spies in Popular Culture (White), 150
Virtue, 11–12
Virtuous masculinity, 11, 15
Visual elements, 56
Walking Tall (1973), 125
WandaVision (2021), 74
War of the Worlds (2005), 15–16
Willis, Bruce, 161
Wolverine, The (2013), 106–107, 111
Wonder Woman
, 74, 79, 84, 139–141
X-24 cyborg mutant, 113–114
X-men Origins: Wolverine (2009), 111
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014), 111
You Were Never Really Here (2017), 122, 129, 131, 133
Zebra Force, The (1976), 125
Mad Max 2: Road Warrior (1981), 107–108
Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome (1985), 106–108
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015), 2, 104, 137
action genre and gender, 104–107
and Utopian feminist spaces, 107–111
Magnificent Seven, The (1960), 124
Male heroism, 8
Male spies, 150
Man From Laramie, The (1955), 124
Man on Fire (2004), 126
Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), 74, 139–140
Masculinity, 2, 8, 22–23, 35, 104–105, 122–123, 138–139
Matrix, The (1999), 9, 122
Mature masculinity, 9
Maturity, 11–12
Metamodernism, 122
America and Vigilantism, 122–124
first wave of vigilante films, 124–126
second wave of vigilante films, 126–127
third wave of vigilante films, 127–133
#MeToo movement, 88–89
Minority Report (2002), 15–16
Mirror theory, 74–75, 80
Mission Impossible
, 2
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2011), 16
Mission: Impossible (1996), 14
Mission: Impossible II (2000), 14
Mission: Impossible III (2006), 15–16
Modern feminism, 78
Moral virtues, 11
Mummy, The (2017), 17
Mystic River (2003), 126
Nationalism, 8, 123
Neoliberalism, 98–100
No Mercy Man, The (1973), 125
Non-Stop (2014), 2
Oblivion (2013), 17
Office Space (1999), 9
Old Guard, The (2020), 137
Ox-Bow Incident, The (1943), 124
Participatory culture theory, 76
Party at Kitty and Stud’s, The (Lewis), 35–36
Politics, 37–38
Post-9/11 action archetypes, 9–11
Post-feminism, 52–54
Post-feminist movement, 53
Post-millennial Action Cinema, 1–2
Practical wisdom, 11
Professionals, The (1966), 39
Punisher, The (2004), 126
Queer female action heroes, 148–149
Quinn, Harley, 136–137
Race, 53
Racism, 8, 123
, 35–38
Rambo III (1988), 37–38
Rambo Last Blood (2019), 2
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1986), 37–38
Republic, The
, 11
Retired and Extremely Dangerous (RED), 22–23
Revenge, 124
Risky Business (1983), 13–14
Rocky series (1976–2006), 36
Rolling Thunder (1977), 125
Rugged individualism, 122–123
Salt (2010), 104, 153
Second-wave feminism, 52–54
Seriality, 11–12
Sex and the Single Girl
, 143–144
Sexism, 8
Sexuality, 149–157
Shane (1953), 113, 124
Social justice warrior (SJW), 77
Sound elements, 56
Spider-Man (2002), 126
Spy (2015), 1–2
Spy action, 148–149
Atomic Blonde
, 153–155
D.E.B.S., 151–153
sexuality and female spy in action, 149–157
Spy Who Dumped Me, The
, 155–157
Spy Kids 3: Game Over (Rodriguez), 36–37
Spy Who Dumped Me, The (2018), 149, 155, 157
Spying, 150
Square Root, The (Edmund Chevie), 35–36
Stagecoach (1939), 124
Star Wars
, 140
Star Wars franchise (2015–2019), 104
Stardom, 1, 35
Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot (Spottiswoode), 36–37
Strode, Laurie, 89, 92, 94–95
Sucker Punch (2011), 137
Supergirl and Batwoman
, 74
Superheroes, 139–145
Supremacy, 122
Suspension of disbelief, 81
Suspension of intelligence, 76
Taken (2008), 2, 22–23, 25, 126
Taken 2 (2012), 23, 128
Taxi Driver (1976), 126
Temperance, 11
Terminator, The (1984), 92
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991), 91, 95, 104, 148
Third-wave feminism, 53
