The purpose of this paper is to suggest HMP Grendon therapeutic community (TC) reduces recidivism and increases positive emotional and social well-being. Less is known about the…
The purpose of this paper is to suggest HMP Grendon therapeutic community (TC) reduces recidivism and increases positive emotional and social well-being. Less is known about the factors that influence these positive impacts from the prisoner’s perspective. This paper discusses the factors perceived as most effective in changing behaviour, from the residents of HMP Grendon.
A questionnaire based on different aspects of the programme measured perceived importance of different aspects. Semi-structured interviews explored these issues in greater depth and detail and the framework approach was utilised to analyse the data.
Questionnaire data suggested small group therapy, discussing offence impact, resolving problems with others, feeling responsible for self and actions, and open communication were perceived as the most important factors in terms of “what works”. Qualitative interviews supported these findings, and feeling safe, as well as trusting and supportive relationships with other residents and staff were seen as an integral part of the process of change. The analysis also identified some areas for improvement.
Research limitations/implications
This paper offers insights into the process of change for residents, how the components of the TC experience are valued and their perceived impact, offering an updated understanding from the residents’ perspective, and also identifies areas for improvement. This is valuable for current and future TCs for planning and development. It is limited by the cross-sectional nature and relatively small number of factors considered.
This paper offers unique insights into why and how Grendon TC works from the residents’ perspective, using a large sample and appropriate qualitative methodology.
There is limited research on the mental health of pregnant women in prison in England, mother and baby unit (MBU) applications and associated factors. Eighty-five pregnant women…
There is limited research on the mental health of pregnant women in prison in England, mother and baby unit (MBU) applications and associated factors. Eighty-five pregnant women were interviewed in eight different prisons in England, UK. Schedules for the Clinical Assessment of Neuropsychiatry (SCAN) and Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) were used to assess mental health; Severity of Dependence Questionnaire (SOD-Q) for drug misuse; Alcohol Use Identification Test (AUDIT) for hazardous drinking and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID-II) to identify personality disorder. About 51% of participants had depression and 57% had anxiety. Those with prior social services involvement, diagnosis of personality disorder or history of suicidality were less likely to be admitted to MBUs. The high levels of depression and anxiety can have negative impacts on both the mother and her unborn child. Factors which influence MBU admission suggest those who might benefit most from MBU placement are least likely to be admitted. Other countries offer feasible alternatives to imprisonment for pregnant women and mothers which could be implemented in England.
Rachel Gabel-Shemueli and Ben Capell
– The purpose of this research is to identify and analyze the core values of the Peruvian public sector in the particular context of recent public management reforms.
The purpose of this research is to identify and analyze the core values of the Peruvian public sector in the particular context of recent public management reforms.
After distinguishing between traditional private and public sector values, the paper compared the presence of each of these types of values in two very different sources of data: input from employees' values survey and formal values statements of Peruvian public sector organizations. The analysis includes both a comparison of the presence of traditional public and private sector values in the two sources of data and the identification of the cultural profile of the public sector of Peru using the tri-axial model.
The findings indicate a large gap between values at the theoretical level and values at the practical level. While values statements of public organizations in Peru clearly reflect traditional public sector values, in practice, public sector employees appear to follow a mixture of public and private sector values. Strengthening this conclusion is the finding that the cultural tri-axial profile of the sector is purely economic-pragmatic, which suggests that ethical and emotional values are positioned lower on the values hierarchy.
This paper provides the first evidence of two important cultural phenomena in the Peruvian public sector: a broad adoption of private sector values and a gap between the values that are proposed as ethical guidelines (ideal) and the values that are followed in practice (real). The combination of these two phenomena suggests a potential risk to the ethical functioning of the public administration. This risk is especially significant in a developing country like Peru, where many of its poor citizens depend on government support. The paper discusses both the research and practical implications of this study.
Rachel Gabel-Shemueli, Simon Dolan and Adriana Suárez Ceretti
The purpose of this paper is to assess the impact of the interaction effect of work conditions including work overload, emotional demands, social support and self-development…
The purpose of this paper is to assess the impact of the interaction effect of work conditions including work overload, emotional demands, social support and self-development opportunities on work engagement within the framework of the job demands-resource model.
A total of 481 registered nurses in Uruguay participated in this study. A series of multiple structural equations modelling analyses were used to examine the interaction hypotheses and their effect on work engagement.
Three out of four two-way interactions presented significant effects, showing that social support mitigated the negative effects that emotional demands and work overload have on work engagement. However, self-development opportunities only moderated the effect of emotional demands on work engagement, but did not relieve the effects of work overload.
Research limitations/implications
The study only considered two demands and two resources to test for interactions. Inclusion of other work characteristics as well as personal resources could provide a better understanding of the relationships within an organisation.
