Keberkesanan penyampaian sesuatu maklumat memerlukan individu, alat mahupun saluran yang unggul dan bersesuaian. Usaha ini haruslah dirancang dan dipertimbangkan dengan teliti…
Keberkesanan penyampaian sesuatu maklumat memerlukan individu, alat mahupun saluran yang unggul dan bersesuaian. Usaha ini haruslah dirancang dan dipertimbangkan dengan teliti oleh pihak tertentu agar setiap apa yang ingin disampaikan dan dilaksanakan itu dapat diberigakan dengan mudah dan berkesan. Dari itu, penggunaan bahasa retorik dilihat sebagai batu loncatan yang memberikan keyakinan dan tahap keberkesanan yang tinggi bagi sesebuah wacana yang disampaikan tersebut. Kewibawaan retorik sebagai seni yang mempengaruhi bukan sahaja berperanan untuk memperkukuhkan kekuasaan mahupun mempengaruhi fikiran dan emosi orang lain namun sebaliknya mampu menstimulasikan keseimbangan hubungan sosial yang terbentuk melalui sistem pemerintahan sesebuah negara. Melalui penyelidikan ini, setiap ciri khas retorik dapat diketengahkan dengan menghuraikan peranan dan fungsi-fungsi yang dimainkan oleh jenis-jenis retorik dalam penulisan sesebuah wacana. Hal ini khusus bagi mengilustrasikan idea, gagasan mahupun suatu fakta terhadap sesuatu pendekatan dengan cara yang kreatif dan terbaik. Di samping itu, keutamaan bagi penerapan bahasa retorik dalam perutusan kerajaan seharusnya dapat diperkasakan sewajarnya dengan menjadikannya sebagai anjakan paradigma ke arah perpaduan dan nilai kesaksamaan dalam masyarakat. Justeru, kajian ini memanfaatkan Teori Retorik Moden oleh Enos dan Brown (1993) sebagai landasan utama dalam menganalisis sejumlah 20 perutusan rasmi berkaitan jangkitan covid-19 di Negara Brunei Darussalam. Berdasarkan pemerhatian dan penganalisisan yang dijalankan, hanya empat jenis retorik yang diaplikasikan dalam wacana tersebut. Kesimpulan statistik merangkumi 34% teknik pendedahan, 30% teknik penerangan, 33% teknik pemujukan dan hanya 3% bagi teknik penghujahan. Dapatan penyelidikan ini membuktikan bahawa penggunaan bahasa retorik dalam perutusan rasmi kerajaan adalah amat penting dalam memperkukuhkan sistem pemerintahan negara serta mampu melestarikan cara hidup yang relevan dan berkualiti.
The effectiveness of delivering information requiresindividuals, tools or channels that are superior and appropriate. This effort must be planned and considered carefully so that everything that is to be conveyed and implemented can be conveyed easily and effectively. Therefore, the use of rhetorical language is regarded as a stepping stone that provides confidence and a higher level of effectiveness. `Rhetoric as an influential art not only plays a role in strengthening power or influencing the thoughts and emotions of others but also stimulate sthe balance of social relations. Through this research, each rhetorical feature is highlighted to discuss its role and functions in the discourse. Using Enos and Brown’s Modern Rhetorical Theory (1993), a total of 20 official conferences on the latest developments of the spread of covid-19 infection were discussed. Findings have shown that there were four main types of rhetoric, i.e. Statistical conclusions which include 34% of expository techniques, 30% of descriptive, 33% of persuasion and only 3% for argumentation techniques. This also implies that rhetoric language is very important in ensuring the dissemination of knowledge among the institution and people is effective and and transparent.
Wafiqah Asnola and Zulfadzlee Zulkiflee
Isu diskriminasi antara kaum telah tular di media sosial berikutan isu pemberian vaksin secara jumpa terus yang mula dibukakan di Pusat Vaksinasi Stadium Tertutup pada hari…
Isu diskriminasi antara kaum telah tular di media sosial berikutan isu pemberian vaksin secara jumpa terus yang mula dibukakan di Pusat Vaksinasi Stadium Tertutup pada hari Jumaat, 24 September 2021. Jumlah orang ramai yang ingin mengambil vaksin telah melebihi jangkaan sehingga menyebabkan keadaan menjadi tidak terkawal dan berlakunya pelanggaran Prosedur Pengendalian Standard (SOP). Kajian ini dijalankan untuk membincangkan isu diskriminasi kaum yang berlaku semasa gelombang kedua pandemik COVID-19. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif secara deskriptif. Data yang diperolehi daripada komen-komen dalam halaman Brunei Dot Com, dan Facebook ini seterusnya dianalisis menggunakan model tiga dimensi Fairclough (1992). Hasil kajian mendapati kesemua komen telah menunjukkan sikap diskriminasi dalam kalangan masyarakat Brunei secara sedar ataupun tidak. Isu diskriminasi ini bukan sahaja dapat dilihat dari sudut representasi linguistik, tetapi juga penghasilan dan pewahanaan wacana berkaitan pada halaman Brunei Dot Com, dan Facebook. Kajian ini juga menunjukkan bahawa wacana bukan saja mampu dibentuk masyarakat tetapi juga membentuknya.
