Dinesh Kumar D.S. and P.V. Rao
The purpose of this paper is to incorporate a multimodal biometric system, which plays a major role in improving the accuracy and reducing FAR and FRR performance metrics…
The purpose of this paper is to incorporate a multimodal biometric system, which plays a major role in improving the accuracy and reducing FAR and FRR performance metrics. Biometrics plays a major role in several areas including military applications because of robustness of the system. Speech and face data are considered as key elements that are commonly used for multimodal biometric applications, as they are simultaneously acquired from camera and microphone.
In this proposed work, Viola‒Jones algorithm is used for face detection, and Local Binary Pattern consists of texture operators that perform thresholding operation to extract the features of face. Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients exploit the performances of voice data, and median filter is used for removing noise. KNN classifier is used for fusion of both face and voice. The proposed method produces better results in noisy environment with better accuracy. In this proposed method, from the database, 120 face and voice samples are trained and tested with simulation results using MATLAB tool that improves performance in better recognition and accuracy.
The algorithms perform better for both face and voice recognition. The outcome of this work provides better accuracy up to 98 per cent with reduced FAR of 0.5 per cent and FRR of 0.75 per cent.
The algorithms perform better for both face and voice recognition. The outcome of this work provides better accuracy up to 98 per cent with reduced FAR of 0.5 per cent and FRR of 0.75 per cent.
Vandita Dar, Madhvi Sethi, Saina Baby, S. Dinesh Kumar and R. Shrinivas
The objective of this paper was twofold-revisiting the in-kind public distribution system (PDS) – India's flagship food security intervention and seeking beneficiary perspectives…
The objective of this paper was twofold-revisiting the in-kind public distribution system (PDS) – India's flagship food security intervention and seeking beneficiary perspectives on its efficacy. The feasibility of cash transfers as an alternative mechanism is also examined, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Primary and secondary data from the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu were used. In-depth interviews with beneficiaries using phenomenology were conducted to evaluate their perception and willingness to shift to a cash-based PDS in the pre and post-pandemic periods. Secondary district-level data were also used to ascertain institutional preparedness for this shift.
In-depth interviews of 105 beneficiaries revealed valuable insights, which seem to have significantly changed post-pandemic. Beneficiaries in the post-pandemic period seem much more inclined toward cash transfers, though a combination of cash plus in-kind benefits seems to be strongly preferred. Secondary results pointed out to the lack of institutional preparedness in financial inclusion. The research suggested that while the existing PDS needs to be overhauled, policymakers should look at a model of cash plus in-kind transfers as a probable alternative to pure cash transfers.
There is a dearth of in-depth state-specific studies on beneficiary perception of PDS, and this is important since the economic and sociocultural milieu in each region is unique. Being the only state with universal food security, its experience could yield important insights for other states or even middle or low-income countries similar to India.
M. Balasubramanian, Thozhuvur Govindaraman Loganathan and R. Srimath
The purpose of this study is to understand the behavior of hybrid bio-composites under varied applications.
The purpose of this study is to understand the behavior of hybrid bio-composites under varied applications.
Fabrication methods and material characterization of various hybrid bio-composites are analyzed by studying the tensile, impact, flexural and hardness of the same. The natural fiber is a manufactured group of assembly of big or short bundles of fiber to produce one or more layers of flat sheets. The natural fiber-reinforced composite materials offer a wide range of properties that are suitable for many engineering-related fields like aerospace, automotive areas. The main characteristics of natural fiber composites are durability, low cost, low weight, high specific strength and equally good mechanical properties.
The tensile properties like tensile strength and tensile modulus of flax/hemp/sisal/Coir/Palmyra fiber-reinforced composites are majorly dependent on the chemical treatment and catalyst usage with fiber. The flexural properties of flax/hemp/sisal/coir/Palmyra are greatly dependent on fiber orientation and fiber length. Impact properties of flax/hemp/sisal/coir/Palmyra are depended on the fiber content, composition and orientation of various fibers.
This study is a review of various research work done on the natural fiber bio-composites exhibiting the factors to be considered for specific load conditions.