3 Days to Kill (2014), 23, 25
Time’s Up, 88–89
Titanic (1997), 9
Tomboyism, 138
Top Gun (1986), 13–14
Top Gun: Maverick (2022), 17
Transformation, 162
Utopian feminist spaces, 107–111
Variety (2018), 88–89
Vigilante (1983), 126
Vigilante films
first wave of, 124–126
second wave of, 126–127
third wave of, 127–133
Vigilante Force (1976), 125
Vigilante violence, 123
Vigilantism, 8, 122
America and, 122–124
Violence, 8
Violent Femmes: Women as Spies in Popular Culture (White), 150
Virtue, 11–12
Virtuous masculinity, 11, 15
Visual elements, 56
Walking Tall (1973), 125
WandaVision (2021), 74
War of the Worlds (2005), 15–16
Willis, Bruce, 161
Wolverine, The (2013), 106–107, 111
Wonder Woman
, 74, 79, 84, 139–141
X-24 cyborg mutant, 113–114
X-men Origins: Wolverine (2009), 111
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014), 111
You Were Never Really Here (2017), 122, 129, 131, 133
Zebra Force, The (1976), 125
Oblivion (2013), 17
Office Space (1999), 9
Old Guard, The (2020), 137
Ox-Bow Incident, The (1943), 124
Participatory culture theory, 76
Party at Kitty and Stud’s, The (Lewis), 35–36
Politics, 37–38
Post-9/11 action archetypes, 9–11
Post-feminism, 52–54
Post-feminist movement, 53
Post-millennial Action Cinema, 1–2
Practical wisdom, 11
Professionals, The (1966), 39
Punisher, The (2004), 126
Queer female action heroes, 148–149
Quinn, Harley, 136–137
Race, 53
Racism, 8, 123
, 35–38
Rambo III (1988), 37–38
Rambo Last Blood (2019), 2
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1986), 37–38
Republic, The
, 11
Retired and Extremely Dangerous (RED), 22–23
Revenge, 124
Risky Business (1983), 13–14
Rocky series (1976–2006), 36
Rolling Thunder (1977), 125
Rugged individualism, 122–123
Salt (2010), 104, 153
Second-wave feminism, 52–54
Seriality, 11–12
Sex and the Single Girl
, 143–144
Sexism, 8
Sexuality, 149–157
Shane (1953), 113, 124
Social justice warrior (SJW), 77
Sound elements, 56
Spider-Man (2002), 126
Spy (2015), 1–2
Spy action, 148–149
Atomic Blonde
, 153–155
D.E.B.S., 151–153
sexuality and female spy in action, 149–157
Spy Who Dumped Me, The
, 155–157
Spy Kids 3: Game Over (Rodriguez), 36–37
Spy Who Dumped Me, The (2018), 149, 155, 157
Spying, 150
Square Root, The (Edmund Chevie), 35–36
Stagecoach (1939), 124
Star Wars
, 140
Star Wars franchise (2015–2019), 104
Stardom, 1, 35
Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot (Spottiswoode), 36–37
Strode, Laurie, 89, 92, 94–95
Sucker Punch (2011), 137
Supergirl and Batwoman
, 74
Superheroes, 139–145
Supremacy, 122
Suspension of disbelief, 81
Suspension of intelligence, 76
Taken (2008), 2, 22–23, 25, 126
Taken 2 (2012), 23, 128
Taxi Driver (1976), 126
Temperance, 11
Terminator, The (1984), 92
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991), 91, 95, 104, 148
Third-wave feminism, 53
3 Days to Kill (2014), 23, 25
Time’s Up, 88–89
Titanic (1997), 9
Tomboyism, 138
Top Gun (1986), 13–14
Top Gun: Maverick (2022), 17
Transformation, 162
Utopian feminist spaces, 107–111
Variety (2018), 88–89
Vigilante (1983), 126
Vigilante films
first wave of, 124–126
second wave of, 126–127
third wave of, 127–133
Vigilante Force (1976), 125
Vigilante violence, 123
Vigilantism, 8, 122
America and, 122–124
Violence, 8
Violent Femmes: Women as Spies in Popular Culture (White), 150
Virtue, 11–12
Virtuous masculinity, 11, 15
Visual elements, 56
Walking Tall (1973), 125
WandaVision (2021), 74
War of the Worlds (2005), 15–16
Willis, Bruce, 161
Wolverine, The (2013), 106–107, 111
Wonder Woman
, 74, 79, 84, 139–141
X-24 cyborg mutant, 113–114