The issue of racial discrimination concerning the commencement of walk-in vaccination at the Indoor Stadium Vaccination Centre on Friday, 24 September 2021 was widely addressed in the social media. Chaos ensued as an influx of people attended the centre and violated the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). This paper examines the issue of racial discrimination during the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic in Brunei. As a qualitative-descriptive study, data obtained from Brunei Dot Com, and Facebook page, were analysed using Fairclough's (1992) three-dimensional approach. Findings have shown presence of discriminatory attitudes among the local community displayed as deliberately or unintentionally. This is manifested in its linguistic representations, discourse production and consumption in the selected Brunei Dot Com and Facebook pages. This study indicates that a discourse is not only capable of shaping but is also shaped by the community.
Ming Gao, Dongkai Li, Kun Liu, Shuliang Xu, Feng Zhao, Ben Guo, Anhui Pan, Xiao Xie and Huanre Han
The brake pipe system was an essential braking component of the railway freight trains, but the existing E-type sealing rings had problems such as insufficient low-temperature…
The brake pipe system was an essential braking component of the railway freight trains, but the existing E-type sealing rings had problems such as insufficient low-temperature resistance, poor heat stability and short service life. To address these issues, low-phenyl silicone rubber was prepared and tested, and the finite element analysis and experimental studies on the sealing performance of its sealing rings were carried out.
The low-temperature resistance and thermal stability of the prepared low-phenyl silicone rubber were studied using low-temperature tensile testing, differential scanning calorimetry, dynamic thermomechanical analysis and thermogravimetric analysis. The sealing performance of the low-phenyl silicone rubber sealing ring was studied by using finite element analysis software abaqus and experiments.
The prepared low-phenyl silicone rubber sealing ring possessed excellent low-temperature resistance and thermal stability. According to the finite element analysis results, the finish of the flange sealing surface and groove outer edge should be ensured, and extrusion damage should be avoided. The sealing rings were more susceptible to damage in high compression ratio and/or low-temperature environments. When the sealing effect was ensured, a small compression ratio should be selected, and rubbers with hardness and elasticity less affected by temperature should be selected. The prepared low-phenyl silicone rubber sealing ring had zero leakage at both room temperature (RT) and −50 °C.
The innovation of this study is that it provides valuable data and experience for the future development of the sealing rings used in the brake pipe flange joints of the railway freight cars in China.
Practices of transfer pricing in among companies having “special relationship” (hubungan istimewa in Bahasa Indonesia, this study uses a term of ‘related party’) to others are…
Practices of transfer pricing in among companies having “special relationship” (hubungan istimewa in Bahasa Indonesia, this study uses a term of ‘related party’) to others are very common nowadays. However, the complexity of transfer pricing strategy and practices in many companies made the use of individual level data become insufficient, therefore we conduct an ethnographic study to explore how taxpayer determines the reasonable transfer pricing based on five methods (i.e. Comparable uncontrolled Price/CUP, Resale Price/RPM, Cost Plus, Transactional Net Margin Method/TNMM and Profit Split Method/PSM).This research aims to execute a tax strategy based on those methods, which finally derive the amount of product price according to arm.s length transfer pricing rule. We collected the data through interviews, observation and literatures. They are based on several months of personal experience of field research in and around the manufacturing enterprise. The results showed that the tax expense could be reduced by using Cost Plus Method, but practically, the application of this method requires more in-depth analysis and a very reliable & comparative data so the company must spend a lot of cost and time to process it. The Transactional Net Profit Method is proved to be the best application for the enterprise to optimize tax expenses because the data used for the analysis were more accessible which saved time and costs.
