Journal of International Education in Business: Volume 5 Issue 1

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Table of contents

Exploring undergraduate students' ethical perceptions in Barbados: Differences by gender, academic major and religiosity

Philmore Alleyne, Nadini Persaud

The purpose of this paper is to determine whether there were differences in students' ethical perceptions based on gender, academic major and religiosity.


Cross‐cultural impression management: a cultural knowledge audit model

Abigail Spong, Caroline Kamau

Many people moving into a new culture for work or study do so without prior cross‐cultural training, yet successful cultural adaptation has important ramifications. The purpose of…


Students' perception of quality for a business program delivered in Canada and China

Margaret Hohner, Panagiotis Tsigaris

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the beliefs of undergraduate business students studying in Canada and partners in China about the quality of the program; what they…


A cross‐national investigation of university students' complaining behaviour and attitudes to complaining

Graham Ferguson, Ian Phau

The purpose of this paper is to investigate how students from Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia differ in their propensity to complain and attitudes to complaining.


Piecing the puzzle: A framework for developing intercultural online communication projects in business education

Joanna Crossman, Sarbari Bordia

The purpose of this paper is to present a framework based on lessons learnt from a recently completed project aimed at developing intercultural online communication competencies…

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  • Dr Boniface Michael