X-men Origins: Wolverine (2009), 111
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014), 111
You Were Never Really Here (2017), 122, 129, 131, 133
Zebra Force, The (1976), 125
Queer female action heroes, 148–149
Quinn, Harley, 136–137
Race, 53
Racism, 8, 123
, 35–38
Rambo III (1988), 37–38
Rambo Last Blood (2019), 2
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1986), 37–38
Republic, The
, 11
Retired and Extremely Dangerous (RED), 22–23
Revenge, 124
Risky Business (1983), 13–14
Rocky series (1976–2006), 36
Rolling Thunder (1977), 125
Rugged individualism, 122–123
Salt (2010), 104, 153
Second-wave feminism, 52–54
Seriality, 11–12
Sex and the Single Girl
, 143–144
Sexism, 8
Sexuality, 149–157
Shane (1953), 113, 124
Social justice warrior (SJW), 77
Sound elements, 56
Spider-Man (2002), 126
Spy (2015), 1–2
Spy action, 148–149
Atomic Blonde
, 153–155
D.E.B.S., 151–153
sexuality and female spy in action, 149–157
Spy Who Dumped Me, The
, 155–157
Spy Kids 3: Game Over (Rodriguez), 36–37
Spy Who Dumped Me, The (2018), 149, 155, 157
Spying, 150
Square Root, The (Edmund Chevie), 35–36
Stagecoach (1939), 124
Star Wars
, 140
Star Wars franchise (2015–2019), 104
Stardom, 1, 35
Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot (Spottiswoode), 36–37
Strode, Laurie, 89, 92, 94–95
Sucker Punch (2011), 137
Supergirl and Batwoman
, 74
Superheroes, 139–145
Supremacy, 122
Suspension of disbelief, 81
Suspension of intelligence, 76
Taken (2008), 2, 22–23, 25, 126
Taken 2 (2012), 23, 128
Taxi Driver (1976), 126
Temperance, 11
Terminator, The (1984), 92
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991), 91, 95, 104, 148
Third-wave feminism, 53
3 Days to Kill (2014), 23, 25
Time’s Up, 88–89
Titanic (1997), 9
Tomboyism, 138
Top Gun (1986), 13–14
Top Gun: Maverick (2022), 17
Transformation, 162
Utopian feminist spaces, 107–111
Variety (2018), 88–89
Vigilante (1983), 126
Vigilante films
first wave of, 124–126
second wave of, 126–127
third wave of, 127–133
Vigilante Force (1976), 125
Vigilante violence, 123
Vigilantism, 8, 122
America and, 122–124
Violence, 8
Violent Femmes: Women as Spies in Popular Culture (White), 150
Virtue, 11–12
Virtuous masculinity, 11, 15
Visual elements, 56
Walking Tall (1973), 125
WandaVision (2021), 74
War of the Worlds (2005), 15–16
Willis, Bruce, 161
Wolverine, The (2013), 106–107, 111
Wonder Woman
, 74, 79, 84, 139–141
X-24 cyborg mutant, 113–114
X-men Origins: Wolverine (2009), 111
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014), 111
You Were Never Really Here (2017), 122, 129, 131, 133
Zebra Force, The (1976), 125
Salt (2010), 104, 153
Second-wave feminism, 52–54
Seriality, 11–12
Sex and the Single Girl
, 143–144
Sexism, 8
Sexuality, 149–157
Shane (1953), 113, 124
Social justice warrior (SJW), 77
Sound elements, 56
Spider-Man (2002), 126
Spy (2015), 1–2
Spy action, 148–149
Atomic Blonde
, 153–155
D.E.B.S., 151–153
sexuality and female spy in action, 149–157
Spy Who Dumped Me, The
, 155–157
Spy Kids 3: Game Over (Rodriguez), 36–37
Spy Who Dumped Me, The (2018), 149, 155, 157
Spying, 150
Square Root, The (Edmund Chevie), 35–36
Stagecoach (1939), 124
Star Wars
, 140
Star Wars franchise (2015–2019), 104
Stardom, 1, 35
Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot (Spottiswoode), 36–37
Strode, Laurie, 89, 92, 94–95
Sucker Punch (2011), 137
Supergirl and Batwoman
, 74
Superheroes, 139–145
Supremacy, 122
Suspension of disbelief, 81
Suspension of intelligence, 76
Taken (2008), 2, 22–23, 25, 126
Taken 2 (2012), 23, 128
Taxi Driver (1976), 126
Temperance, 11
