Table of contents

International Academy for Quality (IAQ), past and future

H. James Harrington

This paper presents the role that the International Academy for Quality (IAQ) plays in furthering the dissemination and practice of quality methods and concepts around the world…


The new quality for the twenty‐first century

A.V. Feigenbaum

General Systems Company, Inc. has been directing its experience in installing quality systems throughout the world, as well as its research department’s focus on the development…


Quality and humanity

Yoshio Kondo

Suggests that quality of product and service is the key to competitiveness in the open market. Points out that among the three corporate management indicators, quality possesses a…


Quality assessment through statistically‐based sensory evaluation methods

Miflora M. Gatchalian

Among the many tools available for measurement of human perceptions of product and service quality, sensory evaluation methods have been found to be most useful, particularly for…


The quality‐related international trade agreements of the World Trade Organization and their implications for quality professionals

Enrique Sierra

This article highlights the main principles and provisions contained in the WTO’s product quality related agreements, i.e. the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and…


Quality standards development in a hypercompetitive scenario

Tito Conti

Standards play an increasingly important role in the development of the “global village”, both from the economic and the quality of life perspective. However, development of…


A view of quality trends in South America in the twenty‐first century

Marcos E.J. Bertin

Starting in the 1980s, South America went through dramatic political and economic changes. Military governments were replaced by democratic governments. These governments, forced…


Gaining perspectives: the future of TQM in public sectors

Madhav N. Sinha

An overwhelming body of evidence concludes that the private sectors provide better quality service than the public sectors. Such findings may well exacerbate the belief of the…


Evolution from quality management to an integrative management system based on TQM and its impact on the profession of quality managers in industry

Dietmar Mangelsdorf

Quality has a long tradition in industry. In and after the Second World War we all focused on quality control. In the 1980s, quality management systems, as given in the ISO…


Qualimetrics and qualieconomics

Yossi Bester

Notes that in many organizations, quality management fulfills a role which is not measured or even quantitively estimated. Notes that elements such as sales and productivity are…


Trendy versus effective quality strategies

Lennart Sandholm

Five stages of quality culture can be identified: dormant, awakening, groping, action and maturity. Most companies being in the groping stage rely on “the flavor of the month”…


New ways of organizing the realization of customer value – a new challenge for the twenty‐first century

Kerstin M.C. Jonson

The twenty‐first century has been predicted to be the century of quality. Customers around the world will demand quality. Quality will be a success factor for business, and…


Meeting customers’ requirements and what can be expected

Gabor S. Aschner

Relates a number of stories with regard to unsatisfactory items purchased by the author, describing his efforts to get satisfaction from the companies involved. Considers common…


Standards and TQM at the opening of the twenty‐first century

Norman Burgess

There have been National and International (ISO) attempts to “standardise” TQM and quality improvement activities. Meanwhile, the success of many international businesses has…


Perspectives on statistical quality engineering

T.N. Goh

Some of the frequently asked questions about the what, why, when, how, where and who of statistical quality engineering are discussed. Questions answered include: “What would be…


Quality concepts in education

F. Craig Johnson, William A.J. Golomskiis

Notes that professionals in education have learned from those in industry with regard to quality management concepts. Suggests that, with regard to quality concepts in…




Renamed to:

The TQM Journal

Online date, start – end:

1988 – 2007

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited