In systems theory, authors such as Klir, Miller, Yang, Lin and Ma, Backlund, etc. have developed different definitions of the system concept in function of both the type of…
In systems theory, authors such as Klir, Miller, Yang, Lin and Ma, Backlund, etc. have developed different definitions of the system concept in function of both the type of variables used and the type of connection between variables. The concept of the subsystem, however, tends not to vary substantially from author to author, and this leads to a new system definition based on the subsystem concept, analysing the possible cases of interaction between subsystems and obtaining results for the overall system from an analysis of its subsystems.
Provides a glossary of some (around 150) English‐French andFrench‐English building and surveying terms. References the Technicalhelp to Exporters service, and three specialist…
Provides a glossary of some (around 150) English‐French and French‐English building and surveying terms. References the Technical help to Exporters service, and three specialist dictionaries dealing with architectural, real estate and building terms. Illustrates possible pitfalls of poor translation – ′hydraulic rams′ being translated in one firm′s technical literature as ′watery sheep.′
Based on the definitions of poor data, an unascertained model and four axioms, condition functions and range etc. were analyzed then induced second‐order condition function…
Based on the definitions of poor data, an unascertained model and four axioms, condition functions and range etc. were analyzed then induced second‐order condition function, complemental condition function, connection function and the rule set of some signs concludes with the forecast method, which consists of four theorems and ten inferences, in the condition of data number m (m≥2) in Rn.
Larbi Rakhimi and Radouan Daher
Using a generalized translation operator, this study aims to obtain a generalization of Titchmarsh's theorem for the Laguerre–Bessel transform for functions satisfying the…
Using a generalized translation operator, this study aims to obtain a generalization of Titchmarsh's theorem for the Laguerre–Bessel transform for functions satisfying the ψ-Laguerre–Bessel–Lipschitz condition in the space L2α (
The author has employed the results developed by Titchmarsh, of reference number [1].
In this paper, an analogous of Titchmarsh's theorem is established for Laguerre–Bessel transform.
To the best of the authors’ findings, at the time of submission of this paper, the results reported are new and interesting.
Rishabh Ranjan, P.N. Pandey and Ajit Paul
In this paper, the authors prove that the Douglas space of second kind with a generalised form of special (α, β)-metric F, is conformally invariant.
In this paper, the authors prove that the Douglas space of second kind with a generalised form of special (α, β)-metric F, is conformally invariant.
For, the authors have used the notion of conformal transformation and Douglas space.
The authors found some results to show that the Douglas space of second kind with certain (α, β)-metrics such as Randers metric, first approximate Matsumoto metric along with some special (α, β)-metrics, is invariant under a conformal change.
The authors introduced Douglas space of second kind and established conditions under which it can be transformed to a Douglas space of second kind.
In the course of development of human communities towards industrially advanced societies of today, there have been changes not only in economic conditions in the majority of…
In the course of development of human communities towards industrially advanced societies of today, there have been changes not only in economic conditions in the majority of fields of human activity but also in the ways of providing for food, which went hand in hand with changes in living conditions. Large‐scale industrial production has brought about major changes in the way of life of the population. The development of industrial agglomerations results in a growing number of city dwellers, most of whom have no chance of producing foodstuffs of their own in kind. The distance between residential and industrial areas has been growing, the number of employed women has risen considerably. These are but a few factors affecting the way of boarding, particularly in households.
Entropy measures of fuzzy events of a set X with a (not necessary finite) positive measure µ defined on a σ‐algebra of subsets of X are studied. Using fuzzy measures and fuzzy…
Entropy measures of fuzzy events of a set X with a (not necessary finite) positive measure µ defined on a σ‐algebra of subsets of X are studied. Using fuzzy measures and fuzzy integrals, a theorem is presented, which gives a sufficient condition for the existence of entropy measures under a list of reasonable axioms. The result is used to define entropy measures for fuzzy numbers.
Buffer operators can be utilized to improve the smooth degree of the raw data sequence, and to increase the simulation accuracy of the model. The purpose of this paper is to…
Buffer operators can be utilized to improve the smooth degree of the raw data sequence, and to increase the simulation accuracy of the model. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the cause of increase in the simulation accuracy of the buffer operator.
This paper probed into the modeling mechanism of several typical buffer operators such as the arithmetic buffer operators, the buffer operators with monotonic function and weighted buffer operators. The paper also gives an example of the buffer operator sequence.
The results indicate that after applying an infinite buffer operator, whether the authors adopt a weakening buffer operator or a strengthen buffer operator, the raw sequence can be changed into a constant sequence. Because the discrete GM(1,1) model can completely simulate constant sequence, the simulation accuracy is 100 percent. Because the discrete GM(1,1) model is the accurate form of the GM(1,1) model, after applying an infinite buffer operator, the GM(1,1) model can have a very high simulation accuracy. The buffer operator model can increase the simulation accuracy of both the GM(1,1) model and the discrete GM(1,1) model.
The paper analyses the cause of increasing simulation accuracy of the buffer operator model. The paper may indicate that possible results can be studied in the future. All the buffer operator models have similar properties. After applying an infinite buffer operator, the raw sequence can be changed into a constant sequence. A fixed-point axiom may be the basic cause.
Pasqual Francesc Esteve‐Calvo and Miguel Lloret‐Climent
Based on some of the results and definitions provided in the paper “system linkage: structural functions and hierarchies” and adding new definitions that are in keeping with the…
Based on some of the results and definitions provided in the paper “system linkage: structural functions and hierarchies” and adding new definitions that are in keeping with the spirit of the same paper, new results have been obtained that explore the utility of the structural input‐output function.
Our approach is based principally on the application of graph theory to the study of relationships between variables using specific set theory concepts.
A result such as the fact that A covers B, for example, can be interpreted in terms of the latter set being formed of direct influences from elements in the former set in relation to one or more than one relationships. Analogously, the invariant set concept may be interpreted as the set maintaining its structure and status, remaining constant with respect to any possible relationships.
From a practical point of view, in the context of the study of networks within an ecosystem, authors (such as Patten et al. and Patten) have demonstrated that indirect effects between the variables of an ecosystem outweigh direct effects. This is the notion that the present authors have borne in mind in order to extend previous results to indirect influences from a discrete perspective.
The papers in this issue were given at the 25th Annual Conference, held at Bristol University from 22nd to 25th September, 1950. Some 230 delegates from the British Isles, the…
The papers in this issue were given at the 25th Annual Conference, held at Bristol University from 22nd to 25th September, 1950. Some 230 delegates from the British Isles, the Commonwealth and Europe were welcomed to dinner on Friday evening by Sir Philip Morris, C.B.E., M.A., Vice‐Chancellor of the University, and Lady Morris. No papers were given on Friday evening, Mr. J. E. Wright arranging an informal dance after dinner.