The TQM Magazine: Volume 1 Issue 5
Table of contents
Implementing SPC: Keys to success
MAL OWEN, BARRIE DALE, PETER SHAWMost organisations experience difficulties when implementing and developing SPC. The mistakes can be avoided. This paper provides the framework for the successful introduction of…
Statistical process development
Allan CollinsThe Japanese are investing in the development function — experimental design techniques contribute an estimated 50% towards the quality of Japanese goods and processes. Quality…
Kaizen at Kubota Steel
Masaharu MatsumuraThis article examines the role of the foreman in continuous quality improvement. Through intensive training in production technologies and management practices, Kubota's foremen…
Questions for Crosby
Philip Crosby has agreed to answer questions from The TQM Magazine readers from time to time. This first article has been prepared using questions he was asked in a recent open…
The Japanese approach to quality
Mike Asher, Barrie DaleEarlier this year Dr Barrie Dale led a quality fact‐finding mission to Japan. Eighteen European managers had a unique opportunity of seeing first‐hand the Japanese approach to…
The role of process modelling
John MarshThis article presents the proven business benefits of Process Modelling in continuous improvement. The emphasis is on case study material, highlighting the successes and warning…
Quality engineering
E.J. HenshallFord of Europe has as its mission ‘to continually improve our products and services to meet our customer needs’. The company is adopting Taguchi's philosophy of Loss Function…
Employee action teams
Anna KochanTelemecanique's Carros plant has witnessed a substantial improvement in product quality by involving employees in progress groups. Each group is responsible for identifying and…