Practical implications
The importance of developing a pool of resources in order to increase nurses’ work engagement and buffer the increasing demands of healthcare professionals is discussed.
The findings provide evidence of the impact of the interaction of job demands and job resources in the development of work engagement in Uruguay. Additionally, the results emphasise the importance of identifying relevant work conditions that contribute to sustaining work engagement in the nursing profession in Latin-American countries.
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el impacto del efecto de interacción de condiciones laborales, incluyendo sobrecarga de trabajo, demandas emocionales, soporte social y oportunidades de desarrollo personal sobre el engagement laboral usando el modelo de las demandas y recursos laborales (DLR).
Un total de 481 enfermeras registradas en Uruguay participaron en este estudio. Se utilizaron análisis de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales para examinar las hipótesis de interacción y su efecto sobre el compromiso.
Tres de las cuatro interacciones presentaron efectos significativos, mostrando que el soporte social mitiga el efecto negativo de las demandas emocionales y la sobrecarga laboral sobre el engagement. Sin embargo, oportunidades de desarrollo personal solo moderó el efecto de las demandas emocionales sobre el engagement, pero no disminuyó los efectos de la sobrecarga laboral.
Limitaciones/Implicaciones del estudio
Solo se consideraron dos demandas y dos recursos para evaluar las interacciones. La inclusión de otras características laborales, así como recursos personales, podría proveer una mejor comprensión de las relaciones entre las diferentes variables en una organización.
Implicaciones Prácticas
La importancia de desarrollar un conjunto de recursos para aumentar el compromiso laboral y mitigar el efecto de las demandas laborales en los profesionales de salud es discutida.
Los hallazgos proveen evidencia del impacto de las interacciones de demandas y recursos laborales y el desarrollo de engagement en Uruguay. Adicionalmente, los resultados enfatizan la importancia de identificar condiciones laborales relevantes, que contribuyen al desarrollo y mantenimiento del compromiso en la profesión de enfermería en países latinoamericanos.
Rachel Gabel-Shemueli and Franco Alberto Riva Zaferson
The purpose of this two-wave longitudinal study was to examine the impact of leader–member exchange (LMX) on employee performance through trust in leader and appraisal…
The purpose of this two-wave longitudinal study was to examine the impact of leader–member exchange (LMX) on employee performance through trust in leader and appraisal satisfaction both cross-sectionally and after one year, and the reciprocal effect of employee performance on LMX one year later.
A full panel data design was applied and the sample consisted of 289 employees of a Peruvian insurance organization. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test the research hypotheses.
The results show the relationship between LMX and performance was sequentially mediated by trust in leader and appraisal satisfaction on both occasions. Additionally, employee performance at Time 1 positively influenced LMX at Time 2.
This study highlights the dynamic and complex relationship between LMX and employee performance over time while identifying relevant variables that influence it.
El propósito de este estudio longitudinal fue examinar el impacto del intercambio líder-miembro (LMX) en el desempeño de los trabajadores a través de la confianza en el líder y la satisfacción con la evaluación, tanto de forma transversal como después de un año, así como el efecto recíproco del desempeño en LMX un año después.
La muestra estuvo compuesta por 289 trabajadores de una aseguradora peruana. Se aplicó un diseño de panel y se utilizó el modelado de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM en inglés) para probar las hipótesis de investigación.
Los resultados muestran que la relación entre LMX y el desempeño fue mediada secuencialmente por la confianza en el líder y la satisfacción con la evaluación en ambas ocasiones. Además, el desempeño de los empleados en el memento 1 influyó positivamente en LMX en el memento 2.
Este estudio destaca la relación dinámica y compleja entre LMX y desempeño de los trabajadores a lo largo del tiempo, mientras que identifica variables relevantes que lo influyen.
Rachel Gabel‐Shemueli and Simon Dolan
The purpose of this paper is to propose emotional intelligence (hereinafter EI) competences as a key predictor for overall cross‐cultural adjustment of managers and professionals…
The purpose of this paper is to propose emotional intelligence (hereinafter EI) competences as a key predictor for overall cross‐cultural adjustment of managers and professionals in its three respective dimensions: work, interaction and non‐work adjustment. This explorative study contributes to the assessment and selection of potential professionals for international assignments by identifying the combination of soft competences and selected pre‐existing personal factors that can predict cross cultural adjustment beyond traditional technical or functional skills.
Data were gathered via a pre‐validated multi‐item questionnaire. The latter was administered in two languages: English and Spanish and two steps of multiple hierarchical regression analyses were conducted, in addition to the main variables (i.e. main effect). A total of 16 individual, organisational and context‐related control variables were used in this study.
The main findings indicate that EI is related to overall cross‐cultural adjustment measured in its three dimensions. However, EI was most strongly related to interaction adjustment following overall cross‐cultural adjustment. Furthermore, by isolating some important variables, the predictive role of EI on cross‐cultural adjustment above and beyond these control variables was shown.
