Looks at the face of marketing in the light of today's society. Suggests that marketing professionals muse examine closely the social contract governing production and…
Looks at the face of marketing in the light of today's society. Suggests that marketing professionals muse examine closely the social contract governing production and distribution of economic goods and services, in order not to alienate the new mere articulate customer.
The purpose of this study is to examine the physical processes experienced by a particle-laden gas due to various types of collisions, different heat transfer modalities and jet…
The purpose of this study is to examine the physical processes experienced by a particle-laden gas due to various types of collisions, different heat transfer modalities and jet axis switching. Here, attention is focused on a particle-laden gas subjected to jet axis switching while experiencing fluid flow and heat transfer.
The methodology used to model and solve these complex problems is numerical simulation treated here as a two-phase turbulent flow in which the gas and the particles keep their separate identities. For the turbulent flow model, validation was achieved by comparisons with appropriate experimental data. The considered interactions between the fluid and the particles include one-way fluid–particle interactions, two-way fluid–particle interactions and particle–particle interactions.
For the fluid flow portion of the work, emphasis was placed on the particle collection efficiency and on independent variables that affect this quantity and the trajectories of the fluid and of the particles as they traverse the space between the jet orifice and the impingement plate. The extent of the effect depended on four factors: particle size, particle density, number of particles and the velocity of the fluid flow. The major effect on the heat transferred to the impingement plate occurred when direct heat transfer between the impinging particles and the plate was taken into account.
This paper deals with issues never before dealt with in the published literature: the effect of jet axis switching on the fluid mechanics of gas-particle flows without heat transfer and the effect of jet axis switching and the presence of particles on jet impingement heat transfer. The overall focus of the work is on the impact of jet axis switching on particle-laden fluid flow and heat transfer.
The School Behaviours Rating Scale (SBRS) measures observable school behaviour in primary aged students. It provides a tool for teachers and psychologists to use to assess…
The School Behaviours Rating Scale (SBRS) measures observable school behaviour in primary aged students. It provides a tool for teachers and psychologists to use to assess behaviour and determine targets for intervention. The Scale measures strengths and needs, is easy to administer and score and is time efficient. It has been developed in Australia using data from classroom teachers on almost 2,000 students aged 5–12 years of age. The SBRS has sound psychometric qualities with subscale internal consistency scores ranging between .88 and .96, and test–retest reliability coefficients ranging from .86 to .97. The Scale comprises 51 behavioural descriptors which measure observable school behaviour across six domains or subscales comprising: General Classroom Behaviour; General Playground Behaviour; Getting Along with Other Students; Attempting Tasks Presented; Development of Social Skills and Aggressive Behaviours. The SBRS can be used to provide explicit information about a student's behavioural strengths, target areas for intervention, support functional assessment and provide a measure for pre- and post-intervention efficacy.
A systems perspective of waste management allows an integratedapproach not only to the five basic functional elements of wastemanagement itself (generation, reduction, collection…
A systems perspective of waste management allows an integrated approach not only to the five basic functional elements of waste management itself (generation, reduction, collection, recycling, disposal), but to the problems arising at the interfaces with the management of energy, nature conservation, environmental protection, economic factors like unemployment and productivity, etc. This monograph separately describes present practices and the problems to be solved in each of the functional areas of waste management and at the important interfaces. Strategies for more efficient control are then proposed from a systems perspective. Systematic and objective means of solving problems become possible leading to optimal management and a positive contribution to economic development, not least through resource conservation. India is the particular context within which waste generation and management are discussed. In considering waste disposal techniques, special attention is given to sewage and radioactive wastes.
Analyses the rapid and considerable changes occurring in retailing in West Germany, highlighting its differences with the UK. Focuses on the problems faced by West German…
Analyses the rapid and considerable changes occurring in retailing in West Germany, highlighting its differences with the UK. Focuses on the problems faced by West German department store groups which are struggling against competition from the newer retail stores.
Nicolas Chauchat, Eric Schall, Mathieu Mory, Marta de la Llave Plata and Vincent G. Couaillier
The purpose of this paper is to investigate a new cooling process of a heated cylinder with confined impacting air jet.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate a new cooling process of a heated cylinder with confined impacting air jet.
