USSR: Training in tourism professions
The information for the present article was collected by the author during a two‐week visit to Moscow in the summer of 1973. The success of the visit is primarily due to the support the author received from Intourist, the USSR's organization for foreign travel, in specific from Mr. Nikitin, chief administrator of Intourist, Mr. Lebedeve, director of foreign organizations, Mr. Khodorkov, deputy director of superior courses, Mrs. Smirnowa, deputy director of permanent courses, and professors Ozira and Orlov from the Plekhanov Institute in Moscow. Information was further collected by talking to senior staff members of hotels and restaurants and to recent graduates of two of the schools.
Kreck, L.A. (1973), "USSR: Training in tourism professions", The Tourist Review, Vol. 28 No. 4, pp. 161-163.
Copyright © 1973, MCB UP Limited