Journal of International Education in Business: Volume 16 Issue 3

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Table of contents

Experiential learning during lockdown: a teaching case describing intercultural competency development through the mechanism of reflection using different digital teaching methods

Friederike Kittelmann, Patricia Kraft, Ellen Schmid

Based on the necessity for universities through the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic to switch to online teaching from one day to the other, this study aims to show how a…


Juxtaposing the “shareholder” and “stakeholder” views of corporate governance: a pedagogical structure for classroom discussion

Gerard Callanan, Sandra M. Tomkowicz, Megan V. Teague, David F. Perri

This study aims to present a pedagogical approach that allows students to discuss and debate the differences between two competing models of corporate governance – the shareholder…


How do business educators prepare students better about ethical decision-making?

Hau Thi Kim Do

This paper aims to identify predictors that affect business student perceptions on ethical decision-making. This paper also investigates how those predictors impact the…


High-impact practices (HIPs) benefits from study abroad country agent: a multi-method multi-perspective approach

Mary Kay Kay Rickard, Doreen Sams, Jeniffer Sams

The purpose of this study is to extend the Blevins et al. (2020) study by empirically examining the benefits of using a customized study abroad host-country provider (hereafter…


Entrepreneurship education, family entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial intention among students in Indonesia

Rindi Ardika Melsalasa Sahputri, Mukhammad Kholid Mawardi, Tri Yumarni, Sujarwoto

This study aims to examine the relationship between entrepreneurship education and students’ intentions and tests for moderating effects of students’ perceived experience and…


Fostering entrepreneurial mindsets: the impact of learning motivation, personal innovativeness, technological self-efficacy, and human capital on entrepreneurial intention

Nimitha Aboobaker, Renjini D., Zakkariya K.A.

In the context of exponential technological advancements in the economy and the role of entrepreneurial ventures in significantly contributing towards social and economic growth…


Multiplying success: the power of multiple simulations with graduated weighting and coordinated sequencing for learner engagement

Jeffrey W. Alstete

The increasing need for student engagement and the wide availability of digital teaching resources are providing opportunities for careful consideration and planning of…


Assessing the impact of business simulation as a teaching method for developing 21st century future skills

Riyaz Abdullah Sheikh, Gaafar Mohamed Abdalkrim, Yasser Moustafa Shehawy

Higher education institutions are undergoing a change in their teaching–learning practices, with the core goal of giving students the necessary skills and competencies to succeed…

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  • Dr Boniface Michael