Bong-Gyu Jang and Hyeng Keun Koo
We present an approach for pricing American put options with a regime-switching volatility. Our method reveals that the option price can be expressed as the sum of two components…
We present an approach for pricing American put options with a regime-switching volatility. Our method reveals that the option price can be expressed as the sum of two components: the price of a European put option and the premium associated with the early exercise privilege. Our analysis demonstrates that, under these conditions, the perpetual put option consistently commands a higher price during periods of high volatility compared to those of low volatility. Moreover, we establish that the optimal exercise boundary is lower in high-volatility regimes than in low-volatility regimes. Additionally, we develop an analytical framework to describe American puts with an Erlang-distributed random-time horizon, which allows us to propose a numerical technique for approximating the value of American puts with finite expiry. We also show that a combined approach involving randomization and Richardson extrapolation can be a robust numerical algorithm for estimating American put prices with finite expiry.
Bong‐Gyu Jang, Hyeng Keun Koo and U Jin Choi
We suggest the method of evaluation of illiquid assets on the market in the presence of proportional transaction costs by using two consumption/investment models. We study an…
We suggest the method of evaluation of illiquid assets on the market in the presence of proportional transaction costs by using two consumption/investment models. We study an investor's implicit evaluation of an illiquid asset whose trading incurs a proportional transaction cost. We show that the investor assigns an implicit value between the bid and ask price and uses it for his investment and/or consumption decisions. We also show that the implicit value is an increasing function of the investor's liquidity ratio, which is a measure of liquidity of the investor's asset holdings.
The author investigates realized comoments that overcome the drawback of conventional ones and derive the following findings. First, the author proves that (even generalized…
The author investigates realized comoments that overcome the drawback of conventional ones and derive the following findings. First, the author proves that (even generalized) geometric implied lower-order comoments yield neither geometric realized third comoment nor fourth moment. This is in contrast to previous studies that produce geometric realized third moment and arithmetic realized higher-order moments through lower-order implied moments. Second, arithmetic realized joint cumulants are obtained through complete Bell polynomials of lower-order joint cumulants. This study’s realized measures are unbiased estimators and they can, therefore, overcome the drawbacks of conventional realized measures.