The Interrelationships of Managers’ Work Time and Personal Time
Aims to substantiate a previous study conducted in 1960 which explored the links between work and non‐work activities. Three types of links between leisure and work activity were proposed: compensation, spillover and segmental participation. Reports on a 1992 survey which examined the links observed from data gathered from 301 managers. There is evidence to support the view that segmental participation is the main link and that compensation and spillover are the minor links. Analysis of the percentages, modes and correlations all suggest that independent management development is edged to the margins by each link and in distinctive ways.
Fletcher, C., Higginbotham, R. and Norris, P. (1993), "The Interrelationships of Managers’ Work Time and Personal Time", Personnel Review, Vol. 22 No. 2, pp. 55-64.
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