The TQM Magazine: Volume 7 Issue 1


Table of contents

In defence of TQM

Rob Evans

An abundance of much publicized TQM failures have tarnished thegood name of total quality management. Rob Evans, chief executive at ODIEurope, argues that these are problems with…


Organizing for continuous improvement: an examination

E. Cook, B.G. Dale

Reports the main findings of a study carried out into the qualityimprovement structure of six different companies. Among the findings isthat an infrastructure in terms of TQM…


Current status of total quality management implementation in Taiwan companies

Pao‐Long Chang, Kuen‐Horng Lu

A survey was carried out to obtain some information about TQMimplementation in Taiwan. Describes the main findings through the eightcritical factors of TQM – role of top…


Principals and quality performance: getting in the back door

L. David Weller

Reforming and restructuring education through Deming’s 14 pointshave proved successful in yielding quality outcomes. However, many newlyproposed programmes take the traditional…


Developing a TQM excellence model: part 2

Samuel K. Ho, Christopher K. Fung

Part 1 developed a model called LETQMEX standing for LEicesterBusiness School TQM EXcellence Model based on sound total qualitymanagement (TQM) practices. An intensive…


The fifth era

Michael M. Kaye, Marilyn D. Dyason

This research is mainly concerned with the reasons why manyorganizations remain rooted in the early quality eras and what preventsthem from making the transition to the era of…


Empowerment and trust key to partnerships

Les Richards

In 1991 SGS‐THOMSON introduced partnerships with key suppliers.Describes how the partnership excellence programmes (PEP) developed.Shows how emphasis on employee empowerment and…


Business process re‐engineering at the Co‐operative Bank improving personal customer service

Wyn Dignan

The Co‐operative Bank strategy of encouraging its customers totelephone or write to its account management centre, rather than thebranches, proved successful. Volumes grew…


Keep your customers happy and your competition will slowly fade away

Anthony Ovenden

All commercial organizations owe their existence to customers, andbecause they are so valuable to companies they should be well cared for.Unless a customer receives good service…


How to get your approval into print

Linda Campbell

Once ISO 9000 has been achieved, it is important that customers andpotential customers should be aware of this. The best way to do this isto get it into print. Lloyd’s Register…


Designing quality partnerships

Tony Rounthwaite, Ian Shell

Argues that the theory of TQM can be extended into aninterorganizational perspective. Based on research aimed at establishingthe extent to which TQM and “partnership” working can…




Renamed to:

The TQM Journal

Online date, start – end:

1988 – 2007

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Merged from:

Training for Quality