Policing: An International Journal: Volume 47 Issue 6

Table of contents

Procedural justice, neighborhood opportunities and police legitimacy

Jeffrey T. Ward, J.Z. Bennett, Ajima Olaghere

Recent scholarship calls for identifying conditions in which procedurally just treatment translate to increased police legitimacy. The present study draws on community justice and…


Testing the determinants of job satisfaction among police administrative officers in Taiwan

ChiaHung Lin, Jihong Zhao

The current paper aims to provide insights into the determinants associated with job satisfaction among police administrative (personnel) officers in Taiwan, especially both…


Role perception and professional identity development of municipal police recruits in British Columbia

Md Asif Hossain

The study aimed to address how recruits perceive their roles and develop professional identities during in-classroom and in-field training.


Content analysis of press releases from the Norwegian serious fraud office: what do the messages say about focal concerns?

Petter Gottschalk

This article reviews 69 press releases published by the Norwegian Økokrim from June 2022 to November 2023. The presented research applies the theory of focal concerns to identify…


Law enforcement officer naturalistic decision-making in high-stress conditions

Stephanie Fariss Dailey, Lauren N.P. Campbell, Justin Ramsdell

This exploratory study aimed to investigate law enforcement officers’ decision-making processes in high-stress scenarios, exploring variations based on experience and how…


Examining community policing policy implementation and racial disparities in officer-involved lethal encounters

Yong-Chan Rhee, Charles E. Menifield

The goal of this study is to examine how community policing policies (CPP) can be effective in addressing racial disparities in police killings in the United States.


The effect of terror attacks on crime

Eran Itskovich, Or Tal Baron, Roni Factor, Simon Perry

Previous research has shown that terror attacks affect a variety of outcomes. However, one outcome that has remained relatively neglected is crime. In the current study we examine…


Crime dynamics in Edmonton’s train stations: analysing hot spots, harm spots and offender patterns

Paul Ottaro, Barak Ariel, Vincent Harinam

The objectives of this study are to (a) identify spatial and temporal crime concentrations, (b) supplement the traditional place-based analysis that defines hot spots based on…


Police mental health in small and rural areas of Pennsylvania

Jennifer C. Gibbs, Jennifer L. Schally, Ally Mullen, Melahat Akdemir, Nicholas Cutler, Timothy W. Brearly

The nature of policework is uniquely challenging to officers’ mental health, producing detrimental outcomes such as higher rates of suicide, substance abuse and divorce compared…


Predictors and mediators of work-related stress among Hong Kong police officers: a quantitative secondary survey data analysis

Yuen-kiu Cheung, Jessica C.M. Li, Shimin Zhu

The aim of this study is to examine predictors and mediators of work-related stress among Hong Kong police officers.


The boundaries within a cold case review: review type, terms of reference and prioritisation scales

Kirsty Bennett

The reviews of cold case homicides are infrequently referenced within either procedural guides or scholarly outputs. However, boundaries for the review are imperative to ascertain…


Police perceptions of BWCs by type of law enforcement agency: procedural justice, legitimacy, lawfulness, compliance and cooperation

Mustafa Demir

This study examined whether officers’ perceptions of the effect of BWCs on procedural justice, police lawfulness, police legitimacy, compliance with police and law, and…


Police coercive actions and citizen complaints: a comparison of NYPD precincts

Allison Martin

This study explores the influence of police coercive actions during Stop, Question, and Frisk (SQF) encounters on citizen complaints of police misconduct in 76 precincts in New…


To protect and to serve? Comparing students’ perceptions of the legitimacy of the campus police in urban and suburban contexts

Shannon K. Jacobsen

Given that previous research examining students’ perceptions of the legitimacy of the campus police (CP) has largely taken place on a single campus and utilized quantitative…


Relationships between physical training and marksmanship performance in tactical law enforcement officers

Jackeline Rodriguez, Kaylee Fredella, Jake Labhart, Jennifer A. Bunn, Matthew Wagner

The purpose of this study was to assess relationships between dynamic shooting accuracy and physical training behaviors in tactical police officers.


Testing the invariance of warrior and guardian orientations on the prioritization of procedural justice: Do officer demographics matter?

Grace Henry, Scott E. Wolfe

The current study sought to better understand the factors that contribute to whether officers value procedurally just interaction techniques and contribute to the limited research…


Shades in technological frames: exploring police attitudes toward body-worn cameras in Chicago

Ermus St. Louis

This study employed technological frames of reference (TFR) theory to explore officer attitudes toward body-worn cameras (BWCs) in the Chicago Police Department (CPD), identifying…


Police production and crime in the urban space: a systematic review of indicators, metrics and methods

Fernando Henrique Taques, Thyago Celso Cavalcante Nepomuceno

Empirical literature is the primary source of understanding how policing can effectively reduce criminal activities. Spatial analyses can identify particular effects that can…


Police accountability and officer misconduct: moderation effects by officers’ gender and race for body-worn cameras and an early intervention system

Kayla Freemon

Much empirical work has examined body-worn cameras (BWCs), and there is a growing interest in early intervention systems (EISs) in policing. Whether the effects of these…


The impact of operational police stress on affective commitment: the mediating role of psychological safety

Marco Tulio Fundão Zanini, Susan Hilal, Andrew Johnson, Juliana Carvalho

Police stress is a critical concern for public safety agencies. This study proposes a research model to examine the relationship between police operational stress and affective…


The impact of a brief and immersive use-of-force training exercise on citizens’ attitudes toward police

M. Lyn Exum, Joseph B. Kuhns, Shelley L. Johnson, Samuel E. DeWitt

Citizens’ attitudes toward police (ATP) have declined dramatically in recent years, prompting many agencies to implement police–community relations programs designed to build…

Cover of Policing: An International Journal







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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
  • Professor Wesley Jennings