Terminator, The (1984), 92
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991), 91, 95, 104, 148
Third-wave feminism, 53
3 Days to Kill (2014), 23, 25
Time’s Up, 88–89
Titanic (1997), 9
Tomboyism, 138
Top Gun (1986), 13–14
Top Gun: Maverick (2022), 17
Transformation, 162
Utopian feminist spaces, 107–111
Variety (2018), 88–89
Vigilante (1983), 126
Vigilante films
first wave of, 124–126
second wave of, 126–127
third wave of, 127–133
Vigilante Force (1976), 125
Vigilante violence, 123
Vigilantism, 8, 122
America and, 122–124
Violence, 8
Violent Femmes: Women as Spies in Popular Culture (White), 150
Virtue, 11–12
Virtuous masculinity, 11, 15
Visual elements, 56
Walking Tall (1973), 125
WandaVision (2021), 74
War of the Worlds (2005), 15–16
Willis, Bruce, 161
Wolverine, The (2013), 106–107, 111
Wonder Woman
, 74, 79, 84, 139–141
X-24 cyborg mutant, 113–114
X-men Origins: Wolverine (2009), 111
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014), 111
You Were Never Really Here (2017), 122, 129, 131, 133
Zebra Force, The (1976), 125
Utopian feminist spaces, 107–111
Variety (2018), 88–89
Vigilante (1983), 126
Vigilante films
first wave of, 124–126
second wave of, 126–127
third wave of, 127–133
Vigilante Force (1976), 125
Vigilante violence, 123
Vigilantism, 8, 122
America and, 122–124
Violence, 8
Violent Femmes: Women as Spies in Popular Culture (White), 150
Virtue, 11–12
Virtuous masculinity, 11, 15
Visual elements, 56
Walking Tall (1973), 125
WandaVision (2021), 74
War of the Worlds (2005), 15–16
Willis, Bruce, 161
Wolverine, The (2013), 106–107, 111
Wonder Woman
, 74, 79, 84, 139–141
X-24 cyborg mutant, 113–114
X-men Origins: Wolverine (2009), 111
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014), 111
You Were Never Really Here (2017), 122, 129, 131, 133
Zebra Force, The (1976), 125
Walking Tall (1973), 125
WandaVision (2021), 74
War of the Worlds (2005), 15–16
Willis, Bruce, 161
Wolverine, The (2013), 106–107, 111
Wonder Woman
, 74, 79, 84, 139–141
X-24 cyborg mutant, 113–114
X-men Origins: Wolverine (2009), 111
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014), 111
You Were Never Really Here (2017), 122, 129, 131, 133
Zebra Force, The (1976), 125
You Were Never Really Here (2017), 122, 129, 131, 133
Zebra Force, The (1976), 125
- Prelims
- Introduction
- Part 1 Ageing
- Chapter 1 Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt: Virtuous Masculinity and Ageing Heroes in Geriaction Cinema
- Chapter 2 The Art of Making Do: Ageing Recent-to-Action Stars in Hollywood-Style French Action Cinema
- Chapter 3 ‘Nothing Is Over. Nothing! You Just Don't Switch It Off!’ – From First to Last – An Analysis of Rambo
- Part 2 Evolution
- Chapter 4 The Charlie's Angels Franchise: An Analysis of Six Female Action/Crime Characters From a Feminist Perspective
- Chapter 5 Artificial Feminism: Fan Reaction to the Representation of Captain Marvel
- Chapter 6 ‘I've Waited for Him’: Laurie Strode's Evolution From Final Girl to Neoliberal Militant in Halloween (2018)
- Chapter 7 Is the Future Feminist? A Reading of Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) and Logan (2017)
- Part 3 Gender, Genre, and Narrative Transformation
- Chapter 8 Metamodern Vigilante Narratives: Masculinity and Trauma in Blue Ruin (2013) and You Were Never Really Here (2017)
- Chapter 9 Sartorial Femininity and the Upset of Female Masculinity in Cathy Yan's Birds of Prey (2020)
- Chapter 10 The Queer Female Action Spy Hero in Post-millennial American Cinema
- Conclusion
- Selected References
- Index