Processing Polymer Thick Film Circuitry with Radiation Curing
Polymer thick film, as an additive process for making circuitry, is not new but has recently received considerable attention. The process has a number of attractive features to offer and when radiation curing is used to accelerate the curing process the technology becomes even more attractive. To be accepted by industry on a large scale, however, these materials must be certified by independent circuit board testing laboratories. Using infra‐red as the curing process, Methode prepared a polymer thick film version of a test pattern used for testing to Mil 55110 and produced some very promising results.
Green, W.J. (1983), "Processing Polymer Thick Film Circuitry with Radiation Curing", Microelectronics International, Vol. 1 No. 2, pp. 12-13.
Copyright © 1983, MCB UP Limited