Microelectronics International: Volume 1 Issue 2


Table of contents


Alan J. Fairbairn, Brian Waterfield

We, in the International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics, are reflecting the changes in our industry but we must also brace ourselves to accept the challenges. In our efforts…

Microjoining Developments for the Electronics Industry

K.I. Johnson

The dramatic expansion in the use and capability of electronic devices in recent years has been facilitated by the substantial development of production techniques. Modern…

Processing Polymer Thick Film Circuitry with Radiation Curing

W.J. Green

Polymer thick film, as an additive process for making circuitry, is not new but has recently received considerable attention. The process has a number of attractive features to…

Philosophy and Practice in Tolerancing Passive Components for Hybrid Circuits in ‘Long Life’ Electronic Equipment

D. Boswell

This paper reviews the need for a more realistic and professional approach by UK OEM circuit designers and hybrid engineers to the philosophy and practice of long life—‘total…

Automation of Resistor Networks, CTS, USA

J. Simon

For several years, competition within the resistor network industry has greatly increased sizeable increases in demand. To remain competitive and a leader in the field, CTS…

Thick Film Screen Techniques

C.E. Hargrave

Basic properties of screen materials are defined, with a study of different mesh formations and coatings and their effect on the printed image. Detailed specifications are given…

TCR's of Thick Film Resistors Produced in High Volume

F.D. Hauschild

In the manufacture of resistors with low TCR values it is found that difficulties start at TCR values of less than ±50 ppm/°C. This paper will show if ±50 ppm/°C is a realistic…

Integrated MLC Substrates

H. Hazzard

This paper introduces and describes a new concept in multilayer ceramic capacitor (MLC) design which dramatically improves final microcircuit packaging density by incorporating…

Enhanced Static Problems with Reduced MOS Chip Geometry

J.W. Molyneux Child

The escalating problem of electrostatic discharge damage to MOS devices, resulting from the need for a continual reduction in chip geometry, is examined, with data provided on the…

Gate Array Packaging—The Forgotten Problem

N. Silver

As semi‐custom devices increase in complexity, much time is being devoted to solving the problems of automating their design. The associated problems of packaging are being…

Alumina with a Thermal Conductivity Close to Beryllia

C. Val, N. Humbert

Previous studies on special dielectrics for multilayer screen printing led to defining a new concept for standard alumina substrate. The modification of the process and structure…

CIT‐Alcatel, ‘Division Microélectronique (Hybride)’, France

Brian Waterfield

The CIT‐Alcatel Group, with a turnover of more than 10 billion French francs, is a subsidiary of the huge ‘Compagnie Générale d'Electricité’ and is deeply involved in the…

ISHM news

Brian Waterfield, Peter Moran, Nihal Sinnadurai

ISHM (UK) presented a technical meeting on this topic on the 23rd October 1982 at the Cunard International Hotel, London. The meeting was attended by some 50 engineers, both those…

Industry news

Dennis Gross, Brian Waterfield

As a result of reorganisation within the Company, AVX Limited have appointed Keith France as General Manager, Sales and Marketing. Previously General Manager, Sales, Europe, Mr…

New products

An improved quality NQ3 of coated substrates for the manufacture of thin film hybrid circuits is now available from Balzers.

Cover of Microelectronics International







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  • Professor John Atkinson