To do this the authors used experience-numerical and numerical-numerical comparisons. The experimental facility, designed and built at the Pau University, consists in air jets impacting around a heated circular cylinder. As the inlet velocity magnitude is low (Vin=4.37 m/s – Machin=0.0125), using a compressible solver for numerical simulations presents a number of difficulties. For this low Mach number configuration, the authors compare the performance of three different solvers in this paper. Two of them are compressible, one based on the finite volume approach and the other on a discontinuous Galerkin method, and the third one is an incompressible solver. Some of the numerical results are compared to experimental data.
Comparisons between the results from 3D and 2D computations support the relevance of 2D models. Some of the numerical results are compared to experimental data.
Research limitations/implications
The confined aspect of the set-up reduces experimental measurement to intrusive measures. It should be noted that the temperature measurement given by thermocouples is always considered as “global” or “average”.
Future aircraft technology will increasingly rely on electrical power. The substitution of mechanical energy by electrical energy will lead to an increasing amount of heat power that need be evacuated. Innovative cooling processes have to be set up according to constraints imposed by the technological design.
Shin‐ichi Satake and Tomoaki Kunugi
A direct numerical simulation code with cylindrical geometry has been developed. A direct numerical simulation (DNS) of an impinging round jet into parallel disks is performed for…
A direct numerical simulation code with cylindrical geometry has been developed. A direct numerical simulation (DNS) of an impinging round jet into parallel disks is performed for a Reynolds number of 10,000 based on the nozzle exit velocity and the nozzle diameter (D). Mean flow variables, turbulent intensity, pressure distribution and turbulent kinetic energy budgets are obtained at various radial locations. The present DNS results are in fairly good agreement with the two‐dimensional PTV measurements by Nishino and co‐workers in 1996. Some flow features of this impinging round jet regarding a turbulent transition process are discussed.
An inexorable pursuit of economic gain has ushered in fashionable, entrepreneurial manoeuvres in the arts. This has led not only to the acceptance of new sectoral categories, such…
An inexorable pursuit of economic gain has ushered in fashionable, entrepreneurial manoeuvres in the arts. This has led not only to the acceptance of new sectoral categories, such as the creative industries, but also to a form of creative industrialization that encourages additive injections of market logic and notions of entrepreneurial value to an erstwhile dependent culture of the arts. Normative silo-based analyses continue unabated in the gnostic worlds of both the arts and entrepreneurship, with a tendency for the latter to ‘rescue’ the ‘failing’ arts. Application of market logic can, however, ignore the multivalence of entrepreneurship or the rich textures of meaning provided by the arts. It is suggested that a consideration of the centrality of imagination offers insights into different forms of value creation in entrepreneurship and of the creative entrepreneurial dimensions in the arts. A review is presented of how entrepreneurship has positioned itself in the arts and questions are raised about the constraints of a market logic approach. It is argued that such an approach promotes a deficit model of the arts and a stagnant, status quo understanding of entrepreneurship. By exploring various arts movements, such as the Bauhaus project, the legacy of Joseph Beuys’s philosophy and the unique, needs-focussed work of the Japanese architect Shigeru Ban, creative latitude can be found in the meaning of entrepreneurship as the mobilization of the resources of imagination.
Rongguang Jia, Masoud Rokni and Bengt Sundén
A numerical investigation to determine the velocity and heat transfer characteristics of multiple impinging slot jets in rib‐roughened channels in the presence of cross‐flow has…
A numerical investigation to determine the velocity and heat transfer characteristics of multiple impinging slot jets in rib‐roughened channels in the presence of cross‐flow has been carried out. Fluid flow is modeled using an explicit algebraic stress model. A simple eddy diffusivity and a generalized gradient diffusion hypothesis are applied for the modeling of turbulent heat fluxes. The computations are validated against available experimental fluid flow and heat transfer data. Different size and arrangement of jets and ribs are considered in detail, while the Reynolds numbers of a jet and the channel inlet are fixed at 6,000 and 14,000, respectively. Results show that the ratio (B/W) between the size of the jets and ribs is most important. An explanation is that the ribs inhibit the motion of eddies by preventing them from coming very close to the surface when B/W is low, e.g. B/W = 1, although the ribs will increase the turbulence intensity. This blockage limited the heat transfer enhancement effect of the ribs and impinging jets.