Colin Fletcher, Ruth Higginbotham and Peter Norris
Aims to substantiate a previous study conducted in 1960 whichexplored the links between work and non‐work activities. Three types oflinks between leisure and work activity were…
Aims to substantiate a previous study conducted in 1960 which explored the links between work and non‐work activities. Three types of links between leisure and work activity were proposed: compensation, spillover and segmental participation. Reports on a 1992 survey which examined the links observed from data gathered from 301 managers. There is evidence to support the view that segmental participation is the main link and that compensation and spillover are the minor links. Analysis of the percentages, modes and correlations all suggest that independent management development is edged to the margins by each link and in distinctive ways.
This chapter presents an exploration of the phenomenon of speaking with, or perhaps better stated “through,” a device. Autobiographical works and other published accounts of…
This chapter presents an exploration of the phenomenon of speaking with, or perhaps better stated “through,” a device. Autobiographical works and other published accounts of perceptions of Speech-Generating Devices (SGDs) by persons who have used them are reviewed. The bulk of the chapter focuses on insights gathered from research into the lived experiences of young people who use SGDs. Emerging themes focus on what is “said” by a person who cannot speak, how SGDs announce one’s being in the word, the challenge of one’s words not being one’s own, and the constant sense of being out of time. Reflections on these themes provide insights for practice in the fields of speech language pathology, education, and rehabilitation engineering. The importance of further qualitative inquiry as a method to gather and listen to the voices and experiences of these often unheard individuals is stressed.
Ruth Belling, Kim James and Donna Ladkin
This paper explores how organisations can become more sophisticated at supporting transfer of learning, by identifying the perceived barriers and facilitators to transfer of…
This paper explores how organisations can become more sophisticated at supporting transfer of learning, by identifying the perceived barriers and facilitators to transfer of learning, by examining a range of individual characteristics and workplace features associated with these barriers and facilitators and then relating these to the type of programme that managers undertake. The longitudinal survey methodology and programme typology used in the research are described. Findings highlight 26 perceived barriers and 17 facilitators to the transfer of learning, significant associations are shown with particular features such as mentoring and personal values. The paper goes on to identify the characteristics associated with a lack of transfer and suggests a tentative model of perceived influences on transfer of learning. Based on this research, it is concluded that it is important to take programme learning design into account when considering support for transfer of learning from management development programmes back to the workplace.
E. Othelia Lee and Elizabeth Bertera
This study examines the use of an instructional technology of utilizing the online forum as a tool for improving self‐efficacy related to cultural competency among social work…
This study examines the use of an instructional technology of utilizing the online forum as a tool for improving self‐efficacy related to cultural competency among social work graduate students. As a supplement to face‐to‐face classes, students (n=103) were encouraged to participate in an Online Diversity Forum (ODF).
Forum participants assessed their perceived level of self‐efficacy related to cultural competency knowledge, attitudes, and values by an end of semester survey.
Overall, students rated their improvements in self‐efficacy as high for most criteria studied; the largest perceived improvement was on items measuring interaction with fellow students. Two class sections (n=34) had online postings reflecting a climate of disrespect for other students and for the instructor, while the other four sections (n=69) had positive climates that had no disrespectful or inappropriate postings. Participants in the positive forums increased self‐efficacy significantly more than those in the negative climate forums.
Practical implications
Our findings suggest that ODF can be a useful adjunct to multicultural education when a positive climate for dialogue is created. Future research should explore ways to design and manage online forums to enhance positive learning climates while reducing negative uses that may serve as a barrier to constructive dialogue and learning.
This paper illustrates an innovative educational strategy of using ODF and evaluation research.
This article looks at girls who fight in order to evaluate theories of education for marginalized girls. As oppositional culture and educational resistance theories suggest for…
This article looks at girls who fight in order to evaluate theories of education for marginalized girls. As oppositional culture and educational resistance theories suggest for boys’ misconduct in school, girl fights are found to be a product of deindustrialization, family expectations, and peer culture. Within peer groups of marginalized students an oppositional culture develops such that girls gain respect from their peers by fighting because they demonstrate a necessary toughness. Girls who fight have a complicated relationship to education. Contrary to oppositional culture theory, these girls value educational achievement. However, the girls’ relationships with teachers are strained. Teachers do not appreciate “tough” girls. Race, class, and gender together construct a student culture that produces girls who fight in school.
