In this paper, the authors prove that the Douglas space of second kind with a generalised form of special (α, β)-metric F, is conformally invariant.
For, the authors have used the notion of conformal transformation and Douglas space.
The authors found some results to show that the Douglas space of second kind with certain (α, β)-metrics such as Randers metric, first approximate Matsumoto metric along with some special (α, β)-metrics, is invariant under a conformal change.
The authors introduced Douglas space of second kind and established conditions under which it can be transformed to a Douglas space of second kind.
Ranjan, R., Pandey, P.N. and Paul, A. (2024), "Conformal transformation of Douglas space of second kind with special (
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2021, Rishabh Ranjan, P.N. Pandey and Ajit Paul
Published in the Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode
1. Introduction
A number of geometers have been studying Douglas space [1, 2] from different point of view. The theory of Finsler spaces more precisely Berwald spaces with an (α, β)-metric [3–5] have significant role to develop the Finsler geometry [6]. The concept of Douglas space of second kind with (α, β)-metric was first discussed by I. Y. Lee [7] in Finsler geometry. In [8], S. Bacso and Matsumoto developed the concept of Douglas space as an extension of Berwald space. In [9], S. Bacso and Szilagyi introduced the concept of weakly-Berwald space as another extension of Berwald space. In [10], M. S. Kneblman started working on the concept of conformal Finsler spaces and consequently, this notion was explored by M. Hashiguchi [11]. In [12, 13] Y. D. Lee and B.N. Prasad developed the conformally invariant tensorial quantities in a Finsler space with (α, β)-metric under conformal β-change.
In this paper, we prove that the Douglas space of second kind with generalised special (α, β)-metric is conformally invariant. In the consequence, we find some results to show that the Douglas space of second kind with certain (α, β)-metric such as Randers metric, first approximate Matsumoto metric and Finsler space with some generalised form of (α, β)-metric remains unchanged geometrically under a confomal transformation.
2. Preliminaries
A Finsler space Fn = (M, F(α, β)) is said to be with an (α, β)-metric if F(α, β) is a positively homogeneous function in α and β of degree 1, where α is Riemannian metric given by α2 = aij(x)yiyj and β = bi(x)yi is 1-form. The space Rn = (M, α) is called Riemannian space associated with Fn. We shall use the following symbols [6];
The Berwald connection
Using the subscript 0 and transvecting by yi, we get
Next, differentiating (3) with respect to ym, we obtain the following definitions;
([14) A Finsler space Fn is a Douglas space of second kind if
On the other hand, a Finsler space with (α, β)-metric is a Douglas space of second kind if and only if
Furthermore, differentiating Eqn (4) with respect to yh, yj and yk, we obtain
A Finsler space Fn with (α, β)-metric is known as Douglas space of second kind if
3. Douglas space of second kind with (α, β)-metric
Under this section, we discuss the criteria for a Finsler space with an (α, β)-metric to be a Douglas space of second kind [2].
The spray coefficient Gi(x, y) of Fn can be expressed as [4].
By means of (3) and (9), we obtain the following lemma [14];
A Finsler space Fn with an (α, β)-metric is a Douglas space if and only if Bij = Biyj − Bjyi are hp(3).
Differentiating (9) with respect to yh, yk, yp and yq, we can have
Following result is used in the succeeding section [7]:
A Finsler space Fn is a Douglas space if second kind if and only if
4. Conformal change of Douglas space of second kind with (α, β)-metric
In this section, we find the criteria for a Douglas space of second kind to be conformally invariant.
Let Fn = (M, F) and
A conformal change of (α, β)-metric is given as
From Eqn (13), the Christoffel symbols are given by:
Using (13) and (14), we obtain the following identities:
Using Eqs (14) and (15), we get easily the followings:
Now we obtain the conformal transformation of Bij given by Eqn (9).
From Eqs (8), (19), (20) and using Theorem 3.1, we obtain
Hence Bij can be expressed as:
Using Eqn (11), we can have
Now, we use conformal transformation on
Therefore, we obtain the following result:
A Douglas space of second kind is conformally invariant if and only if
5. Conformal change of Douglas space of second kind with special (α, β)-metric
Consider a Finsler manifold with special (α, β)-metric defined as
Then we obtain
Therefore, using Eqn (11), we obtain
Hence, using Eqn (26),
Now, Eqn (28) can also be written as
showing that
A Douglas space of second kind with special (α, β)-metric
With the help of Theorem 3 it can be proved that a Douglas space of second kind with a Finsler space of certain (α, β)-metric is conformally transformed to a Douglas space of second kind. In this way, one can have following possible cases;
Case(i). If ϵ = 1 and k = 0, we have F = α + β which is Randers metric. In case,
occupies the formWhich shows(30) is homogeneous polynomial in (yi) of degree two.
Note that in this case, p1 = p2 = p3 = p4 = p5 = p6 = p7 = 0.
A Douglas space of second kind with Randers metric F = α + β, is conformally invariant.
Case(ii). If ϵ = 0 and k = 1, we have
. In this case obtains the form
Thus, we can have following;
A Douglas space of second kind with special (α, β)-metric
Case(iii). If ϵ = 1 and k = 1, we obtain
. In the case, occupies the form
Thus, we obtain the following;
A Douglas space of second kind with special (α, β)-metric
Case(iv). If ϵ = 1, k = 1 and t = 1, we obtain
. Then, reduces in the form
Thus, we can have the following;
A Douglas space of second kind with first approximate Matsumoto metric
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Further reading
17.Berwald L. On Cartan and Finsler geometries, III, Two dimensional Finsler spaces with rectilinear extremal. Ann Math. 1941; 42: 84-112.
18.Lee IY. On weakly-Berwald space with (α, β)-metric. Bull. Korean Math Soc. 2006; 43(2): 425-41.