Research limitations/implications
EI is still a new and debatable construct. Researchers are continuing to explore this construct from different angles. Moreover, there is keen interest in ascertaining whether the findings reported herein are sustainable. With the exception of one external source (culture distance), all data for the current study were collected via a self‐reported questionnaire and although additional effort was made to reduce some potential method‐variance problems, they cannot be entirely ruled out. The authors encourage future studies to improve the design by gathering data from multiple sources and from diverse settings.
Practical implications
The paper reviews the possible advantages of including EI assessment in international postings selection process.
This paper fills the need to study the predictive role of key soft skills in understanding cross‐cultural adjustment of international assignees. This study analysed the role of emotions in cross‐cultural settings by specifically examining a set of competences stemming from the EI construct. Although EI has been extensively used in the organisational behaviour literature, to the best of the authors' knowledge, there is still a need to empirically explore the relationships of this construct within the context of overseas postings and cross cultural encounters.
Rachel Gabel-Shemueli, Shay Tzafrir, Berlan Rodriguez Perez and Danae Bahamonde Canepa
The purpose of this two-wave longitudinal study was to examine the role of mindfulness as mediator between social support and engagement and as a moderator in the relationship…
The purpose of this two-wave longitudinal study was to examine the role of mindfulness as mediator between social support and engagement and as a moderator in the relationship between work overload and burnout, both cross-sectionally and after one year.
The sample consisted of 243 Peruvian teachers. Structural equation modeling and SPSS Process Macro were used to test the hypothesis.
The results show that mindfulness mediated the relationship between social support and engagement at both times but doesn't moderate the relationship between work overload and burnout at either time.
This study highlights the role of mindfulness as a valuable personal resource in the workplace, as it facilitates a higher functioning at work while identifying relevant organizational characteristics that have an influence in its use.
El propósito de este estudio longitudinal de dos olas fue examinar el papel de mindfulness como mediador entre el apoyo social y el engagement en el trabajo; así como moderador en la relación entre la sobrecarga de trabajo y el burnout, tanto transversalmente como después de un año.
La muestra estuvo conformada por 243 profesores peruanos. Se utilizó el modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM en inglés) y Process Macro para SPSS para probar la hipótesis.
Los resultados muestran que mindfulness media la relación entre el apoyo social y engagement en ambos momentos, pero no modera la relación entre la sobrecarga de trabajo y el burnout en ninguno de los dos.
Este estudio destaca el papel del mindfulness como un recurso personal valioso en el trabajo, ya que facilita un mejor funcionamiento al tiempo que identifica características organizacionales relevantes que influyen en su uso.
S. Kubra Canhilal, Rachel Gabel Shemueli and Simon Dolan
The purpose of this paper is to explore the relative most important antecedent factors related to success in international assignment (IA) in specific context such as Peru. It…
The purpose of this paper is to explore the relative most important antecedent factors related to success in international assignment (IA) in specific context such as Peru. It reviews the full range of individual, organizational and contextual factors associated with success in IA as well as discusses the importance of context in expatriate research. Combined with limited interviews, synthesis is offered and the most relevant determinant factors are identified.
This is a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews with 45 participants who currently hold IA positions or have broad experience in overseas positions. The interviews were conducted in the English and Spanish languages. A priori coding system classification technique based on a content analysis methodology was administrated for the purpose of analyzing and codifying the interviews.
The findings reveal that a combination of individual, organizational and contextual antecedent factors are relevant for explaining success in IA. However, only nine of the 32 factors were found to be the most determinant to success. In particular, cross-cultural competencies, spouse adjustment, motivational issues, time on assignment, emotional competencies, previous international experience, language fluency and social relational skills, as well as contextual cultural differences and organizational recruitment and selection practices, were found to be the most associated to success in IA. The relative importance of the antecedents are discussed related to the context.
Research limitations/implications
Because of the nature of qualitative design, a single factor may affect the interpretation and generalization of the findings. In addition, the ample and broad conceptualizations and definitions of the antecedent factors examined from different viewpoints may cause theoretical overlapping and cross-over definition biases, which may result in misleading findings. Therefore, the authors encourage future research to continue examining the full range of antecedent factors employing different methodological approaches by integrating context in a more systematic manner.
Practical implications
The paper reviews the implications for IA selection design and process implementation, cross-cultural training and development.
To begin with, this paper fills a need to study the antecedents of IA success and determine their relevance. In particular, and to the best of the knowledge, this is one of the few studies that include multi-level perspective: individual, organizational and contextual factors. This comprehensive approach aids in better understanding of the role and relevance of the respective antecedent factors that leads to success in IA with an aim to integrate context in the equation. Second, the sample consists of expatriates in particularly in Peru which gives information about adjustment of expatriates in Peru.