Financing is one of the main activities and a major source of revenue for Islamic Cooperatives. This study aimed to analyze the effect of capital structure, third party funds and…
Financing is one of the main activities and a major source of revenue for Islamic Cooperatives. This study aimed to analyze the effect of capital structure, third party funds and non-performing financing to the finance portfolio as well as to analyze the effect of capital structure, deposits, non-performing financing and the distribution of funding to profitability. The analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis, using F test and t test. The results of the analysis showed that the capital structure, third party funds and non-performing financing significantly effect on the distribution of funding. Capital structure, third party funds, and the distribution of funding has a significant effect on profitability, Sharia Cooperative BMT in Indonesia. While non-performing financing does not affect the profitability of Islamic Cooperative Baitul Maal Tamwil in Indonesia.
Purpose – The objective of this research is to know the correlation of stress level with the degree of depression in the elderly at a nursing home in Lhokseumawe in the year 2017…
Purpose – The objective of this research is to know the correlation of stress level with the degree of depression in the elderly at a nursing home in Lhokseumawe in the year 2017.
Design/Methodology/Approach – This research is analytic using a cross-sectional approach with a total sampling method. The total number of samples was 55 respondents.
Findings – The results showed that the elderly in a Lhokseumawe nursing home at average are at mild stress level to medium degree of depression. Pearson correlation test results show that there is a correlation between stress level and degree of depression in elderly in the Lhokseumawe nursing home in 2017 with medium strong relationship (r = 0.406; p = 0.002).
Research Limitations/Implications – We expect that the elderly living in the orphanage avoid negative thinking about themselves and the future, eliminating feelings of guilt or regret about past mistakes, taking adequate rest and maintaining a diet to avoid stress so as to prevent the onset of depression.
Originality/Value – In addition the study increases the theoretical understanding of the correlation between stress level and degree of depression in elderly at nursing home.
Damanhur, Wahyuddin Albra, Ghazali Syamni and Muhammad Habibie
Purpose – The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of macro- and micro-economic variables on the ratio of troubled financing (Non-Performing Financing, NPF)…
Purpose – The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of macro- and micro-economic variables on the ratio of troubled financing (Non-Performing Financing, NPF).
Design/Methodology/Approach – The method used in this research is the data panel fixed effect with 13 banks and 4 periods of data report (semi-annual report 2014–2015).
Findings – The regression result achieved that variable inflation significantly influences the ratio of NPF. Variable Gross Domestic Product and assets total significantly influence the ratio of NPF too. While the SBI sharia’s variable and Financing to Deposit Ratio did not significantly affect NPF in Syariah’s Unit of Aceh Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD) in Indonesia.
Research Limitations/Implications – This study uses panel data which are a combination of time series data and cross-section.
Practical Implications – The policymakers can design a macro-policy carefully and better fiscal policies.
Originality/Value – This research was conducted on the Syariah’s Unit of BPD in Indonesia during the period 2014–2015 and it has not been done before.
Vivi Adeyani Tandean and Winnie Winnie
This study aims to obtain an empirical evidence about the effect of good corporate governance on tax avoidance which becomes a proxy of current ETR (Effective Tax Rate). The…
This study aims to obtain an empirical evidence about the effect of good corporate governance on tax avoidance which becomes a proxy of current ETR (Effective Tax Rate). The samples of this study were 120 manufacturing companies listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2010 – 2013. The hypothesis testing used multiple regression analysis. The result of this study show that audit committee has a positive effect on tax avoidance in partial but the executive compensation, executive character, company size, institutional ownership, boards of commisioners' proportion, audit committee and audit quality have simultaneous effect to define tax avoidance.
Fang Wen, Yun Bai, Xin Zhang, Yao Chen and Ninghai Li
This study aims to improve the passenger accessibility of passenger demands in the end-of-operation period.
This study aims to improve the passenger accessibility of passenger demands in the end-of-operation period.
A mixed integer nonlinear programming model for last train timetable optimization of the metro was proposed considering the constraints such as the maximum headway, the minimum headway and the latest end-of-operation time. The objective of the model is to maximize the number of reachable passengers in the end-of-operation period. A solution method based on a preset train service is proposed, which significantly reduces the variables of deciding train services in the original model and reformulates it into a mixed integer linear programming model.
The results of the case study of Wuhan Metro show that the solution method can obtain high-quality solutions in a shorter time; and the shorter the time interval of passenger flow data, the more obvious the advantage of solution speed; after optimization, the number of passengers reaching the destination among the passengers who need to take the last train during the end-of-operation period can be increased by 10%.
Existing research results only consider the passengers who take the last train. Compared with previous research, considering the overall passenger demand during the end-of-operation period can make more passengers arrive at their destination. Appropriately delaying the end-of-operation time can increase the proportion of passengers who can reach the destination in the metro network, but due to the decrease in passenger demand, postponing the end-of-operation time has a bottleneck in increasing the proportion of passengers who can reach the destination.