In “Reinventing Entrepreneurial History,” Wadhwani and Lubinski (2017) encourage the study of legitimacy, the sense that a new organization or venture “belongs” to, or fits…
In “Reinventing Entrepreneurial History,” Wadhwani and Lubinski (2017) encourage the study of legitimacy, the sense that a new organization or venture “belongs” to, or fits within, the social construct of its time.
To this end, this query will consider methods used in the period between the Civil War and the Civil Rights Movement to show legitimacy in black economic endeavors. Three Atlanta entrepreneurs’ efforts will be used as demonstrative examples.
The overarching aim of this investigation of economic legitimization is to give practical examples of three distinct strategies in play: endorsement, authorization and storytelling. In addition, a fourth external actor, social organizations, that exists outside of the realms of media, government and law as noted by Bitektine and Haack (2015) is illustrated to grant validity within the black community. Also, the storytelling strategy is used to illustrate promoters, actors pushing legitimacy to benefit the community at large.
Arguably the search for economic and collective legitimacy within black businesses is not confined to the past. Stated in another way, black businesses still fight for legitimacy, and future research should be undertaken to show the similarities and differences in the two aforementioned periods.
As the First Lady, Michelle Obama stated that she had a number of priorities but that the first year would be mainly about supporting her two girls in their transitions to their…
As the First Lady, Michelle Obama stated that she had a number of priorities but that the first year would be mainly about supporting her two girls in their transitions to their new life in the White House. Her choice to be mom-in-chief drew unusually intense and rather puzzling, scrutiny. The chapter briefly discusses the range of reactions along the political spectrum as well as African-American feminists’ analyses of the stereotypes of Black women underlying those reactions. This analysis engages the debates from a different perspective. First, the chapter addresses the under-theorizing of the racialized gender norms embedded in the symbolism of the White House and the role of First Lady. It challenges the presumption of traditional notions of true womanhood and the incorrect conclusion that mothering would preclude public engagement.
Second and most importantly, this chapter argues that there are fundamental misunderstandings of what mothering meant for Michelle Obama as African-American woman. Cultural traditions and socio-historical conditions have led Black women, both relatives and non-kin, to form mothering relationships with others’ children and to appreciate the interdependence of “nurturing” one's own children, other children, and entire communities. Those practitioners whose nurturing activities encompassed commitment and contributions to the collectivity were referred to as community othermothering. Using primary sources, this chapter examines in detail Michelle Obama's socialization for and her practice of community othermothering in her role as First Lady. Attention is focused on her transformation of White House events by extending hospitality to more within Washington, DC, and the nation, plus broadening young people's exposure to inspiration, opportunities, and support for setting and accomplishing their dreams. Similarly, the concept of community othermothering is also used to explain Michelle Obama’s reinterpretation of the traditional First Lady's special project into the ambitious “Let's Move” initiative to end childhood obesity within a generation. The othermothering values and endeavors have helped establish the White House as “the People's House.”
This work studies automated user classification on Twitter in the public health domain, a task that is essential to many public health-related research works on social media but…
This work studies automated user classification on Twitter in the public health domain, a task that is essential to many public health-related research works on social media but has not been addressed. The purpose of this paper is to obtain empirical knowledge on how to optimise the classifier performance on this task.
A sample of 3,100 Twitter users who tweeted about different health conditions were manually coded into six most common stakeholders. The authors propose new, simple features extracted from the short Twitter profiles of these users, and compare a large set of classification models (including state-of-the-art) that use more complex features and with different algorithms on this data set.
The authors show that user classification in the public health domain is a very challenging task, as the best result the authors can obtain on this data set is only 59 per cent in terms of F1 score. Compared to state-of-the-art, the methods can obtain significantly better (10 percentage points in F1 on a “best-against-best” basis) results when using only a small set of 40 features extracted from the short Twitter user profile texts.
The work is the first to study the different types of users that engage in health-related communication on social media, applicable to a broad range of health conditions rather than specific ones studied in the previous work. The methods are implemented as open source tools, and together with data, are the first of this kind. The authors believe these will encourage future research to further improve this important task.