Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal: Volume 16 Issue 3
Table of contents - Special Issue: International ethics, fraud and corruption: a cross‐cultural perspective
Guest Editors: Chad Albrecht, Conan Albrecht
Differences in attitudes about fraud and corruption across cultures: Theory, examples and recommendations
James Lloyd BierstakerThe purpose of this paper is to examine differences in managers' and employees' attitudes about fraud across different cultures, provide some theories as to why these differences…
Corruption from a cross‐cultural perspective
John HookerBecause cultures operate in very different ways, different activities are corrupting in different parts of the world. Taking the view that corruption is an activity that tends to…
Why or why not? Rationalizing corruption in organizations
Tanja Rabl, Torsten M. KühlmannThe literature states that rationalization strategies contribute to a spread of corruption in organizations. They are supposed to serve not only as post hoc justifications but…
The propensity to bribe in international business: the relevance of cultural variables
Rajib Sanyal, Turgut GuvenliThis paper seeks to examine the extent to which national cultural characteristics impact the propensity of firms based in the country to engage in bribery to gain advantages when…
Fraud score analysis in emerging markets
Christopher J. Skousen, Brady James TwedtThe purpose of this research is to determine the likelihood of financial statement manipulations in companies throughout a variety of emerging market countries and compare this…
Fraud and white‐collar crime: a Chinese perspective
Richard G. Brody, Robert LuoThis paper sets out to discuss white‐collar crime and fraud in China and to draw implications for Western businesses wishing to enter the Chinese market.