The annual report of the Food Investigation Board which has just been issued contains much information relating to the cold storage of meat which is of interest. The Engineering…
The annual report of the Food Investigation Board which has just been issued contains much information relating to the cold storage of meat which is of interest. The Engineering Committee has offered some valuable suggestions on the means of improving refrigerating plant. Particular attention has been given to the condition known as “Black Spot,” which is caused by a fungus and develops in cold stores. This hardy fungus will grow at 5 deg. Cent. below freezing point. It is possible that even this temperature may not represent the lowest at which growth can take place. Spores—or seeds—of this fungus retain their vitality for six months under cold storage conditions, after which they are still able to develop normally at ordinary temperature. There was much “Black Spot” on meat coming from the Southern hemisphere during 1918–1919. It has been ascertained that this was due to the prolonged cold storage necessitated in 1917–1918 by the war. As conditions become more normal the duration of storage will be so short as to prevent the development of the pest. On the other hand, it is known now that fluctuations of temperature are dangerous, because the fungus flourishes best at 0deg. Cent., and also because fluctuations alter the humidity of the cold store and cause snow to fall. The flakes of the snow carry the fungus into the meat. The fungus is thought to come from the stock yards and slaughter‐houses. It is not, however, so far as is known, poisonous to human beings and produces no poison in the meat. Meat so affected need not, it is thought, be condemned as unfit for food unless putrefaction is also present. The fruit and vegetable committee is now investigating the storage of English apples. This is a complicated problem involving questions of humidity, temperature, time, soil, and packing. The results obtained so far suggest that a temperature of 1 deg. Cent., is better than higher temperatures. With a humidity of 85 per cent. saturation at 1 deg. Cent. or 3 deg. Cent. no shrinkage of the apples has been observed. Marked shrinkage occurred with a humidity of 60 per cent. saturation at 5 deg. Cent.
WHILE flying within the control zone of an aerodrome, and also on long‐distance flights, aircraft are subject to altimetric height control procedures which, particularly near…
WHILE flying within the control zone of an aerodrome, and also on long‐distance flights, aircraft are subject to altimetric height control procedures which, particularly near major aerodromes, arc becoming steadily more important as the density of air traffic increases. These procedures, although extremely important, arc based wholly on improvised techniques of adjusting the ground‐pressure scale of the pilot's sensitive altimeter, which, although admirable as a flight instrument, is not particularly well‐suited to such new functions. Further, the procedures may themselves be criticized, firstly for overelaboration in the required aerodrome operational control and secondly for the resulting overall reduction in accuracy of the altimeter's indications, in relation to its potential capability for indicating heights above Mean Sea Level, and hence safe terrain clearance operating heights.
Contemporary literature reveals that, to date, the poultry livestock sector has not received sufficient research attention. This particular industry suffers from unstructured…
Contemporary literature reveals that, to date, the poultry livestock sector has not received sufficient research attention. This particular industry suffers from unstructured supply chain practices, lack of awareness of the implications of the sustainability concept and failure to recycle poultry wastes. The current research thus attempts to develop an integrated supply chain model in the context of poultry industry in Bangladesh. The study considers both sustainability and supply chain issues in order to incorporate them in the poultry supply chain. By placing the forward and reverse supply chains in a single framework, existing problems can be resolved to gain economic, social and environmental benefits, which will be more sustainable than the present practices.
The theoretical underpinning of this research is ‘sustainability’ and the ‘supply chain processes’ in order to examine possible improvements in the poultry production process along with waste management. The research adopts the positivist paradigm and ‘design science’ methods with the support of system dynamics (SD) and the case study methods. Initially, a mental model is developed followed by the causal loop diagram based on in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and observation techniques. The causal model helps to understand the linkages between the associated variables for each issue. Finally, the causal loop diagram is transformed into a stock and flow (quantitative) model, which is a prerequisite for SD-based simulation modelling. A decision support system (DSS) is then developed to analyse the complex decision-making process along the supply chains.
The findings reveal that integration of the supply chain can bring economic, social and environmental sustainability along with a structured production process. It is also observed that the poultry industry can apply the model outcomes in the real-life practices with minor adjustments. This present research has both theoretical and practical implications. The proposed model’s unique characteristics in mitigating the existing problems are supported by the sustainability and supply chain theories. As for practical implications, the poultry industry in Bangladesh can follow the proposed supply chain structure (as par the research model) and test various policies via simulation prior to its application. Positive outcomes of the simulation study may provide enough confidence to implement the desired changes within the industry and their supply chain networks.
What insights might attending to the cyclical history of colonially imposed environmental change experienced by Indigenous peoples offer to critical intellectual projects…
What insights might attending to the cyclical history of colonially imposed environmental change experienced by Indigenous peoples offer to critical intellectual projects concerned with race? How might our understanding of race shift if we took Indigenous peoples' concerns with the usurpation and transformation of land seriously? Motivated by these broader questions, in this chapter, I deploy an approach to the critical inquiry of race that I have tentatively been calling anticolonial environmental sociology. As a single iteration of the anticolonial environmental sociology of race, this chapter focuses on Native (American) perspectives on land and experiences with colonialism. I argue that thinking with Native conceptualizations of land forces us to confront the ecomateriality of race that so often escapes sight in conventional analyses. The chapter proceeds by first theorizing the ecomateriality of race by thinking with recent critical theorizing on colonial racialization, alongside Native conceptualizations of land. To further explicate this theoretical argument, I then turn to an historical excavation of the relations between settlers, Natives, and the land in Rhode Island that is organized according to spatiotemporal distinctions that punctuate Native land relations in this particular global region: the Reservation, the Plantation, and the Narragansett.
Pawan Budhwar, Andy Crane, Annette Davies, Rick Delbridge, Tim Edwards, Mahmoud Ezzamel, Lloyd Harris, Emmanuel Ogbonna and Robyn Thomas
Wonders whether companies actually have employees best interests at heart across physical, mental and spiritual spheres. Posits that most organizations ignore their workforce �…
Wonders whether companies actually have employees best interests at heart across physical, mental and spiritual spheres. Posits that most organizations ignore their workforce – not even, in many cases, describing workers as assets! Describes many studies to back up this claim in theis work based on the 2002 Employment Research Unit Annual Conference, in Cardiff, Wales.