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Publication date: 1 March 1977

Lothar A. Kreck

The concern for the tourists' wellbeing requires a host country to put special efforts into the development and maintenance of acceptable lodging and foodservice facilities, this…


The concern for the tourists' wellbeing requires a host country to put special efforts into the development and maintenance of acceptable lodging and foodservice facilities, this is to say acceptable to the tourist. There is no doubt that investments in lodging and foodservice have to have priorities in tourism development. While there is probably no need to underline the importance of lodging facilities, only one writer so far has seen a similar need to underline the importance of foodservice in tourism.


The Tourist Review, vol. 32 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0251-3102

Publication date: 1 April 1973

Lothar A. Kreck

The information for the present article was collected by the author during a two‐week visit to Moscow in the summer of 1973. The success of the visit is primarily due to the…


The information for the present article was collected by the author during a two‐week visit to Moscow in the summer of 1973. The success of the visit is primarily due to the support the author received from Intourist, the USSR's organization for foreign travel, in specific from Mr. Nikitin, chief administrator of Intourist, Mr. Lebedeve, director of foreign organizations, Mr. Khodorkov, deputy director of superior courses, Mrs. Smirnowa, deputy director of permanent courses, and professors Ozira and Orlov from the Plekhanov Institute in Moscow. Information was further collected by talking to senior staff members of hotels and restaurants and to recent graduates of two of the schools.


The Tourist Review, vol. 28 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0251-3102

Publication date: 1 January 1994

Lothar A. Kreck and Margita Großmann

Es wurde eingeschätzt, daß die Tourismuswirtschaft 1992 weltweit einen Umsatz von 3 Milliarden US‐$ erreichte und zwischen 110 und 120 Millionen Menschen beschäftigte (Lipman…


Es wurde eingeschätzt, daß die Tourismuswirtschaft 1992 weltweit einen Umsatz von 3 Milliarden US‐$ erreichte und zwischen 110 und 120 Millionen Menschen beschäftigte (Lipman, 1992). Ein kleiner Teil dieses eindrucksvollen Resultats kommt aus dem osteuropäischen Raum. Osteuropa — nicht geographisch oder kulturell, sondern nach dem ehemaligen politisch‐ökonomischen Verbund verstanden — ist jetzt leichter bereisbar fr westliche Touristen als früher. Deshalb nutzten viele die Möglichkeit,in den Osten einen ersten Blick zu werfen oder das Land zu besuchen, in welchem sie vor mehr als 40 Jahren geboren wurden. Es ist deshalb nicht verwunderlich, wenn diese Länder darauf hoffen, in der näheren Zukunft eine größere Anzahl Gäste zu empfangen. Es ist auch nicht überraschend, wenn die Qualität der touristischen Waren zusammen mit einem bestimmten Preisniveau ein Preis/Leistungs‐Verhältnis erzeugt, das stark genug ist, erfolgreich den Wettbewerb gegen westliche Reiseziele anzutreten. Werden aber “Neugier” und “Heimat/Heimweh” weiterhin motivierend bleiben? Bereits 1992 melden drei osteuropäische Länder eine Abnahme touristischer Ankünfte. Probleme bereiten auch die geringen Übernachtungszahlen und der hohe Anteil an Tagestouristen.


The Tourist Review, vol. 49 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0251-3102

Publication date: 1 March 1972

Lothar A. Kreck

There seems to be a tendency among scholars concerned with tourism to neglect the area of communication in their discussions of marketing or, in specific, promotion. Why this…


There seems to be a tendency among scholars concerned with tourism to neglect the area of communication in their discussions of marketing or, in specific, promotion. Why this tendency exists is not quite clear. It might be that communication (and the knowledge of it) is taken for granted. The following will show that the communication process is highly complicated and as such should not be taken for granted. Also, Barnet, in his recent article in this journal, described marketing as a consumer‐oriented concept. Since communication is part of the marketing process it is also consumer‐oriented. This moves the concept of communication from a mechanistic to a behavioral basis for discussion. An attempt is made here to use this behavioral basis and to describe a possible total communication framework with the help of the general systems approach, underlying the use of a medium for mass distribution in the area of tourism promotion. In specific, what are some of the necessary considerations when a country, with the hypothetical name SHOMEE, tries to entice nationals of another country, in this case U.S. citizens, to come and visit the host country.


The Tourist Review, vol. 27 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0251-3102

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