A view of quality trends in South America in the twenty‐first century
Starting in the 1980s, South America went through dramatic political and economic changes. Military governments were replaced by democratic governments. These governments, forced by a severe crisis and the requirements of an increasingly competitive global economy, implemented, in the early 1990s, economic reforms based on free market principles and created the Mercosur. The major countries in this new and dynamic common market are Argentina and Brazil. In essence, these countries’ governments implemented policies conducive to competitiveness. As a result of these changes, quality became a key success factor for business. An increasing number of CEOs are becoming directly involved in quality. In Argentina, three institutions, created during the past ten years, are working in close co‐ordination to improve the country’s competitiveness. Similar activities are carried out in Brazil. A lot remains to be done in order to remain competitive in the increasingly difficult global markets.
Bertin, M.E.J. (1999), "A view of quality trends in South America in the twenty‐first century", The TQM Magazine, Vol. 11 No. 6, pp. 409-413. https://doi.org/10.1108/09544789910287700
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